Breasts leaking 2 weeks after birth not breastfeeding

Published on July 2, 2015

Q: I had a baby daughter 6 months ago. I never breastfed her and I have been dry for a while, but now there's a little bit of milky stuff coming out my breast. Is this normal?

A: It may be normal to have occasional nipple leakage after a pregnancy -- nipple stimulation of any kind can cause milk let down or you may have a small, clogged milk duct still in your breast. Avoid touching your nipples for at least 24 hours. If the discharge continues, call your doctor for some hormone-level testing, specifically checking for prolactin levels.

Answered by Dr. Marra Francis

In this article

  • Why am I leaking breastmilk?
  • How long will I have leaking breasts?
  • Can I stop my breasts leaking?
  • Can I do anything to reduce leakage once I feel it starting?
  • My breasts never leak. Do I have enough milk for breastfeeding?

If you’re breastfeeding, it’s normal for your breasts to leak during the first few weeks. This is because your body is still getting used to lactation (making breastmilk) and adapting to producing the right milk supply for your baby. You may feel frustrated, or even a bit embarrassed, by your leaking breasts, but it’s actually a good sign. It shows your letdown reflex is working and that your body is making lots of milk for your baby. Breast pads can help ease any embarrassment.

Why am I leaking breastmilk?

Your breasts will leak when they become so full of milk that they overflow. Leaking, or even spraying, can also happen when the hormone oxytocin triggers the muscle cells in your breasts to squeeze out milk (letdown reflex).

Your breasts may leak:

  • Often in the mornings, when your breasts are most full.
  • From just one breast, during almost every feed.
  • From both breasts, when you’re not feeding, including at night.

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You may leak in certain situations such as when:

  • You’re feeding your baby from your other breast.
  • You hear your baby cry, or just think about your baby.
  • You’re in the shower or bath, or a heated room. This is because warmth can help your milk flow more easily.

How long will I have leaking breasts?

Everyone is different, but you’ll probably leak the most during your first few weeks of breastfeeding. It takes a little while for your body to adjust to how your baby feeds.

Many mums find that their breasts stop leaking milk some time in the first six weeks to 10 weeks of breastfeeding. However, some say they have leaks for as long as they continue to breastfeed.

Can I stop my breasts leaking?

There’s no fail-safe way to stop your breasts from leaking. Breastfeeding regularly, and not leaving too long between feeds, may help. The more you breastfeed, the less likely your breasts are to overflow.

Experiment with different positions until you find one that allows your baby to latch on well. If you have a strong let-down reflex you may find that lying down on your back to breastfeed may stop your breasts from spraying. Once you find a breastfeeding rhythm that suits you both, the leaking should settle down.

Some experts recommend block feeding to reduce milk supply and help prevent leaking. It works by using just one breast for feeding for a block of time, for example, three hours. Then alternate between breasts for subsequent feeds, again using each breast for around three hours. It may help to empty both breasts in advance to help reduce the risk of engorgement and mastitis.

You may not be able to control your milk flow, but you can plan ahead:

  • Wear breast pads or nursing pads inside your bra. Change them when they become damp, to prevent your nipples from becoming sore or infected. Also change them often if you and your baby are being treated for thrush. If you’re out and about, carry a supply of breast pads with you.
  • Try using washable plastic breast shells. If you sterilise them first, you can keep and freeze the milk that collects in them.
  • If one breast tends to leak when you’re feeding on the other side, place a cloth, breast pad or breast shell inside your bra on that side.
  • Wear patterned tops that camouflage milk stains. If you’re out for the day, take a spare bra and top.
  • You could also try expressing your milk before your breasts become too full.
  • If night-time leaking is a problem, you can get special night-time breast pads. You could also try sleeping on a towel.

Can I do anything to reduce leakage once I feel it starting?

If you feel a letdown tingle when your baby doesn't need a feed, it may help to press your palms gently and briefly against your nipples. If you’re out and about in public, try crossing your arms first so that you can discreetly place your palms on your breasts.

Pressing gently is important, as keeping too much pressure on full breasts can lead to mastitis.

My breasts never leak. Do I have enough milk for breastfeeding?

Many mums never experience leaking breasts. It depends on how the tiny muscles at the opening of your nipples work. These muscles squeeze open and shut. If your muscles are very efficient, your breasts probably won’t leak at all.


Eglash A. 2014. Treatment of maternal Hyperglactia. Breastfeed Med. Nov1; 9(9): 423-425. doi: 10.1089/bfm.2014.0133

Inch S. 2014. Infant feeding. In: Marshall JE, Raynor MD. eds. Myles textbook for midwives. 16th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 703-36 [Accessed January 2021]

La Leche League GB. Too Much Milk and Oversupply. [Accessed January 2021

NHS. 2019. Breastfeeding: the first few days. NHS Choices, Health A-Z. [Accessed January 2021]

NHS. 2018. Breastfeeding and thrush. NHS Choices, Health A-Z. [Accessed January 2021]

NHS. 2017. Leaking from your nipples. NHS Choices, Health A-Z. [Accessed January 2021]

NICE. 2018. Mastitis and breast abscess. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Clinical Knowledge Summaries. [Accessed January 2021]

NICE. 2017. Breastfeeding problems. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Clinical Knowledge Summaries. [Accessed January 2021]

Trimeloni L, Spencer J. 2016. Diagnosis and Management of Breast Milk Oversupply. J Am Board Fam Med. 29(1):139-42 [Accessed January 2021]

Breasts leaking 2 weeks after birth not breastfeeding

Lorna Marsh is senior editor at BabyCentre. She has more than 20 years’ journalism and editing experience, including working for the NHS.

How long do breasts leak after birth if not breastfeeding?

Some women continue to produce milk up to 2 years after they have stopped breastfeeding. Learn more about your body after the birth.

Why do my breast leak if I'm not breastfeeding?

Galactorrhea is a condition where your breasts leak milk. The main sign of galactorrhea is when it happens in people who aren't pregnant or breastfeeding. It's caused by stimulation, medication or a pituitary gland disorder.

How do you stop your breast from leaking when not breastfeeding?

If you decide to formula feed, or if you stop breastfeeding or pumping down the road, your prolactin levels will drop and milk production will gradually shut down..
Wear a supportive bra. ... .
Apply a cold pack. ... .
Use cabbage leaves. ... .
Take pain-relieving medication. ... .
Try Gua-Sha therapy..

Why am I lactating all of a sudden?

Reasons for lactating when not recently pregnant can range from hormone imbalances to medication side effects to other health conditions. The most common cause of breast milk production is an elevation of a hormone produced in the brain called prolactin.

Can milk come out of a breast if not pregnant?

Sometimes a woman's breasts make milk even though she is not pregnant or breastfeeding. This condition is called galactorrhea (say: guh-lack-tuh-ree-ah). The milk may come from one or both breasts. It may leak on its own or only when the breasts are touched.