Can you still be pregnant after an abortion

An abortion surgery in Singapore is considered to be a safe and medically established method for terminating an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy. However, one prevailing misconception is that it can lead to fertility issues and pregnancy complications in future.

Does a past abortion affect future pregnancy?

Many women do go on to become pregnant and have children after undergoing abortion, sometimes even shortly after, if they were not careful with contraception.

When done by a skilled abortion surgeon in an accredited abortion clinic, the procedure poses little to no harm to a woman’s reproductive organs and fertility. Contrary to what some may believe, a past abortion will not result in miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and preterm birth in the future.

However, if a woman has multiple abortion surgeries within a short span of time, she may be at risk of scar tissue formation in the uterus, or a weakened cervix. Nonetheless, these issues can be properly treated or managed should she decide to have a baby in the future.

How soon can a woman get pregnant after an abortion?

Following an abortion procedure, a woman can expect her period to return within 4 to 8 weeks. In many cases, ovulation resumes as early as two weeks after the surgery. This means that a woman can get pregnant again before her first menstrual cycle after an abortion.

Prior to a Singapore abortion, it is important for the doctor to discuss contraception options to avoid another unwanted pregnancy. Sexual intercourse is prohibited for two weeks after an abortion to allow the body to heal.

Tel: +65 6455 0050 (W GYNAE Women’s Clinic)


Following an abortion your fertility will return almost immediately. Here at MSI Reproductive Choices, contraception counselling is part of your treatment, and we'll help you find a method of contraception that best suits your individual needs.

You can conceive again really quickly after an abortion; in fact an egg can be released from the ovary as soon as five days after your treatment so you could become pregnant again before your next period. We want to help you to choose the contraception that’s right for you after your abortion and offer we contraception counselling as part of your abortion care.

Fertility after an abortion

LARC methods are the gold standard of the contraception world. LARC stands for long acting reversible contraception, such as the implant, coil and injection.

These methods are fantastic because not only are they the most effective, they don’t interrupt sex and once they’re fitted you can forget about them. But they’re all reversible so, if you want to, you can plan a future pregnancy at a time that’s right for you.

VIDEO: Your contraceptive options

In this video, Julia Hogan, contraception nurse consultant at MS UK, talks about your contraceptive options following an abortion.

How to get in touch

At MSI Reproductive Choices, choice is at the heart of everything we do and we believe that choosing a provider which puts your wishes and needs first is your right.

You can always contact our advice line on the numbers below if you’d like to talk things through, or get more information. You can also live chat with our service advisors, they'll be able to help.

  • England, Scotland and Wales: 0345 300 8090

  • Northern Ireland: 0333 234 2184

  • Republic of Ireland: 1 800 849 091 

  • International: +44 (0) 1454 457 542

We are here for you. Contact us.

Back to news

Having an abortion will not usually affect your chances of becoming pregnant and having normal pregnancies in the future.

But there's a very small risk to your fertility and future pregnancies if you develop a womb infection during the procedure that's not treated promptly.

The infection could spread to your fallopian tubes and ovaries, known as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

PID can increase your risk of infertility or an ectopic pregnancy, where an egg implants itself outside the womb.

But most infections are treated before they reach this stage, and you'll often be given antibiotics before an abortion to reduce the risk of infection.

Get medical advice as soon as possible if you experience any signs of infection after an abortion, such as:

  • severe pain
  • a high temperature (fever)
  • smelly vaginal discharge

Find out more about the risks of an abortion

Further information

  • Abortion 
  • Infertility 
  • Brook: abortion

Page last reviewed: 15 August 2019
Next review due: 15 August 2022