Can i leave my laptop on overnight

If your electricity bill isn't an issue, then no.

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bill ? dont think a laptop adapter consumes that much

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lucky i wish i had a laptop v__v i have a computer that pulls 100 watts of energy and i leave it on 24/7, its been turned on for 5 years now, it has never been turned off or put into sleep mode.

i keep my computers running at all times other then the rare power outages, never had a issue before

not sure about laptops though

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5 years is seriously not good for your computer :S

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You should probably turn it off and give it a cleaning inside

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Not even dedicated servers are kept running that long. Five years without a single power down is insane.

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100 watt desktop? You almost fooled me there lol

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its 200 watts under load, its a gaming rig, and btw i clean it weekly.

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Do you leave it in while cleaning? bad bro.

100 watt idle I can believe, my sli670 does like 150. but only 200 load? seems low.

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Agreed. My gaming rig pulls 750 under load.

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Yep, my computer was on for about two years without turning it off. I now use my laptop with i restart once a week or so.

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No, it isn't bad. Many people leave their computers on 24/7. It isn't a big deal.

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Yeah me too. I just put him to sleep if i want quite at night.

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"Him"? Does your laptop have a name in addition to a gender?

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My external HDD when I store my Steam games is actually named Keamy

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He is a pc. Nah I was never good with names. But yea he is male, even though i have my doubts with all that things rammed in his rear end...

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It might be bad but i doubt it ive done it before and nothing has happened to my laptop, NOT MY FAULT IF YOUR LAPTOP GETS FUCKED UP.

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Not really unless it's prone to overheating or is in an unsafe area. (ie. kids, odd surface, next to heater, not on a surge protector, etc.)

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Deepens on how much your Laptop heat is; I got a huge fan under my Asus G53 so the Temp normally is 40 C and in games max 80 C
download a app that checks the Temperature just in case if its over 100 Not good to leave it on in my opinion since i got a laptop......

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bad for your energy bill mostly

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energy is like a penny lol, your toaster constantly draws more power then a laptop will

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you leave your toaster on all night?

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not bad at all, just leave it on the table so airflow is ok (my wife leaves it for month without shutting it down)

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just make sure it doesn't overheat, if you have a good fan then it's fine

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Should be fine. I do it most of the time~

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As long as you leave it in a well ventilated place it should be fine, I know laptops can heat up very quickly so just be careful

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I don't have a laptop running windows, but I leave my macbook on all night and it's fine.

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Just find a way to keep it cool. Then it's safe.

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My laptop works 24/7 for 4 years already. Had to change a hard drive probably because of natural wear, but otherwise it's fine. I just disassemble it twice a year to clean its insides and change the thermal grease.

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My laptop is on 24/7 and usually for 1-2 weeks before I even restart it.

You can turn the setting to turn off the monitor when you close the lid. That won't interrupt a download and save power. You only want to avoid it sleeping or hibernating. Of course, make sure to leave the adapter plugged in and leave it in a well ventilated spot where it won't be stepped on or knocked over or anything.

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Unless your laptop is prone to overheating, leaving it on for the night probably won't cause any problems.

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If you leave the lid open it should stay cooler.

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Make sure to have it plugged in to an outlet. The battery would most likely go dead overnight otherwise.

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Nope, just remove your battery, if you dont do this very often there should be no problem, even with the battery. I do this all the times, because desktops consumes way much more electricity. >>>> Alsooo You should never forget to restart your pc if you have any updates on going, last time I was about download about 30gb so I went to sleep, next day I find that my PC has been restarted by the Windows Update Software, and it just download like 1gb. I get really mad that day.

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You can just turn off the auto restart feature or even have it ask you before it installs updates.

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Before I built my desktop recently, my only computer (that I had to myself) was my laptop. I had it set up on my desk complete with a cooling stand, second monitor, external hard drive, usb hub, speakers, etc. I used it as a desktop, essentially, because it never moved anywhere. I never turned it off unless I wasn't going to be using it for more than 24 hours, but I did have it set to sleep when I closed the lid. It's a 4-year-old laptop and still running fine even after a year of the kind of abuse I put it through - hours upon hours spent playing games, nearly overheating it gaming during the summer when the temperature in my room was high, etc.

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on a similar note, is it good to let my battery run out ovenight

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No, it's best to not fully discharge the battery.

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ok, thanks for the answer

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I think you got it wrong here. It's best not to have a fixed pattern while draining the battery instead. There's some cases where the battery will remember the pattern and never charge beyond that ever again, even if the battery is not full.

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Well it depends what kind of battery we're talking about.

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I am talking about the cases of the pre-lithium ion batteries. Those have a tendency to lock in the charge pattern.

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That happens when you get it from the shop and start using it without charging fully first. It should say in the manual to do a full charge before starting the first time. It can be fixed by fully draining the battery and charging to full before use. But don't make a habit of draining the battery often.

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^This here is a good advice.

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Laptop batteries will drain even if you connect the laptop to a power outlet. The drain will drain up to 10% of the entire battery, though you can't see the difference.

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yep, my laptop which is the same my sister has, was older than hers but she only used it at home and had it plugged in, after ~ 1 year it's max batterylife was 10min, mine is bad now but still 40min after 5 years ;)

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imho, i wouldn't close it (screens can get hot, and compound that with the heat of the rest of the laptop, and then closing it, insulating the inside leaving even less room for the heat to escape -- it might do bad things -- it's a guess I have as to why part of my old laptop's screen has a thumbprint-sized spot on it that's a little darker than the rest of the screen).

also, to make sure the download doesn't get interrupted, make sure it isn't set to go into sleep mode -- having it go to a screen saver or turning the screen off should be fine though.

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Sure. But if it is an old laptop, don't close it, make sure there is nothing under it or behind it. It can get hot. Otherwise go for it. I keep both my PC and laptop on at night often.

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do not close the lid, it may cause over heating.

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I haven't turned my laptop off for a few weeks and it runs great. (I restart it occasionally just like I would a desktop)

Just make sure it doesn't go into hibernation and you'll be fine.

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