Does everyone have to get their wisdom teeth taken out

Does everyone have to get their wisdom teeth taken out

While the majority of people will have their wisdom teeth removed, not everyone will need to. These third molars make an appearance in our early adult years, typically around the age of 17, but for some, not until the early 20s.

Why do some people need their wisdom teeth removed but others don’t? Essentially, people who don’t have enough room in their jaw to accommodate all four wisdom teeth will need to have these teeth removed. For people who have larger jaws to accommodate all their teeth, they may not need to have them extracted.

Here’s what else you need to know about who needs to have their wisdom teeth extracted.

When Removal Is Necessary: Impacted Wisdom Teeth

People whose wisdom teeth never fully erupt—also called impacted wisdom teeth—will need to have these molars removed.

Impacted wisdom teeth may partially come in through the gums, or they may come in at an angle that will disrupt the neighboring teeth. These impacted molars can result in infections and an increased risk for tooth decay, as they’re difficult to clean due to their status of being trapped in the gum tissue [1].

Wisdom teeth that are impacted will push against nearby teeth and can cause crowding, which could affect any orthodontic work you’ve previously had done, or make it harder to properly clean your teeth.

When Wisdom Teeth Can Stay: Plenty of Room in the Jaw

Some people will have their wisdom teeth come in completely without any issues. In cases such as these—provided there are no adverse symptoms—wisdom teeth may be fine to leave alone [2].

However, some patients who have plenty of room in their jaw for their wisdom teeth to erupt still experience symptoms that could necessitate removal. For example, wisdom teeth are located far back in the mouth and be difficult to clean, increasing the chances that these teeth would experience tooth decay.

Have Questions? Schedule an Exam

The only way to know if your wisdom teeth are impacted or require removal is with a professional exam and x-rays from your dentist [3]. X-rays can reveal if these third molars are present and whether they’re coming in crooked. Some patients don’t even have wisdom teeth, or some people may only have two instead of four!

Wisdom tooth extraction is a very common procedure that can be done by an experienced dentist or an oral surgeon. Recovery time typically only takes a few days, and the discomfort is minimal. Whether or not your wisdom teeth have already come in, your dentist can let you know if they’re healthy or if they could require an extraction in the future!



Does everyone have to get their wisdom teeth taken out

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Does Everyone Need Their Wisdom Teeth Extracted?


Why do some people need their wisdom teeth removed but others don’t? Here’s what else you need to know about who needs to have their wisdom teeth extracted.


Lansdowne Dental Associates

Most people will have a total of 32 permanent teeth once they become adults. The last of these teeth to come in usually are the third molars, also called wisdom teeth, which typically erupt between the ages of 17 and 21.

Typically, people will have one wisdom tooth in each corner of the mouth for a total of four. However, it’s not uncommon for someone to have less than four, or even no wisdom teeth at all. If you do have wisdom teeth, will likely have a discussion with your dentist regarding removing them.

This article will discuss wisdom teeth and why some people don't have them.

Does everyone have to get their wisdom teeth taken out

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Why Don’t Some People Have Them?

There’s no confirmed reason why some people don’t have wisdom teeth. Up to 37% of people are missing at least one wisdom tooth, according to researchers. Some experts say it’s because the tissue required to spark wisdom formation doesn’t migrate to the rear of the mouth to start the process. Others say it could be a result of evolution because we no longer need wisdom teeth to help chew and break down food. 

Each year, approximately 10 million wisdom teeth are extracted from nearly five million people in the United States.

What Age Do Wisdom Teeth Come In?

According to the American Dental Association, wisdom teeth typically come in between the ages of 17 and 21. They usually are the last of all the permanent teeth to come in. 

Why Are They Called Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth get their name because they come in when the person is older and more mature, and, theoretically, have more wisdom.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Although it may not be necessary to remove your wisdom teeth, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons states that about 85% of third molars eventually need to be removed. 


There are a number of reasons why removing wisdom teeth is necessary. For instance, they are not in the right position, causing problems with surrounding teeth. Or you may not have enough room in your jawbone to accommodate wisdom teeth, and if you have difficulty cleaning them it could lead to tooth decay or gum disease.


Costs for removing wisdom teeth vary by dental provider, specific insurance coverage, and the type of removal process you need. The average cost for extractions is about $300 to $550 per tooth.

The Surgery

Your dentist may be able to remove your wisdom teeth as they would a regular tooth—numbing the area around the tooth and pulling it out. Some teeth may require more invasive procedures, such as cutting the gum in order to reach and remove the tooth. 


Recovery from wisdom tooth removal depends on the type of removal process, but usually takes just a few days. Expect to feel bruised and sore as the gums and jawbone heal. 

When They Can Stay

If your wisdom teeth don’t present any problems, your dentist will most likely leave them in. However, it’s important for you to see your dentist regularly in order to make sure you don’t develop any problems such as tooth decay or gum disease. 


If you don’t have your wisdom teeth removed, your dentist should monitor them to make sure no problems develop, such as:

  • Infection: If the wisdom teeth are not properly cleaned, an infection could develop due to gum disease.
  • Pain: Your wisdom teeth may shift over time or as they come in, pushing on your other teeth and causing pain. 
  • Cavities: Difficulty reaching your wisdom teeth for proper brushing and flossing could lead to cavities. 

When to See a Dentist

Continue to see your dentist every six months so they can monitor the emergence of your wisdom teeth. Also, if you start to experience pain around your wisdom teeth, see your dentist for an exam in order to diagnose the possible cause. 


Not everyone has the full number of wisdom teeth, or even any wisdom teeth at all. For those who do, many have their wisdom teeth removed to avoid future problems with their other teeth. If they are not removed, your dentist should monitor them to avoid problems in the future. 

A Word From Verywell

Having your wisdom teeth removed can help you avoid dental problems in the future. Talking with your dentist is important to see if removal is the right choice for you. Even if you keep them, make sure you take care of them to maintain a healthy mouth. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many teeth do people have?

    Most people will have a total of 32 permanent teeth once they become adults.

  • How many wisdom teeth do people have?

    People typically have a total of four wisdom teeth.

  • How long does wisdom teeth removal take?

    The time for wisdom teeth removal varies by the type of extraction, but can last from a few minutes to 20 minutes, or, in some cases, a bit longer. 

  • Can wisdom teeth cause headaches?

    Yes, wisdom tooth pain or any toothache could lead to a headache.

Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

Does everyone have to get their wisdom teeth taken out

By Karon Warren
Karon Warren has been a freelance writer for more than two decades, covering a range of lifestyle and business topics for print and online lifestyle and consumer publications.

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What happens if you don't get your wisdom removed?

The problem with impacted wisdom teeth is that they are difficult to take care of and can lead to decay, gum disease, bone damage, and throw off the alignment of your bite. They can also push all of your other teeth forward, making them crooked and uneven.

What percent of people need their wisdom teeth removed?

Millions of people have their wisdom teeth removed each year, and roughly 85 percent of people need to have their wisdom teeth extracted during their lifetime.