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    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Response Time: Within 15 MinsSulekha score: 4.9Working hours: 10: AM to 07 PM

    Yash Lawns is spread over nine acres of beautifully landscaped grounds adorned with majestic palm trees, shimmering fountains, winding brick pathways and picturesque stone gazebos. Enchanting lighting lends an aura of irresistible romance and mystique to this unique location, perched high above the city of Pune. The spectacular view will leave you breathless while providing a superb backdrop for truly memorable occasions, whether weddings, corpor...less


    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Sulekha score: 7.3

    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Sulekha score: 3.9

    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Community Hall, Personal event hall rentals

    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Working hours: 7 AM to 11 PM

    Dr Ujwala from Pune

    "Great ambiance restaurant and banquet hall in camp Pune. Superb food. Friendly staff"

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    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Community Hall, Personal event hall rentals

    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Community Hall, Personal event hall rentals

    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Working hours: 11:00 AM to 11:59 PM

    Satish haribhau fale from Pune

    "Very good catering services in Pune "

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    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Halls to rent out for parties near me

    Community Hall, Women's hostels, Personal event hall rentals

    Working hours: 09:00 AM to 09:00 PM

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    Community Hall Queries

    Questions - 13 Answers - 14

    How many people can AC banquet halls accommodate?


    Niviya01 September 2022

    Party & Banquet Hall Rentals


    Vetha 02 September 2022

    The space of a banquet hall is very important while hosting an event. Care must be taken that it is not overcrowded and suffocating, for it will cause discomfort to the guests attending the event. Banquet halls come with or without AC. An AC Banquet hall can accommodate an average of 50 to 1000 people, who can also dine in a timely fashion. Ensure that the Air Conditioners in the hall are sufficient for the number of people the hall can accommodate, and also check if the temperatures are set right.(More)

    Want to know about the best banquet halls near you?


    Niviya31 August 2022

    Party & Banquet Hall Rentals

    People usually enquire about banquet halls from their neighbors, relatives, friends, and colleagues while hosting a party. But this inquiry is made easier these days, and you can get the information about any Banquet hall at your fingertips in minutes. You can log in to Sulekha .com, where you will be able to find a list of Banquet halls and their service providers. With sulekha, you will be able to connect with trustworthy and professional service providers. All you have to do is just register with sulekha, and you will be given a list of verified banquet hall service providers along with their location, reviews, ratings, and contact details. You can book Banquet halls with sulekha for any type of event, including corporate, wedding, personal and private parties.(More)

    What is the purpose of banquet halls?


    Niviya30 August 2022

    Party & Banquet Hall Rentals


    Bharat 01 September 2022

    Banquet halls are large spaces with the special purpose of hosting an event, both business and social. Banquet halls can accommodate any crowd depending upon their area, where food is also served to large groups of people. People hire a banquet hall to hold events like Weddings, parties, and much more. Companies book a banquet hall for various events like training events, award functions, corporate parties, and celebrations. Sometimes hotels and restaurants have banquet halls as a part of their buildings which they rent out to people.(More)

    Can I bring my own decorations, or do banquet halls offer them?


    Niviya29 August 2022

    Party & Banquet Hall Rentals

    Some Banquet halls do offer to decorate the hall themselves, while some of them would not. In that case, you can hire a stage decorating service to do it for you. You can choose to decorate the hall either with simple designs or grand ones. However, decorating a banquet hall can charge you anywhere between Rs. 40000 to Rs. 500000 approximately, depending on the type of décor you choose.(More)

    What is a good size for a banquet hall?


    Niviya28 August 2022

    Party & Banquet Hall Rentals

    Just like how it is important to have good food and good decor for a wedding, a banquet hall accommodating your guests is also important. You should not let your guests wait outside the banquet hall due to insufficient space. Therefore look for a banquet hall that will properly accommodate your guest list. You should make sure that the eating space should also not be overcrowded. The following is the average size of the banquet halls accommodating different crowd sizes:25 people - 150-875 Sq.ft. approx. 50 people - 300-1,750 Sq.ft. approx.75 people - 450-2,625 Sq.ft. approx.100 people - 600-3,500 Sq.ft. approx.125 people - 750-4,375 Sq.ft. approx.150 people - 900-5,250 Sq.ft. approx.175 people - 1,050-6,125 Sq.ft. approx.200 people - 1,200-7,000 Sq.ft. approx.500 people - 3,000-13,000 Sq.ft. approx(More)

    Recent Customer Reviews in Pune As on Oct 06, 2022

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    1 Photos of Community Hall in Pune

    • Halls to rent out for parties near me

      By Yash Lawns Bibwewadi,Pune

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