How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

A screenshot is a photo of your screen. Screenshots can be useful if you don't know what to do with a certain notification or setting. You can take a screenshot and send it to a family member or the customer service. Screenshots can also come in handy if you want to share something funny with someone. In this article, we'll tell you how to take a screenshot on your Samsung Galaxy.

  1. Take a screenshot with your Samsung phone
  2. Key combination screenshot: on/off and volume button
  3. Swipe on the screen
  4. View screenshots

Take a screenshot with your Samsung phone

How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

You can take a screenshot in 2 different ways on a Samsung smartphone. Either way, you can find the screenshot in the gallery.

  1. Key combination screenshot with the on/off and volume button
  2. Screenshot with a swipe over the screen
  3. View your screenshots

Key combination screenshot: on/off and volume button

Using a button combination is the easiest way to take a screenshot. On Samsung Galaxy smartphones, you briefly push the on/off button, also known as the standby button, and the volume down button at the same time. You can find these buttons on the side of your device. The latest Samsung smartphones have these buttons on the right side, such as the Samsung Galaxy Fold. Older models have the volume button on the left and the on/off button on the right of the screen.

Swipe on the screen

  • 1. Go to 'Settings'

  • 2. Choose 'Advanced functions'

  • 3. Choose 'Motions and Gestures'

  • 4. Turn on 'Palm swipe to capture'

You can also control some Samsung smartphones with smart gestures. For example, you can take a screenshot this way. Place the side of your hand on the right side of the screen and swipe it left horizontally. You've now taken a screenshot. Didn't work? Check if the settings are correct:

  1. Go to 'Settings'.
  2. Choose 'Advanced functions'.
  3. Go to 'Motions and gestures'.
  4. Check if 'Palm swipe to capture' is turned on. Is this not the case? Check the circle on the right.

Don't see this option? That means that you Samsung smartphone doesn't support this function.

View screenshots

  • 1. Go to Gallery.

  • 2. Tap the image you want to see in the overview.

  • 3. View your screenshot

After you've taken a screenshot, you'll want to look at it. Your Samsung smartphone saves screenshots in your Gallery. This is how you get there:

  1. Tap the 'Gallery' icon.
  2. You'll now see an overview of all your photos and screenshots. Tap an image to view your screenshot.

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Article by:

Jesper Smartphone Expert.

Taking a screenshot is a handy way to save what’s on your display for future reference, and here’s how you can do it if you’ve got a Samsung phone.

Whether you’re using a screenshot to take a quick note of something that’s appeared on your display, or you’d like to share a baffling or amusing occurrence on a messaging app with your friends, they can be a highly useful tool for communication, jogging your memory, and more.

This quick guide explains all you need to know about taking a screenshot on a Samsung smartphone.

What we used

  • We used the Samsung Galaxy S22 Plus, but this method will work for any Samsung smartphone

The short version

  • Choose the shot you’d like to take
  • Press down the power button or Bixby button and the lower volume key at the same time
  • If you’re using an older device with a home button, press this down instead along with the lower volume key
  • Edit or share your screenshot as you wish
  • You can find all of your screenshots in your phone’s Gallery app

  1. Step

    Choose the shot you’d like to take

    How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

    First of all, you’ve got to be looking at the screenshot that you want to take; once the process is complete, you will have saved an image of exactly what’s on your display at that moment. This might sound obvious, but do care take not to accidentally capture a part of the screen you wouldn’t like to share, especially if it reveals private information.

    How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

  2. Step

    Press down the power button and the lower volume key at the same time

    How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

    If you’ve got a Samsung phone from the last few years, press down the power button (or Bixby button), and the lower volume key at the same time. Depending on your phone, they might be on the same side or opposing sides of the screen. You don’t have to keep this position held for very long; simply click them at the same time for a second, and your shot should be captured.

    How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

  3. Step

    If on an older handset, press the home button and the power button at the same time

    How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

    If your Samsung phone is a bit older and has a home button below the screen (resembling the image below) then the process is slightly different.

    Press down the home button and the lower volume slider in the same manner – both at the same time, for just a second – and you will have taken a screenshot.

    How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

  4. Step

    How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

    You’ll know that the screenshot has been taken because you’ll see either a notification at the top of the screen (on an older phone) or else a floating window towards the bottom, which prompts you to edit or share the screenshot you’ve just taken.

    It’s often advisable to make a couple of changes, especially such as cropping the shot in order to better frame a certain part of the image or remove potentially sensitive information from the notifications bar at the top, and then you can share it via a messaging app if you wish.

    How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

  5. Step

    How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

    If you took a screenshot to save for later rather than sending right away, then you can find it (along with previous screenshots that you’ve taken) in the Gallery app of your phone, in a dedicated folder that is aptly named Screenshots.

    How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy


Is taking a screenshot a long process?

No, the action itself just takes a second.

Are there any privacy concerns about taking a screenshot?

Always make sure not to send information that you don’t want others to see, especially if personal information is present on the display that you are sharing (including in the notifications bar at the top).

Where can I find the screenshots that I have taken?

Go into your phone’s Gallery app, click the Albums tab, and you should find an automatically-created folder named Screenshots that contains all of the screenshots that you have taken on this phone.

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How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

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How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

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How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

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How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

Editorial independence

Editorial independence means being able to give an unbiased verdict about a product or company, with the avoidance of conflicts of interest. To ensure this is possible, every member of the editorial staff follows a clear code of conduct.

How do i do a screenshot on my samsung galaxy

Professional conduct

We also expect our journalists to follow clear ethical standards in their work. Our staff members must strive for honesty and accuracy in everything they do. We follow the IPSO Editors’ code of practice to underpin these standards.

Where is the screenshot icon on Samsung?

Since there's something you want to capture on your screen, you obviously know how to start your Android device, so you already identified where the Power button is. 🙂 Press-and-hold on it, and a menu should pop up on the right side of your screen. From the few options available, tap on Screenshot.