Google sheets pull data from another sheet based on cell value

How to Sync All Your Calendars with Google Calendar

If you work with multiple calendars, making sure they are in sync is crucial to avoid missed meetings and double bookings. In this guide, we will show you how to sync multiple calendars with Google Calendar, even if they are spread across multiple calendar applications. Many Google Workspace users prefer to sync all their agendas, including Microsoft and Apple calendars with Google Calendar. If your company is using Google Workspace apps, it’s worth considering the switch to Google Calendar. You are not restricted to calendars provided by Google or used by someone with a Google Calendar. Calendars from other apps can be added using iCalendar (also known as iCal or.ics), a long-standing format for storing calendar information. How to add a calendar using iCal URL iCal feeds (also known as ICS or iCalendar) are a calendar-based event exchange standard. Most cloud-based calendar applications will allow you to export events in this format, and the best part is that events stay in sync even if you continue to make changes using the original app. Calendar feeds are automatically updated by Google Calendar every few hours. Please note that deleting your calendar from the original app will also remove it from Google Calendar, so make sure you keep it active even after syncing it with Google Calendar. Normally you can obtain the iCal feed URL from within the settings or export/import section of any calendar app. Once you have the iCal URL, you can import it to Google Calendar. 1. To get started, open Google Calendar on the web and go to Settings (top right corner). 2. From the Add Calendar section, choose From URL. 3. Paste in the iCal URL and click Add Calendar. Your calendar will show up under “Other Calendars,” and events should be visible right away alongside your existing Google Calendar agenda. Remember that deleting the calendar from the original app, also removes it from Google Calendar.

When working with large datasets, the information tends to be spread out among different spreadsheets. In how to do VLOOKUP in Excel with two spreadsheets we explain the many benefits of using the VLOOKUP function to easily transfer information between sheets and workbooks in Excel.

However, did you know that Google Sheets also allows you to use the VLOOKUP function to find data between different sheets or spreadsheet files? This article will show you how to use the VLOOKUP function effectively in your Google Sheets to quickly identify and move your data.

How to use Google Sheets to VLOOKUP data from another sheet?

VLOOKUP formula is an abbreviation for “vertical lookup”. This means that the formula is used to search for a key in the first column of a specified range. It then returns the value of the specified cell with the range’s row.

Just like in Excel, Google Sheets also allows you to VLOOKUP from another spreadsheet within a file, or even another Google Sheet file altogether. First, let’s break down the formula for Google Sheets.

Google Sheets VLOOKUP Syntax

VLOOKUP(search_key, range, index, [is_sorted])
  • search_key: refers to the key or value you perform the search for.
  • range: is the data considered for the search. The first column of the selected range is searched for to find the search_key.
  • index: refers to the first column in the range where the search_key will be searched for. The index refers to the column position - 1, 2, 3, etc.
  • [is_sorted]: is used to indicate whether the first column to be searched is sorted. Since it is set to “true” by default, which returns the closest match, you need to specify “false” in order to search for an exact match.

Let's see how the VLOOKUP formula works in Google Sheets with a practical example.

Let’s say I am responsible for an international internship program. For this, I need to collect, structure, and update data for students, universities, and companies where the internship takes place. I am currently updating the ‘STUDENT INFO’ sheet in my Google Sheets file. Here, I have distributed the student-related data among three different tabs or sheets titled ‘MAIN’, ‘FILE’, and ‘PROGRAM’.

Since I will be using the first tab for most daily tasks, I want to keep the basic student information here; student ID, student’s university, and student’s email address. Let’s see how I can VLOOKUP the email address in Google Sheets from my other ‘FILE’ tab.

  1. 1. Start on the Google Sheet where you wish to add your VLOOKUP results. In this example, I will add my data to the 'STUDENT INFO' file, under a column called 'Email'.

Here, we have seen the VLOOKUP in Google Sheets with a single-criteria example. However, Google Sheets allows you to VLOOKUP multiple columns by using multiple criteria. You can retrieve several values distributed in various columns. Its most common use is for first and last names to be joined in one single column.

Another excellent way to save time is to use the VLOOKUP function to transfer data from another spreadsheet in Google Sheets. Let’s explore how to do this method now.

How to use Google Sheets to VLOOKUP data from another workbook?

Let’s say that I now want to add data related to the company in the ‘STUDENT INFO’ spreadsheet. However, all the company-related information is on a separate one, entitled ‘INTERNSHIP INFO’. You can easily VLOOKUP data from a different spreadsheet by simply combining it with the IMPORTRANGE formula. We recommend that you read more about this formula in our post on How to use IMPORTRANGE in Google Sheets before getting started with the next steps.

Google Sheets IMPORTRANGE Formula Syntax

IMPORTRANGE(spreadsheet_url, range_string)
  • spreadsheet_url: refers to the URL of the Google Sheet from where data will be imported. It should appear enclosed in quotation marks or be a reference to a cell containing the URL of a spreadsheet.
  • range_string: corresponds to the range of the sheet to be imported and should also be placed within quotation marks followed by an exclamation point. It either be enclosed in quotation marks or appear as a referenced cell.

Let’s see it more clearly in the example.

  1. 1. Go to your original file and start typing the VLOOKUP formula where you want your data to be located. In this example, I will open my ‘STUDENT INFO’ file and type in the formula in the cell under my new ‘Company’ column.

Layer is an add-on that equips you with the tools to increase efficiency and data quality in your processes on top of Google Sheets. Share parts of your Google Sheets, monitor, review and approve changes, and sync data from different sources – all within seconds. See how it works.

Using Layer, you can:

  • Share & Collaborate: Automate your data collection and validation through user controls.
  • Automate & Schedule: Schedule recurring data collection and distribution tasks.
  • Integrate & Sync: Connect to your tech stack and sync all your data in one place.
  • Visualize & Report: Generate and share reports with real-time data and actionable decisions.

Limited Time Offer: Install the Layer Google Sheets Add-On today and Get Free Access to all the paid features, so you can start managing, automating, and scaling your processes on top of Google Sheets!


Now that you have seen the benefits of transferring data in Google Sheets with the VLOOKUP function within a worksheet, or used in combination with the IMPORTRANGE function between different worksheets, you can continue to collect data online without worrying about having to include it manually. There are two main aspects to remember to benefit from its full potential:

  • You need a shared value to use the VLOOKUP function within a Google Sheet and between spreadsheets.
  • Check the sharing permissions of the Google Sheets you will be using the VLOOKUP and IMPORTRANGE formulas on.

If you’re interested in learning about more methods to transfer data within Excel files automatically, visit our blog section for Excel and check how to transfer data from one Excel worksheet to another automatically.

Use Excel as your main tool for data management? Discover how to use the Excel VLOOKUP formula to search data from another sheet.

How do I pull specific data from one Google sheet to another?

Import data from another spreadsheet.
In Sheets, open a spreadsheet..
In an empty cell, enter =IMPORTRANGE..
In parenthesis, add the following specifications in quotation marks and separated by a comma*: The URL of the spreadsheet in Sheets. ... .
Press Enter..
Click Allow access to connect the 2 spreadsheets..

Can Google Sheets pull data from another sheet?

You can reference a single cell from another Google Sheet, or multiple cells, and pull data from another sheet into your current sheet according to your requirements.

How do I pull data from another sheet in Excel based on cell value?

To pull data from another sheet by using cell references in Excel:.
Click in the cell where you want the pulled data to appear..
Type = (equals sign) followed by the name of the sheet you want to pull data from. ... .
Type ! ... .
Press Enter..
The value from your other sheet will now appear in the cell..

How do you auto populate a cell in Google sheets based on another cell?

Use autofill to complete a series.
On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets..
In a column or row, enter text, numbers, or dates in at least two cells next to each other..
Highlight the cells. You'll see a small blue box in the lower right corner..
Drag the blue box any number of cells down or across..