Does black seed oil help grow hair

Does black seed oil help grow hair

Millions of people worldwide suffer from hair loss. In fact, an estimated 40% of men age 35 and up will experience hair loss at some point. And 80% of women will have experienced hair loss by the age of 60.

Thankfully, there are natural oils that work to treat the hair and scalp in order to prevent hair loss, thinning, and breakage while promoting beautiful, healthy locks. Learn more about the benefits of black cumin oil below.


  1. Is Black Seed Oil Good for your Hair?
  2. How Does Black Seed Oil Work?
  3. What is Black Seed Oil Derived From?
  4. Is Black Seed Oil Beneficial for Greying Hair?
  5. What Other Products Can Help Thinning Hair?
  6. Conclusion

Is Black Seed Oil Good for your Hair?

Does black seed oil help grow hair

Black seed oil is fantastic for your hair. Firstly, it contains medicinal benefits which come from powerful antihistamines. Nigellone and Thymoquinone are two of these which are concentrated within the oil that are ideal for hair treatments.

Because it’s an essential oil, it’s best used when added to a natural carrier oil, such as coconut oil or olive oil. Moreover, when black seed oil is added to a moisturising oil, the benefits of the carrier oil are enhanced.

The potent qualities of the black seed oil are then effectively distributed throughout the strands to achieve optimal results. This oil can be used directly on the scalp to reduce inflammation, promote growth, and reduce scalp sensitivity and flakiness.

Benefits of Black Seed Oil hair treatment

If you want a 100% Premium Black Cumin Oil treatment, our cold pressed formula is an excellent solution for hair loss that keeps the hair luscious, long, and strong. Our oil is enriched with natural vitamins, minerals and amino acids in order to strengthen your hair and give it a natural shine. The cold pressing preserves the organic benefits of the black cumin seeds and can be used on your skin as well as your hair with direct application.

How Does Black Seed Oil Work?

Can it make hair grow?

Not only does it have anti-inflammatory effects which are beneficial for scalp issues, such as flakiness, redness, and sensitivity but is also known for promoting hair growth. Due to its natural antihistamine properties its great for tackling irritation but these same powerful properties also stimulate hair growth in areas that are thinning or suffering from hair fallout. Importantly, antihistamines are often prescribed to patients who experience alopecia in order to stimulate hair regrowth.

How long does it take for hair growth?

Most new, natural treatments that you add to your hair care routine take time and consistent application before producing noticeable results. It is an expected part of a natural treatment process. Typically, it will take around three to four weeks for visible changes to occur after adding black seed oil hair treatment to your daily routine.

What is Black Seed Oil Derived From?

Black seed oil is extracted from tiny black seeds found in the Nigella Sativa plant, which grows in Southwest Asia, the Middle East, and Southern Europe. The oil is used for culinary purposes for instance, as well as traditional medicine practices.

It’s been used for more than 2,000 years because of its multitude of health benefits. It can even be used on the skin for health conditions that cause acne, psoriasis, and clinically dry skin. Studies have shown that the effects of black seed oil has had a range of applications to help with several conditions including lowering blood pressure, improving asthma and having potential to fight cancer cells.

Is black seed oil and black castor oil the same thing?

While these two oils do have some similarities, they are very unique in their own ways. Black castor oil is made through a boiling technique of extraction, which creates the black castor oil. It has an alkaline makeup and is comprised of a long chain of fatty acids. Importantly, these provide nutrients and signal hair growth. Therefore, it is a great solution for all hair types, and helps to:

  • Moisturise dry, brittle hair
  • Thicken and strengthen hair
  • Stimulate hair regrowth
  • Promote glossy, shiny hair
  • Promote antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Prevent dandruff, dryness, and itchy scalp
  • Repair split ends

Antifungal, antibacterial, and antioxidant: the perfect combination for your hair!

Black seed oil, otherwise known as black cumin oil, is made from the aforementioned Nigella Sativa Plant seeds. In addition, it’s packed full of nutrients, carbohydrates, and plant fats that are antifungal, antibacterial, and antioxidant. It has many of the same qualities as black castor oil, with 6 benefits which include:

  1. Stimulating hair regrowth
  2. Producing thicker, fuller strands
  3. Promoting glossy, shiny hair
  4. Protecting hair from damage
  5. Preventing hair loss
  6. Repairing colour-damaged or styling-damaged hair

Can you leave black seed oil in your hair overnight?

You can absolutely leave this oil in your hair overnight. It’s full of nutrients that seep into the follicles and scalp, nourishing and stimulating hair regrowth.

Is Black Seed Oil Beneficial for Greying Hair?

Does black seed oil help grow hair

Studies show that not only is this oil scientifically proven to stimulate thicker strand regrowth and fuller hair density but it can also help hair grow in your natural colour pigmentation to reverse grey strands.

Does it darken hair?

It works as a natural solution for hair growth. It softens and nourishes the scalp, and stimulating hair follicles in order to produce healthy hair fibres. Since it promotes the overall health of hair, the brand new strands will grow out darker and fuller than before.

What Other Products Can Help Thinning Hair?

Have you tried our hair care product line? Our products contain all-natural ingredients and nutrients that work to target hair loss and promote hair regrowth for healthy, beautiful hair. All of our products are paraben-free, gluten-free, and non-animal tested.

Importantly, we make sure to develop our hair care products with organic, non-irritating, active ingredients. They contain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that work to protect the hair and keep it healthy and strong.


Even if you don’t have hair issues, black seed oil is an excellent treatment for healthy, hydrated, and shiny hair. Whether you are dealing with a hair or scalp condition, such as alopecia, or you just want healthier longer strands, black cumin oil can aid in promoting healthy skin and hair. This oil hair treatment is an excellent, all-natural option for growing long, shiny, nourished hair.

How do you use black seed oil for hair growth?

What to do.
Take a tablespoon of black seed oil in your palms and rub your palms..
Start massaging your scalp, focusing on the area where you are losing most hair..
Leave it for a minimum of 30 minutes, preferably overnight..
Wash it with your regular shampoo..

Will black seed oil grow your hair?

One study found that black seed oil mixed with coconut oil helped promote hair growth, while another white paper found that hair fallout was reduced by 76 percent when subjects used a hair oil containing Nigella sativa.

How fast does black seed oil grow hair?

In most cases, you can expect to see results - provided you use it consistently - after between two to three months. Whilst it might not offer an overnight fix, the results it'll give you in the longer run are hard to beat.

Can I leave black seed oil in my hair overnight?

Using black seed oil for grey hair is a simple process. Simply massage into the scalp and leave overnight, washing thoroughly the next morning. Black seed oil has a distinctive, peppery scent so leaving it in your hair for longer than overnight is not recommended.

What does black seed does to the hair?

Black seed oil naturally restores hair growth in thinning areas because of the high concentration in thymoquinone, a powerful antihistamine. Black seed oil is the best way to reap benefits for your hair regrowth.

Is black seed oil good for baldness?

Right now, there isn't enough scientific evidence to confidently say that black seed oil improves hair growth or prevents hair loss from male pattern baldness. Although a few studies have found that black seed oil may have hair-related benefits, none are very comprehensive.