Can you get pregnant with no tubes

Can you get pregnant with one blocked fallopian tube?

Yes, you can pregnant with one blocked fallopian tube. The fallopian tubes are two tubes via which eggs move from the ovaries to the uterus. Each month, one of the ovaries produces an egg, which goes through one of the fallopian tubes and may or may not fertilized by sperm.

If you’ve undergone pelvic surgery for an infection, a tumor, or an ectopic pregnancy in the past, you could only have one fallopian tube. Sometimes only one tube is present when a woman is born. However, you may be able to conceive with just one tube if you meet the following criteria:

  • At least one of your ovaries is working
  • Menstrual periods occur once a month ( Regular ovulation)
  • Your fallopian tube that is left is in good shape

7 Steps To Get Pregnant With Blocked Fallopian Tubes

If you wish to get pregnant despite having blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, here are seven simple things to do:

Step 1 – Recognize the signs and symptoms of a blocked fallopian tube

Symptoms of a blocked fallopian tube are uncommon. Many women are unaware that their tubes are obstructed until they try to conceive and are unsuccessful.

Blocked fallopian tubes can cause mild, consistent pain on one side of the abdomen in some situations. This generally occurs as a result of a blockage. This happens when a blocked fallopian tube fills with fluid and expands. Symptoms of conditions that might lead to a blocked fallopian tube can occur on their own. Endometriosis, for example, frequently causes painful and heavy periods as well as pelvic pain. It might put you in danger of having your fallopian tubes clogged.

Step 2 – Recognize the significance of fallopian tubes in conceiving

When your fallopian tubes are injured or clogged (a condition known as tubal factor infertility), the egg and sperm are unable to connect, and the normal passage of embryos through the tube to the uterus is impeded, preventing conception.

Step 3 – Learn how fallopian tubes can become clogged or damaged

The fallopian tubes are fragile organs that are as thin as a pencil lead. As a result, they are prone to become obstructed or damaged, resulting in tubal sterility.

The use of an intrauterine contraceptive device, especially when there are several sexual partners, is also known as one of the reasons for fallopian tube injury. Endometriosis and sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, which causes infection of the fallopian tubes, are other potential reasons.

Step 4 – Make an appointment with a fertility expert.

Given the importance of your fallopian tubes in getting pregnant, as well as how fragile and easily injured they are, getting pregnant with damaged or obstructed fallopian tubes would almost certainly necessitate the assistance of a professional.

Step 5 – Make an appointment for your initial consultation.

It’s important to choose a fertility specialist and book your appointment at the earliest. Such initial consultation plays a vital role in the treatment.

Step 6 – Determine whether or not your fallopian tubes are injured or obstructed, and to what extent.

The doctor will tell you about the therapy that is best for you depending on the location and degree of the injury or obstruction.

Step 7 – Decide on a treatment plan.

If it has been established that your Fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged, there are two options for treatment to enable your pregnancy: tubal surgery and IVF treatment.


Infertility can be caused by blocked fallopian tubes, although it is still possible to conceive. Laparoscopic surgery can often clear the obstruction and restore fertility. If surgery isn’t an option, IVF, if you’re otherwise healthy, can help you conceive.

Can you get pregnant with no tubes

13 Jan I Have Only 1 Fallopian Tube. Can I Get Pregnant?

Having one functioning fallopian tube should not affect your ability to get pregnant as long as there aren’t other infertility factors at work. If, however, there is an anatomical abnormality or blockage in your functioning tube or you are diagnosed with additional infertility issues such as PCOS, endometriosis, poor sperm quality, etc., it may require expert fertility assistance to help you get pregnant.

Because healthy fallopian tube function – whether you have one or two – is essential to conception, a full fertility workup should always include a complete look at the fallopian tubes to assess for any issues that are compromising their function.

What Causes the Loss of a Functioning Fallopian Tube?

The fallopian tubes function to move matured and released eggs into prime position for fertilization, eventually dropping them into the uterus. Because our bodies are wise, women usually have two functioning tubes for extra protection. If one is misshapen, damaged, blocked or removed, the remaining fallopian tube is there to keep the ovulation cycle going.

The most common causes of malfunctioning or non-functioning fallopian tubes include:

  • Prior infection(s) or medical conditions that rendered the tube scarred, damaged, or removed
  • Ectopic pregnancy that resulted in permanent tube damage or removal
  • A congenital birth defect or anatomical abnormality that renders a tube nonfunctioning
  • Scarring as the result of endometriosis
  • Fibroid tumors that block the fallopian tube or the entrance to the uterus
  • Prior abdominal or pelvic surgery that caused scarring or damage to the tube

You Can Still Get Pregnant with One Fallopian Tube

In almost all cases, a woman can still get pregnant with only one functioning fallopian tube as long as other factors are in place:

The functioning tube is healthy

We referenced the wise body above. Did you know that a functioning ovary has even been shown to migrate and “pick up” a mature egg from a non-functioning ovary? While this doesn’t happen 100% of the time, it’s a powerful indication of how hard your body works to help you get pregnant. As long as you’re ovulating regularly, there is no reason that the loss of one tube would impact your ability to conceive as long as all of the other fertility factors are healthy as well.

You ovulate regularly

If you aren’t having regular periods, odds are you’re not ovulating regularly. Even the most healthy and clear fallopian tube in the world can’t do much unless there is a healthy, mature egg to move through its channels. Tracking your menstrual cycle and learning about your personal fertility window (the days leading up to ovulation and ovulation) is essential to timing sex for pregnancy at home and for scheduling fertility treatments if necessary.

Your male partner gets the fertility green light

If you are in a heterosexual relationship, your male partner’s reproductive health is as important as your own. If he has any latent male infertility factors such as poor sperm quality, anatomical abnormalities that block sperm’s journey from the testicles and up through the penis, or sexual dysfunction, it can seriously compromise your family building plans.

If you are struggling to get pregnant and you know you only have one fallopian tube, testing for male infertility factors is every bit as important as testing for female factors.

Fertility Treatments for Women with One Tube

Assuming everything else seems healthy, women who are struggling to get pregnant with one fallopian tube are most likely include:

  • Unblocking a blocked or scarred tube. Your gynecologist/physician may advice surgery to remove a block or scarring if s/he’s confident it will improve your fertility chances. We highly recommend using a fertility specialist for this type of surgery. As you can imagine, surgical intervention puts you at risk for scarring. Fertility specialists are experts at delicately removing tubal blockages with a conscientious effort to minimize any further scarring potential.
  • Using fertility medications. If you are only ovulating from one tube, we can work with you to use precise fertility medication dosage to increase the number of eggs you release, which increases your chances of getting pregnant each time you ovulate. Read, Common Side Effects of Ovarian Stimulating Medication to learn more about that.
  • If we see that you are ovulating regularly, we may recommend intrauterine insemination to ensure the sperm and eggs are directly exposed to one another, at exactly the right time, optimizing fertilization.
  • If those treatments don’t work OR you/your partner are diagnosed with more than one infertility factor, in vitro fertilization may be the best route to get pregnant.

Are you concerned about the length of time it’s taking you to get pregnant? Or, do you already know you have a non-op fallopian tube and want to get a head start at family building? Contact us at the Fertility Center of Dallas to set up a consultation.