Can i put cerave daily moisturizing lotion on my face

Can i put cerave daily moisturizing lotion on my face

5.0 out of 5 stars a MUST have for soft moisturized skin
Reviewed in the United States on February 7, 2019

Before i get into my novel of a review, here’s the summary of what i think. I came across this while looking for a lotion that works best for Non-oily skin, a daily lotion, for sensitive-ish skin, i found the PERFECT one with this.I bought this about 2 weeks ago, was shipped in 2 days, & when i received it nothing was wrong with the packaging or bottle. Anyways, I started using this after i decided to switch from my Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture which i had been using for about 6 months. I do not have naturally Oily Skin so it was too drying. But with maaaaany hours spent looking for a FACE lotion with good reviews I came across this and let me just say IT IS WORTH THE MONEY, I am in love! works for face and body which i was skeptical about at first but i do not regret my purchase at all and i highly highly reccomend anyone purchase this. My skin is a little sensitive mainly to perfumes (especially my face) & this is amazing!!! no breakouts, no rash, I will use this forever!

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Reviewed in the United States on May 27, 2020

This is my Folliculitis Journey and i include ALL THE PRODUCTS I USED to get rid of it.
I got Folliculitis on my groin area, i had no idea what it was since i have never had it but it started spreading down my legs and leaving these dark marks/scars. The lesions started multiplying, i went to the doctors who gave me an ointment gel, which did absolutely nothing for me, it was an acne treatment.
Since it started getting hotter and summer was near i knew i had to act fast or else i would have to wear pants all summer. First things first, from my research it states not to shave to prevent he spread of Folliculitis, so yes i did just that. I didn't shave for over a month...i know gross but it had to be done.
*If you do decide to shave, use a new fresh blade every time you shave in order to prevent spread. Also if you have folliculitis on your legs don't use the same blade on your armpits etc.

I looked up items on amazon and read reviews for "Almond Clear: Body Clearing Serum"
I decided to give it a try, i started with Level 1 and used it with the Hibliclens antibacterial soap as everyone in the reviews did. I already had the soap since its so amazing and i recommend everyone have this
soap in their home it works miracles. I was already using this soap by itself for about 2 weeks prior to buying the Almond Clear bottle and i noticed no difference. When i read that buyers were combining both Almond Clear Serum and the soap i decided to do the same, but still i felt that Hibliclens did not do much for me. My Folliculitis was very stubborn!
*Everyone is different so what works for someone might not work for others.

As for the Almond Clear serum, i noticed immediately a difference! overnight the lesions seemed like they shrunk.
The only complaint is that the bottle doesn't contain much. I had a big area to cover so 1 bottle was finished in 1 week. I would definitely recommend you purchase the bigger bottle so its worth your money (they have the 4oz option available). Also level 1 is more for someone who might have like 1-4 lesions..or for sensitive areas like the face. I felt like it made a difference but i definitely needed something stronger to completely get rid of them, i should've skipped to level2 like everyone else did in the reviews.
I bought level 2 when i ran out of level 1 and i definitely noticed a huge difference! Listen to me right now, if you suffer from severe Folliculitis YOU HAVE TO BUY THIS!
Honestly my case got so bad i had so many lesions on my groin area they started spreading down to my thighs and legs and even my private area :(
i was so stressed i couldn't wear shorts and even pants would cause me to breakout in hives and the infected area
would get so red and irritated easily. It got bad!
Luckily this product saved my life..I started using this April 20, today is May 27 and i am pretty much cured, the lesions are all gone and even the scars are faded! This product faded the nasty dark marks.
The reviews recommend using up to 2xs a day. This did not work for me, my skin is very sensitive so i would only use 1x a day, every night after i showered i would apply and leave overnight. I do have to say that this product makes your skin peel and drys your skin out. For me, it made my skin excessively dry and i would shed skin almost everyday.

Because my skin was getting beyond dry i decided to moisturize. I used CeraVe Moistorizing Lotion every morning when i woke up.
*(make sure to always wash your hands before and after you apply a product to prevent from spreading to other body parts).
I used this lotion because alot of people with skin issues use this lotion and it works well, i had no issues, great product!

I shower every night so i decided to use a Folliculitis body wash i found on Amazon. I leave it on the area for about 5 mins then i rinse. I also noticed a big difference with this product right after the 1st use! I used this product for about 1.5 months?

Another product i used in the shower was the Nizoral Shampoo. I saw YouTube videos of people who used it on their arms and face to treat folliculitis. Luckily i already had this shampoo as well, its to treat dandruff, i recommend for both dandruff and for folliculitis, i feel like this items made a difference. I replaced the Hibliclens soap with this product, i leave it on the area for about 5 mins then rinse in the shower. I used this product for about a month.

The final product i used was Defense Soap, i used this soap in order to kill any bacteria or fungi that might have been causing the Folliculitis. I felt like this also made a difference and i washed my whole body with this in order to prevent any Folliculitis from spreading on my stomach or arms...I was terrified of getting it any where else, the soap makes you feel fresh and clean specially after a workout! It does dry your skin so you don't have to use everyday, but if you do i would definitely recommend to moisturize with the CeraVe lotion or just any lotion in general. I used this product for about a month.

If you are on a budget: Out of all the products i would definitely recommend you use the Almond Clear Serum and the Folliculitis Body Wash by Ovante. Yes i know this is a VERY LONG routine and so many products to use, but all my folliculitis is pretty much gone already! It is pricey to buy all these items, but honestly i was willing to pay $100+ in order to get rid of this and it was worth it!I guess it depends how bad do you want to get rid of this? I think its worth it!
Do your research, find out what works for you, try different products until you find something that works for your skin. I HOPE THIS HELPS SOMEONE!

Reviewed in the United States on November 10, 2022

My teen daughters love this lotion and it's the only one they like to use. They have sensitive skin and this is one of the few that doesn't seem to break out their skin. While it may be a little more expensive than I'd like to pay for a facial moisturizer, if it works for them and helps keep their skin clear, it's well worth it. The same size in all of the stores I've looked at are a couple dollars more.

Reviewed in the United States on November 17, 2022

This lotion helps my daughter's eczema. It soaked into her skin right away and she felt much better with just using it once. Her skin needed what was in this lotion so much that she put some on her hands 3x in a row and felt relief. That was just the 1st time using it. She loves it!

Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2022

I really liked this product. I’m a male and struggle finding a neutral smelling moisturizer that works. At first it does have somewhat of a medicinal smell but over time it fades away. The texture/consistency is not too oily or rich, it’s just right. I use it for my face and body and am happy with results. I was using the Trader Joe’s brand prior, and after a few hours it would wear off and then my skin would dry up. Happy so far with results

Reviewed in the United States on November 11, 2022

I'm almost 70 and have tried EVERY cream, including Pond's. This cream is fabulous -- no aroma as advertised and goes on like silk. NOT heavy or oily and brightens your complexion. Would tell everyone to try it and you'll never go back!

Reviewed in the United States on November 12, 2022

I love CeraVe’s products. CeraVe has a great reputation for their products. I’ve used their products, and they never disappoint. CeraVe products prices are very reasonable too. I love this products ‘money well spent’!!!

Reviewed in the United States on November 17, 2022

First time trying this - really like it - not greasy - glides on nicely. Haven't noticed a difference yet, but I like it

Reviewed in the United States on November 11, 2022

Love this lotion! No scent, absorbes quickly and helps to hydrate my skin. I have chronic dry skin and so far this is the only lotion that helps.

Top reviews from other countries

5.0 out of 5 stars Dermatite atópica

Reviewed in Brazil on August 7, 2022

O pediatra receitou para minha filha o lipkar da lá roche mas minha filha detestou ele, pois ele arde na pele machucada. Suponho ser o Ac. Hialurônico. Resolvi trocar por este da cerave que apesar de conter ac hialurônico na descrição, não arde nem um pouco nas coceiras. Então, 10 pra ele.

Como uso? Minha filha tem coceira cevera na pele e nada estava resolvendo. Então tenho uma rotina assim: pós banho, passo óleo de girassol ou óleo para escaras no corpo molhado. Seco, misturo creme cerave com mais óleo de girassol e passo em todo corpo. Deixo secar e visto a roupa. Pela manhã passo novamente somente o creme. Quando chega da escola passo nas pernas e braços. Nunca mais coçou.

5.0 out of 5 stars Deixa a pele macia, suave e reluzente com o tempo

Reviewed in Brazil on May 26, 2022

Minha pele sempre foi muito ressecada, com aparência opaca. Estou finalizando o primeiro frasco desse produto e percebo minha pele com aparência de bem cuidada, com um aspecto mais reluzente. Sem falar que o produto é muito leve, consigo espalhar pelo corpo em instantes, e é rapidamente absorvido pela pele. Não deixa a pele pegajosa e até esqueço que passei hidratante, não fosse o toque suave e macio que deixa na pele.

No primeiro momento duvidei da eficácia devido a aparência mais líquida e fluída, mas na verdade é um produto excelente.


5.0 out of 5 stars É ótimo para a rotina. Fornece uma pele saudável e com vida.

Reviewed in Brazil on July 16, 2022

A minha pele é mista e acneica mas estava muito seca por conta dos ácidos que usei. Com o hidratante consegui renovar totalmente a barreira cutânea do meu rosto. Entretanto, ressaltou um pouco a aparência dos poros, então, para peles oleosas e mistas, eu recomendo o uso apenas 1 vez por dia( mas sempre dependerá da situação de cada pele, aquelas que estão muito ressecadas ou são secas necessitam de um cuidado especial com o hidratante , já aquelas que são oleosas e mistas e devem manter a barreira cutânea, tendo um hidratante com a proposta de peles secas, poderia ser utilizado somente uma vez ao dia - de noite ou antes de protetor solar)

Can i put cerave daily moisturizing lotion on my face

5.0 out of 5 stars É ótimo para a rotina. Fornece uma pele saudável e com vida.
Reviewed in Brazil on July 16, 2022

A minha pele é mista e acneica mas estava muito seca por conta dos ácidos que usei. Com o hidratante consegui renovar totalmente a barreira cutânea do meu rosto. Entretanto, ressaltou um pouco a aparência dos poros, então, para peles oleosas e mistas, eu recomendo o uso apenas 1 vez por dia( mas sempre dependerá da situação de cada pele, aquelas que estão muito ressecadas ou são secas necessitam de um cuidado especial com o hidratante , já aquelas que são oleosas e mistas e devem manter a barreira cutânea, tendo um hidratante com a proposta de peles secas, poderia ser utilizado somente uma vez ao dia - de noite ou antes de protetor solar)

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Can i put cerave daily moisturizing lotion on my face

Can i put cerave daily moisturizing lotion on my face

5.0 out of 5 stars Excelente!

Reviewed in Brazil on September 28, 2022

Creme muito bom e eficaz. Minha esposa tem a pele extremamente seca, esse creme já mostrou eficácia nos primeiros dias, a pele está bem macia e sem aquele aspecto que parece que vai "quebrar". Quase uma semana de uso somente a noite e o resultado está bem acima do esperado. Ele tem uma consistência bem aquosa, não muito, mas é. Muito fácil de espalhar, seca muito rápido e não fica pegajoso (isso não sei se aplica a todos os tipos de pele, já que a pela da minha esposa é muito seca). Tinha muita coceira pelo descamamento da pelo, hoje não tem nem mais células mortas e nem coceira. Aprovado e recomendado! Ah, praticamente não tem cheiro de nada, um cheirinho perfumado bem longe mesmo, acho colocaram só pra não ficar o cheiro do produto mesmo e passa praticamente desapercebido.

5.0 out of 5 stars Excelente produto

Reviewed in Brazil on September 24, 2022

O produto é muito bom. Sua absorção é muito rápida. Isso é super favorável quando você pensa que precisa hidratar sua pele e com menos de 5 minutos já estar vestindo uma roupa para sair. Você espalha o produtos nos membros superiores e enquanto passa nos membros inferiores rapidamente a pele fica em condições para ser vestida. Muito bom mesmo. Tem outros produtos do gênero, mas este realmente supera e muito. Se preferir hidratar após o banho sua sensação de bem estar é chocante. A absorção é bem mais rápida inclusive no pós banho. Outro detalhe não menos importante é que não tem cheiro então não compromete nenhum outro produto que você possa querer usar.

Can you use CeraVe moisturizer on your face?

Developed with dermatologists and suitable for dry and very dry skin on the face and body, this rich, non-greasy, fast-absorbing moisturizing cream features our patented MVE Delivery Technology to release a steady stream of moisturizing ingredients throughout the day and night.

Can I use normal CeraVe on my face?

Apply liberally as often as needed, or as directed by a physician to face and body.

Can I use moisturizing lotion on my face?

If you really need to moisturize your face, body lotion can work, in a pinch. Still, some types will probably offer a little more benefit — not to mention a lower risk of side effects. Moran recommends a lighter lotion, especially if you have more oily facial skin.