Growing weed with fish tank light

I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to whether or not it's advisable to use an aquarium light during veg or bloom for autoflowers. I will be growing 3 Critical Purple AF from Growers Choice in a 32" x 32" x 64" tent. This is my first grow and I would like to achieve the best results and the least amount of headaches.

I have a UNS Titan 1 Full RGB light that I am not presently using and I was wondering if this light would be suitable. UNS's website has information regarding the lights output details.

If this light is not suitable, what light would you recommend under $200?

Growing weed with fish tank light
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images North America

In a surprising bit of news we’re reporting that marijuana (yes the Cannabis plant) is having a direct impact on the reef aquarium hobby. The popularity of medical marijuana may be a double-edged sword in the widespread availability of new lighting technologies for use in marine and reef aquaria. Discussion in the LED lighting sector have suggested that some LED lighting companies that have not yet entered the reef aquarium industry are considering focusing on the budding and state-legalized medicinal marijuana growing opportunities rather than the reef aquarium LED lighting market. California’s decision to legalize medicinal marijuana has brought about a market for legal growing operations and some LED manufactures think it could be much more lucrative to cater towards the medical marijuana lighting market.

Growing weed with fish tank light
Marijuana has a surprising impact on reefing, beyond just staring at the "pretty colors"

Growing plants is far easier than lighting reef tanks.  Plants require light for photosynthesis (obviously) but do not require the debatable lighting spectrums used to make reef tanks pretty.  Adding some pink fluorescent bulbs to a reef tank has long been known to bring out some colors (although possibly contributing to the bleaching of some corals), and now we see LEDs that are 420nm or 480nm, and even green LEDs being suggested for aquarium fixtures. This type of variability and personal choice make mass production of lights very difficult.  It has been a major reason why local stores often chose not to stock metal halide bulbs.  On the other hand, cranking out LED fixtures that are all the same is very appealing to a manufacturer.

Reef Hobbyists are also known for wanting all sorts of “extras” with their lights.  Separate plugs for blue and white, built in timers, dimmable controls, splash guard to keep water out, optical lenses, plus be able to withstand an overall harsh and humid environment.  Now picture needing a light fixture to throw in your closet over some plants… just one plug without bells and whistles and not nearly the amount of humidity issues.  The cost of production would be far less than the souped up “reef” version.

However, this information may not be that bad in the end.  If there is a market for plant growers to use LED lights and we see more companies tapping that market, it could lead to mass production of fixtures which could be used in the hobby.  Swapping out bulbs could be the first step to basic entry-level LED fixtures.  An entire market for adding extras (timers, dimmers, lenses) wouldn’t be far behind.  The basic takeaway from this all is what may be a hindrance in the short term as some companies pass on the reef market, could turn into big improvements in the future as general fixtures become mass produced lowering the cost and allowing more hobbyists to take the plunge towards LED lighting.

Growing weed with fish tank light

what sort of light is it,uv/fluorescent ?
what wattage ?
the type of light and power will determine if it is a viable grow light.
i do not know where in the world you are but in the uk and northern hemisphere it is winter,you will have to wait till spring for outside.

if you're retired or you ain't got a job and you ain't growing and smoking weed ,i don't know what the fuck you are doing!

Growing weed with fish tank light

one plant you can grow under cfl's or strip fluororescents,you will need in excess of 100 watts ,ie 125 w cfl ,3 x 36 w tubes .just to add the more light the bigger the yield.
tubes=mix of cool white and warm white.
cfl = 6400k or 2700k[k = kelvin]

Last edited by wert; 09-12-10 at 09:55 AM.

Do fish tank lights work for growing plants?

Yes, aquarium plants will definitely grow under LED as long as the light emits in the right spectrum. Regular white LEDs are great and will allow your plants to thrive.

Can you use reef lights to grow plants?

Yes, I used an spare reef light to grow cilantro and tomatoes. AI prime can definitely grow these.