Confirmation reply to interview invitation email sample

You passed the phone screen with flying colors, and now you're waiting to get that all-important email invitation to set up your first interview. What should you expect to receive when you get invited to interview with a prospective employer, and what's the best way to respond?

Knowing what to expect from that invitation—and what information to ask for, if it is not included in the email—could help you sail into the interview with confidence and land the job.

What an Email Invitation to an Interview Should Include

Confirmation reply to interview invitation email sample

© The Balance

The email invitation to interview should include the following:

  • The position: Ideally, both the applicant and the hiring manager know that, but it is helpful if the email is clear about for what position the candidate will be interviewing.
  • The date, time, and location of the interview: Applicants need to know when to show up and where. Companies often have multiple branches or work out of a few floors in the same building. Or the interview may be remote, so it's important to specify the details.
  • The person who will be conducting the interview: Will it be a representative from human resources, the hiring manager, a potential team member—or some combination of those employees?
  • What to bring to the interview: Applicants may be asked to bring a resume, samples of work, references, etc.
  • A contact number or email: This is important in case anyone has questions or needs to reschedule.

Email Invitation to Interview Example

This example of an email invitation sent to a job applicant who has been selected for a one-on-one interview is brief and gets to the point.

Invitation to Interview Sample

Subject: Invitation to Interview

Dear Sara Potts,

As a result of your application for the position of Account Analyst, I would like to invite you to attend an interview on June 30, at 9 a.m. at our office in Quincy, Massachusetts.

You will have an interview with the department manager, Edie Wilson. The interview will last about 45 minutes. Please bring a list of three references as well as a copy of your driver's license to the interview.

If the date or time of the interview is inconvenient, please contact me by phone (518-555-5555) or email ) to arrange another appointment. We look forward to seeing you.

Best regards,

Thomas Gunn


Thomas Gunn
Administrative Director
Randall & Associates
101 Beech Street
Quincy, MA 02169

How Applicants Should Reply

Express your thanks. Applicants should begin their message by thanking the person who contacted them for the opportunity. It’s polite and will make sure that your future interactions start off on the right foot. Further, it shows the hiring manager that you understand professional etiquette.

Make sure have the right information. Confirm the details outlined in their invitation. It might feel strange to re-type the date and time of the interview in a reply, but the hiring manager sending the invitation might be arranging several other interviews at the same time. Writing it out gives the hiring manager a chance to catch a mistake if any incorrect details were included.

Clarify any points of confusion. Is crucial information missing from the email invitation? Don’t be afraid to ask for more information. No hiring manager should think less of an applicant for wanting to know exactly who they will be speaking with. In fact, asking is more likely to make an applicant look like a conscientious person who is prepared and doesn't like wasting people's time.

Sample Reply Email Message

Here’s an example of a response from the applicant confirming the interview. Also review more examples and tips for accepting an interview.

Interview Response Sample

Subject: Interview Confirmation Account Analyst Position - Sara Potts

Dear Mr. Gunn,

Thank you very much for the invitation to interview for the Account Analyst position. I appreciate the opportunity, and I look forward to meeting with Edie Wilson on June 30th at 9 AM in your Quincy office.

If I can provide you with any further information prior to the interview, please let me know.

Best Regards,

Sara Potts


Key Takaeways

  • An invitation to interview should include the date, time, and location of the interview.
  • It should also include contact information for the interviewer, and a list of any items the applicant is requested to bring.
  • Take the time to send an email reply confirming your participation in the interview.
  • If you need clarification of the details, request more information when you reply.

How do you respond to an interview confirmation email?

Consider these examples:.
"Thank you for your invitation to interview with [company name]. ... .
"Yes, I very much would like to interview with you at...".
Yes, I can be available for an interview at several times during the week of...".
Thank you for the invitation to interview for the [job position]..

How do I confirm my interview acceptance?

You can start by saying, "Thank you for the opportunity..." or "I'm writing to confirm the interview details..." Thank You: Be sure to thank the email's recipient for the opportunity to interview. Ask What You Should Bring: You should always bring several copies of your resume to your interview.

Should I reply to an interview confirmation email?

Sending a Timely Response As soon as you get a call or email from a recruiter or hiring manager about scheduling an interview, reply to interview invitation availability immediately, even if it's only to acknowledge the request and tell her you'll call once you have a chance to look at your calendar.

How do I confirm an interview appointment by email to a candidate?

What to Include in the Interview Confirmation Email.
Enthusiastic Greeting. Introduce yourself and your role in the interview process. ... .
Date and Time of the Interview. ... .
If It's an In-Person Interview. ... .
Interview Details. ... .
Names and Job Titles of Interviewers. ... .
Contact Information (Including a Phone Number) ... .
Special Instructions..