Bucky barnes x reader he insults you

Bucky barnes x reader he insults you

Bucky Barnes x Plus size!reader

Word Count: 1644 words

Warnings: I got carried away, just so you know. 

Summary: The reader and Bucky have a very strange relationship, and they always will


You and Bucky had never really gotten along.

When you were young, you fought more than anything else, with him sticking his foot in his mouth over and over and your quick temper driving your attitude.

Really, you were only good at fighting.

Even now, you two couldn’t be in the same room with one another unless you were yelling at him or making out. That was all you did, and as dysfunctional as it may have been, it worked for you.

You had never been the relationship type and James wasn’t any better. The last girlfriend he’d had was in the forties.

Casual hookups were all you had in you, and it had never been a problem before.

However, there was definitely something different in the way that he’d been acting as of late. There were no clever quips or quick insults as you passed, or anything else for that matter.

It was as if you were perfect strangers.

The only problem with that, of course, was that you weren’t. Perfect strangers never got the chance to taste the other’s tongue and you had Buck had done far more than that.

Something was definitely up, you just hadn’t figured out what it was yet.

You weren’t exactly in a hurry to figure it out either, to be perfectly honest. Bucky’s attitude problem wasn’t something you had to worry about, and it certainly wasn’t yours to fix.

Whatever it was, you thought for sure he’d figure it out and get over it.

…But maybe you were wrong.

He was pouty, and even more moody than usual. It just didn’t make any sense, though had you stopped to think about it, you could have easily put the pieces together.

You had recently started seeing someone else.

His name was Todd, some low level agent at S.H.I.E.L.D who’d asked you to get a drink a week or so back. It wasn’t serious, of course, meaning that you liked him in about the same way you liked anyone.

More than anything, he was good for drinks and sloppy makeouts in bar bathrooms but Bucky didn’t care about any of that.

He hated him.

If anyone got to take you for drinks or smear your lipstick all over the place, it was him. He’d known you longer than any of them, certainly longer than Todd, and it should have been him.

…But he couldn’t exactly tell you any of that.

You and Bucky had always kept your relationship fun, without all the serious crap that no one wanted to deal with in the first place, and you liked it that way. You didn’t get too attached, but you had fun when you both had to let off a little steam.

It was the perfect arrangement.

For some reason though, seeing you on the arm of another man made his blood boil.

Bucky could have killed him, if he was in any position to do so. The other issue was that he wasn’t in any position to make any changes.

You weren’t his girlfriend, and he didn’t want you to be, he just didn’t want anyone else to touch you or be near you or speak to you, ever.

Was that too much to ask?

Evidently, it was.

The dark haired male knew that no matter what he did, or what he said, nothing would change the way you felt about one another. The most frustrating thing was that he didn’t even understand why he felt like he did.

Bucky didn’t care about you, did he?

Up until recently, he’d been perfectly content with the way your relationship was going but not anymore. For some reason, everything was different now and he hated it.

He was restless, and nothing made it better. Everything reminded him of you and how he felt about you, which just made him more angry for feeling that way at all.

It wasn’t what he wanted, but it just was what it was. He couldn’t exactly change it, so he’d made up his mind. All he would do was sit back and pretend he didn’t feel it, eventually it was going to go away.

It had to.


His plan lasted all of about three days, before everything came crashing down again.

You had brought Todd with you to Stark tower last night, to ‘meet the team’ as you put it but Bucky knew better. He knew exactly what that meant and he wasn’t happy about it.

His jaw tightened as he looked over your frame, the soft smirk you wore and that spark in your eye.

What you’d done was beyond unprofessional but that wasn’t what had him so upset and he knew it. What Bucky couldn’t get over was the thought of that creep’s hands all over you, and the fact that it wasn’t him in your bed last night.

Though, the last straw came during breakfast, when Todd decided it would be a good idea to smack your ass on his way past, on his way to the bathroom.

It was a subtle thing, something no one else even paid any mind to, aside from a small smile from Natasha to Clint. For them, this was funny, but all Bucky could think about was where he’d put his body.

He couldn’t help it.

What he did next was what caused the real problem though. Instead of just moving on and being mad on his own time, Bucky marched over to your side and yanked you around the corner, into the next room.

At least here, there wouldn’t be quite as many prying eyes.

“What do you think you’re doing?” you spit, immediately snatching your arm back from his grip as you tried to figure out what had gotten into him. He was always like this, absolutely incapable of using his words.

In the past, you’d explained him akin to a neanderthal or some kind of caged animal.

Now though, Bucky didn’t seem to be in a joking mood, and he certainly wasn’t in the mood for your sass. You had to know how much this was upsetting him, and how much he hated it.

Even you couldn’t be so stupid.

“Get him out of here” he suggested, not even bothering to explain himself. There was such an arrogance about him, as he ordered you to do as he said, it actually forced a laugh from your throat.

Bucky had finally lost it.

“I don’t know what you mean” you smirked, resting your hands on your hips as you looked him in the eye, daring him to be more blatantly honest about what he wanted.

You were testing him, just like you always did, but it wasn’t going to work this time. Bucky was mad, and it would be best for everyone if you just told that punk to leave so you could get back to your breakfast.

…but you weren’t going to do that.

Bucky wasn’t your father, and he certainly wasn’t your boyfriend, he had no authority over who you spent time with, in or out of your bedroom.

“I’m not kidding, get him out of here” he repeated, his jaw tightening again in a warning sort of way. He wasn’t going to do anything to you, you knew that, but it was still fun to imagine.

Even if he tried, you’d have him on his ass in a minute, you both knew it.

“You are such an asshole, you know that?” you scoffed, another laugh playing in your throat as you looked at him, your brow furrowed. You couldn’t believe he was acting like this.

He was such a child.

“I’m an asshole? No kid, he’s the asshole, trust me” he spit, practically growling as he let out all his frustrations over the past few days, watching him lay his hands on you and whisper in your ear.

He had no right, and clearly, only Bucky had the common sense to recognize that.

That earned another laugh from you, this time much more dangerous before as you stepped closer to him. “That’s what this is about? You don’t wanna share your toy, Buck?” you huffed, rolling your eyes.

You had always been very clear about what you wanted from him, and you were under the impression that he felt the same, but clearly not. You never got jealous, and really, it was pathetic that he was.

Especially over Todd.

You were having a good time with him, sure, but you could replace him in an hour, there was nothing special about him.

“Oh fuck off” he grumbled, running his metal hand through his dark hair, each wavy lock curling around his fingers as it passed. Even pissed, he was so delicious.

Maybe that was why you two fought so often.

You were quite the sight too, your blood boiling as you waited for him to say anything of substance, your arms now crossed your chest. Your breath was heaving under the pressure and your skin was on fire.

Then, like a rubber band giving under the immense pressure of being stretched past its limit, Bucky gave in, just like you knew he would. Within a minute, you were pressed hard against the wall, his forearms firm under your thighs as he held you there, his lips on your own.

His breath was raging, not that yours was any better, and he’d bit so hard into your bottom lip that you could taste the iron when he finally backed up for air, not that either of you cared.

“I’ll get rid of him” you decided, after a few seconds of silence, the male’s forehead rested against your own.

It was uncharted territory for you both, but maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing. If nothing else, it would get him off your back for a little while.