Can i brush my teeth after tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is generally suggested as a final alternative when a tooth is too damaged to be held. The exception would be wisdom teeth which sometimes get extracted even if they are not affected.

There are two main kinds of extractions used in dentistry. Simple extractions are performed when a dentist can get the tooth with forceps and pull them out, while surgical extractions are required if the tooth gets stuck under gum tissues. Regardless of the kind of extraction you get, it can take up to two weeks to heal from tooth extraction. Dentists typically advise waiting to brush your teeth with toothpaste for at least three days after getting a tooth extraction.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

The following are some of the things that patients can do to make their healing go more smoothly after an extraction:

Oral Hygiene

Patients generally are injected with a local anesthetic when a tooth is getting pulled & they do not feel any pain as the dental professional extracts the tooth. It is normal to undergo some pain and discomfort once the anesthetic effects fade off. The discomfort caused by the procedure can last up to two weeks, so dentists often prescribe painkillers to help control them.

Maintaining your mouth clean after a tooth extraction is essential to lowering the risk of difficulties like an infection. The extracted tooth socket will be aching for a few days, so dentists suggest avoiding oral hygiene products like toothpaste and mouthwash during that time. Instead, rinse with a saltwater mixture after food to clean and disinfect your mouth. Do not spit out the saltwater since that can lead to the blood clot that forms inside the socket becoming dislodged.

Patients should also avoid brushing with a toothbrush during this period since that can upset the extraction site. They can start brushing with toothpaste after a few days have passed. Patients must try to avoid brushing near the tooth extraction site.

Soft & Liquid Foods

Patients should intake liquid and soft foods for the first week after undergoing tooth extraction. Soft foods and liquids are less likely to remove the clot that develops in the socket or irritate the area. Patients should also avoid hot or spicy foods that trouble the extraction site.

Patients can usually begin eating regular food once a week has passed, but they should still avoid foods with little bits that can get trapped inside the tooth’s socket. Most of the pain induced by the procedure should be gone at that point. New tissues will develop and fill up the extracted tooth’s socket over the next few months.

An extraction maybe is what you require to contain an extreme health issue like an infection that spreads to other parts of the body. If you have a severe toothache, a badly damaged tooth, or your tooth is beyond repair it is a sign that you need a tooth extraction. Contact us to book your appointment & meet us at our dental office in Twin Falls.

A Few Simple Guidelines

Sometimes, teeth need to be removed due to decay, disease or trauma. Having a tooth “pulled” is called a tooth extraction.

When you have an extraction, it’s natural that changes will occur in your mouth. Your dentist may give you instructions to follow after the extraction, and it’s important to talk to your dentist if you have any questions or problems. Here are some general guidelines to help promote healing, prevent complications, and make you more comfortable.


Before the extraction, you will be given an anesthetic to reduce your discomfort. Your mouth will remain numb for a few hours after the extraction. While your mouth is numb, you’ll want to be careful not to bite your cheek, lip or tongue. Do not eat any foods that require chewing while your mouth is numb. The numbness should go away within several hours. If it doesn’t, contact your dentist.


Your dentist may place a gauze pack on the extraction site to limit bleeding. This will also help a blood clot to form, which is necessary for normal healing. This gauze pack should be left in place for 30 to 45 minutes after you leave the dentist’s office.

Do not chew on the pack. There may be some bleeding or oozing after the pack is removed. If so, here’s what to do:

• Fold a piece of clean gauze into a pad thick enough to bite on. Dampen the pad with clean, warm water and place it directly on the extraction site.

• Apply pressure by closing the teeth firmly over the pad. Maintain this pressure for about 30 minutes. If the pad becomes soaked with blood, replace it with a clean one.

• Do not suck on the extraction site or disturb it with your tongue.

• A slight amount of blood may leak from the extraction site until a clot forms. However, if heavy bleeding continues, call your dentist. (Remember, though, that a little bit of blood mixed with saliva can look like a lot of bleeding.)

Do Not Disturb!

The blood clot that forms in the tooth socket is an important part of the normal healing process. You should avoid doing things that might disturb the clot. Here’s how to protect it:

• Do not rinse your mouth vigorously, or drink through a straw for 24 hours. These activities create suction in the mouth, which could loosen the clot and delay healing.

• Avoid alcoholic beverages or mouthwash containing alcohol for 24 hours.

• If you are a smoker, talk to your dentist before the surgery on ways to quit. You should not smoke after surgery.

• Limit strenuous activity for 24 hours after the extraction. This will reduce bleeding and help the blood clot to form.

• Sometimes the blood clot does not form in the first day or two after the extraction, or it forms but breaks down. The result is called dry socket. This can be very painful and should be reported to your dentist. A dressing may be placed in the socket to protect it until the socket heals and to reduce any pain.

Cleaning Your Mouth

Do not clean the teeth next to the healing tooth socket for the rest of the day. You should, however, brush and floss your other teeth well and begin cleaning the teeth next to the healing tooth socket the next day. You can also brush your tongue. This will help get rid of the bad breath and unpleasant taste that are common after an extraction.

The day after the extraction, gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water (half a teaspoon salt in an 8 oz. glass of warm water) after meals to keep food particles out of the extraction site. Try not to rinse your mouth vigorously, as this may loosen the blood clot. If you have hypertension, discuss with your dentist whether you should rinse with salt water. Avoid using a mouthwash during this early healing period unless your dentist advises you to do so.


If your dentist has prescribed medicine to control pain and inflammation, or to prevent infection, use it only as directed. If the pain medication prescribed does not seem to work for you, do not take more pills or take them more often than directed-call your dentist.

Swelling and Pain

After a tooth is removed, you may have some discomfort and notice some swelling. This is normal. To help reduce swelling and pain, try applying an ice bag or cold, moist cloth to your face. Your dentist may give you specific instructions on how long and how often to use a cold compress.

When to Call the Dentist

If you have any of the following issues, call your dentist immediately. If you cannot reach your dentist, go to a hospital emergency room.

• fever, nausea or vomiting

• ongoing or severe pain, swelling, or bleeding

• pain that gets worse with time instead of better

Eating and Drinking

After the extraction, drink lots of liquids and eat soft, nutritious foods. Avoid hot liquids and alcoholic beverages. Do not use a straw. Begin eating solid foods the next day or as soon as you can chew comfortably. For the first few days, try to chew food on the side opposite the extraction site. When it feels comfortable, you should resume chewing on both sides of your mouth.


If you have sutures that require removal, your dentist will tell you when to return to the office.

Can I brush with toothpaste after extraction?

Regardless of the type of extraction you get, it can take up to two weeks to recover from tooth extraction. Dentists typically recommend waiting to brush your teeth with toothpaste for at least three days after having a tooth pulled.

What happens if I brush my teeth after tooth extraction?

Brushing and flossing, or even using mouthwash, can run the risk of dislodging the blood clot that should be forming in the socket. This can result in a dry socket, which is a common complication following wisdom teeth removal.

How do you clean your mouth after a tooth extraction?

Don't rinse for the first 24 hours, and this will help your mouth to start healing. After this time use a salt-water mouthwash, which helps to heal the socket. A teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water gently rinsed around the socket twice a day can help to clean and heal the area.