Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption

Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption

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  • Disabled veteran exemption
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Disabled Veteran Exemption
A Texas homeowner qualifies for a county appraisal district disabled veteran exemption if:

  • A Texas homeowner is a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces and their service branch or the Veteran's Administration has officially classified them as disabled. The disability must be service related.
  • A Texas homeowner is the surviving spouse or child of a deceased veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces and the veteran's service branch or the Veteran's Administration had officially classified the veteran as disabled before his/her death. The disability must have been service related. If a Texas homeowner is a surviving spouse, they must not have remarried. If they are a surviving child, they must be under 18 years old and their disabled parent's spouse must not have survived their disabled parent.
  • A Texas homeowner is the surviving spouse or child of a person who died while on active duty with the U.S. Armed Forces. If they are a surviving child, they must be under 18 years old.

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Related Subjects

  • Appraisal District Exemptions

State Taxes  
Education Benefits
Employment Benefits
Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Department of Motor Vehicles Benefits
Health Insurance Benefits
Parks and Recreation Benefits
Miscellaneous Benefits
Texas Military Resource Locator

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Facilities in Texas


Summary of Texas Military and Veterans Benefits: Texas offers special benefits for Service members, Veterans and their Families including property tax exemptions, state retirement benefits, Veterans Land Board loan programs, Texas National Guard Tuition Scholarship Program, Veteran’s employment preference, vehicle license plates, as well as hunting and fishing license benefits. Eligibility for some benefits may depend on residency, military component and Veteran disability status.

Texas Veterans Commission, Claims Department: The Texas Veterans Commission has trained Claims Benefit Advisors who can assist Veterans and their Families find and apply for Veterans benefits under federal, state and local laws. All their services are free of charge. Please Call 800-252-VETS (8387) for more assistance.
Texas Veterans Commission, Claims Department Offices Directory
Texas Veterans Commission, Online Contact Form

Learn more about the Texas Veterans Commission, Claims Department

Texas Military and Veterans State Benefit Highlights and Eligibility

What are my Texas Military and Veterans State Tax Benefits?

Texas Income Taxes: There are no individual state income taxes in Texas. Distributions received from the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) are not taxed.

Learn more about Texas Income Taxes

Texas Homestead Tax Exemption for 100% Disabled or Unemployable Veterans: Property tax in Texas is a locally assessed and locally administered tax. There is no state property tax. The Comptroller's publication Texas Property Tax Exemptions offers a short summary of the available property tax exemptions.

Veterans who receive compensation from the VA for a service-connected disability rating of 100% disabled or of individual unemployability are eligible for 100% property tax exemption on their homestead.

An unremarried Surviving Spouse can continue to receive this exemption if they continue to live on the homestead after the Veteran dies. A Surviving Spouse can receive this exemption on a subsequent homestead if they do not remarry. The amount of the exemption on the subsequent homestead will be the same dollar amount of the exemption on the first homestead.

A Veteran who qualifies for more than one property exemption is only eligible for one exemption but may choose the greatest exemption they qualify for. Please view the Texas Residence Homestead Exemption Application for more information and how to apply. Texas Property Tax Code 11.131
Texas Homestead Property Tax Exemption, 100% Disabled Veteran and Surviving Spouse Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about Texas Homestead Tax Exemption for 100% Disabled or Unemployable Veterans

Texas Property Tax Exemption for Partially Disabled Veterans and Veterans over age 65: Texas offers a partial property tax exemption for partially disabled Veterans. The amount of the exemption is based on the percentage of service-connected disability the VA awarded the Veteran.

Disability Exemption Amounts:

  • $5,000 for 10% - 29% disability rating

  • $7,500 for 30% - 49% disability rating

  • $10,000 50% - 69% disability rating

  • $12,000 70% - 99% disability rating

Disabled Veterans 65 years old or older can receive a property tax exemption of $12,000 and must meet the one of following requirements:

  • Service-connected disability rating of at least 10%

  • Totally blind in one or both eyes

  • Lost the use of one or more limbs

An unremarried Surviving Spouse or Child (under 18 and unmarried) of a qualifying disabled Veteran who dies are eligible for this exemption.

A Veteran who qualifies for more than one property exemption is only eligible for one exemption but may choose the greatest exemption they qualify for. Please view the Texas Application for Disabled Veteran's or Survivor’s Exemption for more information and how to apply. Texas Property Tax Code 11.22

Learn more about Texas Property Tax Exemption for Partially Disabled Veterans and Veterans over age 65

Texas Property Tax Exemption for the Surviving Spouse of a Service Member Killed in the Line of Duty: An unremarried Surviving Spouse of a Service member who

Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption
was killed in the line of duty while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible for 100% property tax exemption on their homestead.

Please view the Texas Residence Homestead Exemption Application for more information and how to apply.
Texas Property Tax Code 11.133

Learn more about the Texas Property Tax Exemption for the Surviving Spouse of a Service Member Killed in the Line of Duty

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What are my Texas Military and Veterans Education Benefits?

Texas National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program (STA): STA is an education benefitthat provides money for college to eligible members of the Texas Military Department pursuing their educational and career goals.

Undergraduate applicants are prioritized to receive an award up to $1,000 in tuition and fees per semester. Service members in an Early Commissioning Program or students registered in a STEM degree program will have top priority. Award upgrades are possible for applicants with tuition and fee charges more than $1,000 in a semester. If approved, the upgrade maximum is the equivalent of up to 12 credit hours of tuition and mandatory fees, not to exceed $4,500.

Award amounts are based on, available funding, the number of eligible applicants for that semester and a student’s successful completion of courses.

State Tuition Assistance funding is:

  • Available for Fall and Spring academic semesters only, payments are issued only at the end of the standard Fall and Spring semesters

  • Private school awards are based on the average amount of awards for public schools each semester, which is normally around $1800 for undergraduate students and $2,000 for graduate students

  • Out-of-State/ nonresident tuition charges are not eligible for reimbursement

  • State tuition assistance is available for five academic years or ten semesters

  • Incomplete, dropped or failed classes are not eligible for reimbursement

  • Continuing education classes that do not earn academic credits do not qualify for funding

Texas STA Online Application

Who is eligible for STA?

  • Actively drilling Service members in “Good Standing” in the Texas National Guard

  • Pay grades E1-E9 (enlisted), O1-O5 (commissioned officers) and W1-W3 (warrant officers)

  • Service members must be accepted and registered in a Texas qualifying college or university for a minimum of 3 semester credit hours, part-time or full-time students are eligible

  • Applicants must have completed basic training prior to the start of the semester

  • Service members must continue to serve through the end of the semester, the Service member’s Expiration of Term of Service (ETS) or Mandatory Retirement Date (MRD) must be after the official last day of class

  • ROTC (Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty) Cadets utilizing the Room and Board scholarship option or non-scholarship contracts are eligible

  • STA can be used with other federal and state tuition assistance

  • Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Service members are not eligible

  • Service members must attend a public or private college or university with headquarters in Texas, for profit schools are not eligible

  • Must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA

Learn more about the Texas National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program

Texas Hazlewood Act Tuition Exemption Benefit for Veterans: The Texas Hazlewood Act provides qualified Veterans, a tuition exemption of most fee charges for up to 150 credit hours at

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public institutions of higher education. This does not include living expenses, books, or supply fees.
Who is eligible for Texas Hazlewood Act Tuition Exemption Benefit for Veterans: Veterans must meet the following requirements:

  • Designated Texas as their home of record at the time of entry into the U.S. Armed Forces, entered the U.S. Armed Forces from Texas, or was a Texas resident

  • Received an honorable discharge or separation (must be indicated on the Veteran's DD214 or certificate of release)

  • Served at least 181 days on active duty (excluding training)

  • Have no federal Veteran's education benefits remaining that exceed the value of Hazlewood benefits (Pell and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant recipients may still apply)

  • Not be in default on a student loan made or guaranteed by Texas

  • Enroll in classes for which the college receives tax support (meaning a course that does not depend only on student tuition and fees to cover its cost)

  • Meet the GPA requirements and show satisfactory academic progress in a degree or certificate program as an undergraduate student and not considered to be taking an excessive amount of credit hours

Texas Hazlewood Act Exemption Application, Supporting Documentation Instructions
Texas Education Code 54.341

Learn more about Texas Hazlewood Act Tuition Exemption Benefit for Veterans

Texas Hazlewood Act Tuition Exemption Benefit for Spouses and Dependent Children: The Spouse and dependent Children of certain active and reserve component Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible for a tuition waiver at Texas state supported higher education institutions. Students can receive an exemption for 150 credit hours.
Who is eligible for Texas Hazlewood Act Tuition Exemption Benefit for Spouses and Dependent Children? Veteran requirements for a Spouse or Child eligibility:

  • Designated Texas as their home of record at the time of entry into the U.S. Armed Forces, entered the U.S. Armed Forces from Texas, or was a Texas resident

  • Served in the U.S. Armed Forces and:

    • Was killed in action (KIA)

    • Declared missing in action (MIA)

    • Has a service-connected 100% permanent and total disability rating or is declared individually unemployable by the VA

    • Died from a service-connected illness or injury

Spouse and Children eligibility requirements:

  • Not be in default on a student loan made or guaranteed by Texas

  • Have no federal Veteran's education benefits remaining that exceed the value of Hazlewood benefits, (Pell and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant recipients may still apply)

  • Texas resident for tuition purposes

  • Meet the GPA requirements and show satisfactory academic progress in a degree or certificate program as an undergraduate student and not considered to be taking an excessive amount of credit hours, (this requirement does not apply to the Spouse or Child of a MIA, KIA, or service-connected deceased Veteran)

Texas Hazlewood Act Exemption Application, Supporting Documentation Instructions
Texas Education Code 54.341

Learn more about Texas Hazlewood Act Tuition Exemption Benefit for Spouses and Dependent Children

Texas Hazlewood Act Tuition Exemption Child Legacy Act: Veterans who are eligible for the Texas Hazlewood Act (see above) may assign unused tuition exemption hours to their Child under certain conditions. Exemptions may be used at any Texas state supported higher education institution.
Who is eligible for Texas Hazlewood Act Tuition Exemption Child Legacy Act?
Child eligibility requirements:

  • Texas resident for tuition purposes

  • Be the biological Child, stepchild, adopted Child, or claimed as a dependent in the current or previous tax year

  • 25 years old or younger on the first day of the semester or term that the exemption is claimed (unless granted an extension due to a qualifying illness or debilitating condition)

  • Meet the GPA requirements and show satisfactory academic progress in a degree or certificate program as an undergraduate student and not considered to be taking an excessive amount of credit hours

Legacy recipients will receive an exemption for the number of degree certified hours. The maximum number of hours awarded depends on the degree or certificate program and should be within the normal length of time to complete their degree or receive their certificate.

If a Child does not use all the assigned hours, a Veteran may re-assign the unused hours to another dependent Child. Only one Child can use the Hazlewood Act at a time.
Texas Hazlewood Act Exemption Application, Supporting Documentation Instructions
Texas Education Code 54.341

Learn more about Texas Hazlewood Act Tuition Exemption Child Legacy Act

Texas "TAPS" Tuition Voucher Program: Students in 6th through 12th grade or in a postsecondary school will receive a $25 tuition voucher each time they play "Taps" during Military Funeral Honors.
Texas Veterans Commission, Taps Certification

Learn more about the Texas "TAPS" Tuition Voucher Program

Texas High School Diplomas for Wartime Veterans: Texas school districts will issue high school diplomas to Veterans who left school before receiving their diploma to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Who is eligible for Texas High School Diplomas for Wartime Veterans? Veterans must meet the following requirements to be eligible:

  • Honorably discharged from the U.S. Armed Forces

  • Was scheduled to graduate from high school after 1940 and before 1975 or after 1989

  • Left school after completing 6th grade or higher, but before graduating from high school, to serve in:

    • World War II

    • Korean War

    • Vietnam War

    • Persian Gulf War

    • Iraq War

    • Afghan War

    • Any other formally declared war or military engagement

The completed Texas Application for High School Diplomas for Certain Veterans and all required documentation must be submitted to the local Texas school district where the Veteran was last enrolled. If the Veteran’s school district no longer exists, the form should be submitted to the consolidated (new) district. These diplomas can be requested posthumously.

Please contact the Texas Education Agency’s Division of Curriculum at 512-463-9581 for more information.
Texas Education Code 28.0251
Texas School District Locator

Learn more about Texas High School Diplomas for Wartime Veterans

Texas Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (MIC3): The purpose of this compact is to remove barriers to educational success imposed on Children of military Families because of frequent moves and deployment of their parents by:

  • Facilitating the prompt enrollment of Children of military Families and ensuring that they are not placed at a disadvantage due to difficulty in the transfer of educational records from the previous school district or variations in entrance or age requirements

  • Facilitating the student placement process through which Children of military Families are not disadvantaged by variations in attendance requirements, scheduling, sequencing, grading, course content or assessment. Facilitating the qualification and eligibility for enrollment, educational programs and participation in extracurricular academic, athletic and social activities

  • Facilitating the on-time graduation of Children of military Families

  • Providing for the enforcement of administrative rules implementing the provisions of this compact

  • Providing for the uniform collection and sharing of information between and among member states, schools and military Families under this compact

  • Promoting coordination between this compact and other compacts affecting military Children

  • Promoting flexibility and cooperation between the educational system, parents and the student to achieve educational success for the student

MIC3 Assistance Request

Primary Point of Contact

Learn more about the Texas Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children

Texas Purple Star Designation for Military-Friendly Schools: The Texas Purple Star Designation for military-friendly schools recognizes schools that show a major commitment

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to serving students and Families connected to the U.S. Armed Forces. Purple Star awardees receive a special Purple Star recognition to display in their building.

For a school to qualify for the Purple Star designation they must appoint a school liaison who is specially trained to handle the unique challenges experienced by military Families. This liaison will ensure that other teachers at their school are aware of special considerations that students from military Families can benefit from. Each school will also have a dedicated page on their school website featuring resources for military Families. For more information, please call 512-463-9414 or email .
Commissioner's Rules Concerning Veterans and Military Dependents

Learn more about the Texas Purple Star Designation for Military-Friendly Schools

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What are my Texas Military and Veterans Employment Benefits?

Texas State Employee Paid Leave for Military Duty: Texas state, county, municipality or political subdivision employees who are members of a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible for paid leave to attend authorized training or duty for 15 workdays in a fiscal year. During military leave the

Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption
employee may not lose time, efficiency rating, personal time, sick leave, or vacation time.
Who is eligible for Texas State Employee Paid Leave for Military Duty?
State employees in a reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible for paid military leave.

Learn more about Texas State Employee Paid Leave for Military Duty

Reemployment in Texas State Employment Following Military Service: A state or local government employee who leaves their job to enter active duty service in the U.S. Armed Forces is entitled to be reemployed to the same position or a position of similar seniority, status and pay.
Who is eligible for Reemployment in Texas State Employment Following Military Service? Service members have five years from the date of their entry into military service to reapply for their previous position. Service members must have received an honorable discharge and must be physically and mentally able to perform the duties of their position to be eligible.

An employee who cannot perform the duties of their previous position, due to a service-connected disability they received during service in the U.S. Armed Forces, must be employed to a position they can perform and that has similar seniority, status, and pay as their former position.

Learn more about Reemployment in Texas State Employment Following Military Service

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR), Professional Licensing Benefits for U.S. Armed Forces Service Members, Veterans and Spouses: TDLR offers professional licensing benefits to Service members, Veterans and military Spouses. TLDR provides the following benefits:

  • Service members and Veterans may use military experience and training to meet the requirements of a Texas occupational license

  • If a Service member’s, Service member’s Spouse or Veteran’s Texas occupational license expires during their time on active duty, they are eligible for:

    • Additional two years to complete their license renewal

    • No late renewal fees

    • Expedited renewal process

    • Waiving of the examination requirement

  • Offers expedited processing for current out of state occupational licenses

In addition, TDLR offers military Spouse’s assistance when transferring licenses from other states and will expedite applications for new licenses.
Who is eligible for Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR), Professional Licensing Benefits for U.S. Armed Forces Service Members, Veterans and Spouses?

Service Members: Service members in active or reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces who are currently serving on active duty are eligible.

Veterans: Veterans who have served on active duty in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, for any length of time, and have since been discharged.

Spouse: A Spouse who is currently married to an active duty Service member.

Learn more about Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, Professional Licensing Benefits for Military Service Members, Veterans and Spouses

Texas State Agency Contract Preference for Disabled Veterans: All state agencies, when purchasing goods, including agricultural goods, must give first preference to goods produced or offered by a resident service-connected disabled Veteran if the cost to the state and quality are equal.

Learn more about Texas State Agency Contract Preference for Disabled Veterans

Texas Veterans Commission On-the-Job Training Program (OJT): The Texas Veterans Commission OJT training programs help Veterans to learn a trade or skill while training on the job rather than by attending a formal program of classroom-based instruction.

OJT training programs provide:

  • Training opportunities for a position the Veteran is not already qualified for

  • Training lasts no less than six months, no more than two years

  • Job training has a defined objective with training outline

  • Training leads to entry-level position

  • Adequate space and equipment are provided

  • Supervision for at least 50% of training/work time

  • Specific recordkeeping requirements and signed agreements

  • Non-commission based wages

  • Beginning wage at least 50% of fully trained employee wage

  • Minimum of one wage increase during the training period

  • Ending wage at least 85% of fully trained employee wage

  • Not applicable to Federal, state, and local government OJT programs

For more information, please contact:
Phone: 521-463-3168

Learn more about the Texas Veterans Commission On-the-Job Training Program

Texas State Employment Veteran’s Hiring Preference: Texas state agencies must provide a Veteran’s hiring preference until they have reached 20% Veteran employment. An individual who qualifies for Veteran’s hiring preference are eligible for preference in state employment over other equally qualified applicants.

If a state employer requires a competitive examination for selecting or promoting employees, an individual eligible for Veteran’s hiring preference who is qualified for that position and received a passing score will have 10 points added to their test score. A Veteran who has a service-connected disability will have an additional five points added to their test score.

Veterans with a service-connected disability who are eligible for Veteran’s hiring preference when a competitive examination is not used will have preference over all other applicants.
Who is eligible for Texas State Employment Veteran’s Hiring Preference? The following individuals are eligible for Veteran’s hiring preference:

  • Honorably discharged Veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for at least 90 consecutive days during a declared national emergency or was discharged prior to 90 days due to a service-connected disability

  • Honorably discharged Veterans with a service-connected disability, as determined by the VA or their branch of service

  • Veteran's unremarried Surviving Spouse

  • Orphan of a Veteran who was killed while on active duty

Veteran’s preference will be applied in the following order:

  • Veteran with a disability

  • Veteran

  • Veteran's unremarried Surviving Spouse

  • Orphan of a Veteran who was killed while on active duty

Those eligible for Veteran’s hiring preference are also eligible for preference in retaining employment during a reduction in workforce over equally qualified employees.

Learn more about Texas State Employment Veteran’s Hiring Preference

Federal Employment Veteran's Hiring Preferences: By Federal law, Veterans who are disabled or who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during certain specified time periods or in military campaigns are entitled to preference over non-Veterans in hiring into the Federal civil service and in retention during reduction in force. Veterans may be entitled to 5 or 10 points included in any scoring process for examination or interviews.

5-point Hiring Preference: Five points are added to the examination score or rating of a Veteran who served:

  • During a war, or

  • During the period April 28, 1952, through July 1, 1955, or

  • For more than 180 consecutive days, other than for training, any part of which occurred after January 31, 1955, and before October 15, 1976, or

  • During the Gulf War from August 2, 1990, through January 2, 1992, or

  • For more than 180 consecutive days, other than for training, any part of which occurred during the period beginning September 11, 2001, and ending on August 31, 2010, the last day of Operation Iraqi Freedom, or

  • In a campaign or expedition for which a campaign medal has been authorized. Any Armed Forces Expeditionary medal or campaign badge, including El Salvador, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Southwest Asia, Somalia, and Haiti, qualifies for preference

10-point Compensable Disability (CP) Preference: Ten points are added to the examination score or rating of a Veteran who served at any time and who has a compensable service-connected disability rating of at least 10% but less than 30%.

10-Point 30% Compensable Disability Preference (CPS): Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of a Veteran who served at any time and who has a compensable service-connected disability rating of 30% or more.

10-Point Disability Preference (XP): Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of:

  • A Veteran who served at any time and has a present service-connected disability or is receiving compensation, disability retirement benefits, or pension from the military or the VA but does not qualify as a CP or CPS, or

  • A Veteran who received a Purple Heart

10-Point Derived Preference (XP): Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of Spouses, Surviving Spouses, or mothers of Veterans. Both a mother and a Spouse (including Surviving Spouse) may be entitled to preference based on the same Veteran's service if they both meet the requirements. However, neither may receive preference if the Veteran is living and is qualified for Federal employment.

Ten points are added to the passing examination score or rating of the Spouse of a disabled Veteran who is disqualified for a federal position along the general lines of their usual occupation because of a service-connected disability. Such a disqualification may be presumed when the Veteran is unemployed and

  • Is rated by appropriate military or VA authorities to be 100% disabled and/or unemployable, or

  • Has retired, been separated, or resigned from a civil service position because of a disability that is service-connected in origin, or

  • Has attempted to obtain a civil service position or other position along the lines of their usual occupation and has failed to qualify because of a service-connected disability

Preference may be allowed in other circumstances but anything less than the above warrants a more careful analysis.

A campaign medal holder or Gulf War Veteran who originally enlisted after September 7, 1980, (or began active duty on or after October 14, 1982, and has not previously completed 24 months of continuous active duty) must have served continuously for 24 months or the full period called or ordered to active duty. The 24-month service requirement does not apply to 10-point preference eligible Veterans separated for disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty, or to Veterans separated for hardship or other reasons under Title 10 U.S.C. 1171 or 1173.

Learn more about Federal Employment Veteran's Hiring Preferences

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA): USERRA protects civilian job rights and benefits for Veterans and members of reserve components. USERRA also protects Service member rights and benefits by clarifying the law, improving enforcement mechanisms, and adding Federal Government employees to those employees already eligible to receive Department of Labor assistance in processing claims.

Absence from Work for Military Duty: USERRA establishes the cumulative length of time that an individual may be absent from work for military duty and retain reemployment rights to five years. Exceptions to the five-year limit, include initial enlistments lasting more than five years, periodic National Guard and U.S.

Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption
Armed Forces Reserve training duty, and involuntary active duty extensions and recalls, especially during a time of national emergency. USERRA establishes that reemployment protection does not depend on the timing, frequency, duration, or nature of an individual's service if the basic eligibility criteria are met.

Disability Accommodation: USERRA provides protection for disabled Veterans, requiring employers to make reasonable efforts to accommodate the disability. Service members recovering from injuries received during service or training may have up to two years from the date of completion of service to return to their jobs or apply for reemployment.

Return to Work without Loss of Seniority: USERRA provides that returning Service members are reemployed in the job that they would have attained had they not been absent for military service, with the same seniority, status and pay, as well as other rights and benefits determined by seniority. USERRA also requires that reasonable efforts (such as training or retraining) be made to enable returning Service members to refresh or upgrade their skills to help them qualify for reemployment. USERRA also provides that while an individual is performing military service, they are deemed to be on a furlough or leave of absence and are entitled to the non-seniority rights accorded other individuals on non-military leaves of absence.

Extension of Health and Pension Plans: Health and pension plan coverage for Service members is provided for by USERRA. Individuals performing military duty of more than 30 days may elect to continue employer sponsored health care for up to 24 months; however, they may be required to pay up to 102% of the full premium. For military service of less than 31 days, health care coverage is provided as if the Service member had remained employed. USERRA clarifies pension plan coverage by making explicit that all pension plans are protected.
Who is eligible for USERRA Benefits?
Veterans, U.S. Armed Forces Reserve or National Guard Service members who leave a position for training or active military service are eligible.

The Department of Labor, through the Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) helps all having claims under USERRA, including Federal and Postal Service employees.
VETS Regional Office Locations

Learn more about Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act

Texas State Retirement Military Service Credit: Non-retired Veterans may claim their active duty military time toward state retirement. After a Veteran’s first retirement contribution has posted with the Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS), they can buy up to 60 months of eligible active duty service in the U.S. Armed Forces to establish service credit.
Who is eligible for Texas State Retirement Military Service Credit?
Non-retired Veterans who are Texas state employees are eligible to purchase military service credit. Veterans must meet the following requirements:

  • Not eligible for military retired pay

  • Received a discharge other than dishonorable

Military service credit that has been purchased cannot be used for retirement until the Veteran has accrued five years of ERS service credit.

Veterans must provide ERS a copy of their military service record (DD214 or NGB23). Veterans may:

  • Email the completed and signed form to

  • Fax to 512-867-7438

  • Mail to PO Box 13207, Austin, TX 78711-3207, or

  • In person to 200 E 18th St., Austin, TX 78701 (drop box is available)

Purchased military service will be included in the calculation of an active employee's death benefit and in the calculation of an annuity for an occupational disability retirement.
ERS Factsheet
ERS Service Purchase Request for Active Employees

Learn more about Texas State Retirement Military Service Credit

Texas Veteran Entrepreneur Program (VEP): VEP helps Veterans to start businesses and grow existing Veteran-owned businesses through business planning, securing of capital, and development of business fundamentals.

The VEP provides Veterans with business tools, resources, and direct support to ensure business success. VEP continuously monitors the Texas business market to create programs and develop services to assist Veterans.

VEP provides:

  • Community outreach through informational seminars, e-newsletters, and participation in resource partner events

  • Directs Veteran entrepreneurs to informational and partner resources available for starting and running a business

  • Personalized business assistance to help guide Veterans through all phases of their business

Texas Veteran Entrepreneur Program
P.O. Box 12277
Austin, TX 78711-2277
Phone: 512-463-0519

Learn more about Texas Veteran Entrepreneur Program

Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), Veterans' Services Program: TWC provides employment, training and related services to Veterans through a network of partnerships, Workforce Solutions offices and dedicated staff. Veterans are given priority of service for all employment, job training and related services provided by TWC.

Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption

Veterans can search for jobs, and access information on transition assistance and benefits at Texas Workforce Solutions offices or through the TWC, Just for Veterans webpage.

Services provided to Veterans include:

  • Job search assistance

  • Pre-employment and work readiness

  • Education

  • Training

  • Assessment and planning

  • Case management

  • Information and referral to support services

  • Life skills

TWC also offers the following services to Veterans:

  • Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) National Emergency Grant

  • Hard-to-Serve Veterans Initiative

  • Comprehensive Veterans Initiative

  • Two-day hold on new job postings in to ensure Veterans get first viewing

  • Integration points between and the National Labor Exchange

  • Veteran specific information through the Texas Veterans Portal, Employment and Career webpage

Texas Workforce Solutions Office Directory

In addition TWC oversees the Texas Veterans Leadership Program (TVLP), which helps Veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan find work and succeed in their transition back to civilian life. TVLP Veterans Resource and Referral Specialists, who are Veterans of Iraq, Afghanistan, or both, provide referrals to address Veteran’s employment, training, medical, educational, and other needs.

Learn more about Texas Workforce Commission Veterans' Services Program

Texas Hilton Honors Military Program: The Texas Hilton Honors Military Program helps make the career transition from service in the U.S. Armed Forces to civilian employment easier for current and former Service members. The Hilton Honors Military Program will provide hotel accommodations for required travel while they are looking for a new job, training for a new job, or finding housing. Those eligible can receive up to a total of 100,000 hotel points for verifiable employment-related activities. Each state sets its own eligibility and residency requirements. Recipients must have a Hilton Honors account to receive the points. For more information, please email or contact the nearest American Job Center.

Learn more about the Texas Hilton Honors Military Program

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What are my Texas Military and Veterans Unemployment Insurance Benefits?

Texas Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UI): The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) administers the UI program that provides temporary financial assistance for workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own. UI is a partial, short-term replacement of lost wages while workers are seeking other work and is not intended to be a permanent source of income . Benefits are not based on financial need.

Applicants should apply for benefits as soon as they become unemployed. When applying for UI, the effective date of an initial claim is the Sunday of the week of application. TWC cannot pay benefits for weeks before the claim effective date.
Who is eligible for UI? Applicants must meet all requirements in each of these three areas to qualify for UI:

  • Past wages

  • Job separation(s)

  • Ongoing eligibility requirements

A former Service member may qualify for UI if they meet the following criteria:

  • Physically in Texas when filing a claim

  • Separated from the U.S. Armed Forces under honorable conditions and completed their first full term of service

  • Applicants who did not complete their first full term of service, but separated early for a reason specified by Congress are granted an exception to the full-term requirement

  • Reserve component Service members who served at least 180 days of continuous active service, beginning on or after November 25, 2015, or served at least 90 days of continuous active service, before November 25, 2015, and received a DD214 when they separated

After applying for unemployment benefits, former Service members must send in a copy of their DD214 (must be member copy 4 through 8).

TWC UI Information for Former Service Members

Applicants can apply for UI online at Texas Unemployment Benefit Services Claim webpage or by calling the Tele-Center at 800-939-6631.

Applicants must provide the following information:

  • Last employer’s business name, address and phone number

  • First and last dates (month, day and year) they worked for their last employer

  • Most recent number of hours worked and pay rate

  • Alien Registration number (if not a U.S. citizen)

  • Valid Texas Driver License or ID card number

TWC, Applying for UI Information
TWC, Unemployment Benefits Handbook

Learn more about Texas Unemployment Insurance

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What are my Texas Military and Veterans Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Benefits?

‘Veteran’ and ‘Disabled Veteran’ Designation on Texas Driver Licenses and ID Cards: The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) offers a 'Veteran' and ’Disabled

Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption
Veteran’ designation on driver licenses and ID cards for qualifying Veterans. The designation is provided free-of-charge when applying for or renewing a license or ID card. Non-disabled Veterans who are only adding the designation must pay the required Texas Department of Public Safety, Driver License or ID Card Fees for a duplicate license; disabled Veterans who have a 60% or greater disability and are receiving compensation from the VA are eligible for a no-fee driver license.
Who is eligible for ‘Veteran’ and ‘Disabled Veteran’ Designation on Texas Driver Licenses and ID Cards? Veterans who received an honorable discharge or a general discharge (under honorable conditions) from an active or reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible for the ‘Veteran’ designation.

Disabled Veterans who have a 50% or greater disability rating from the VA or a 40% disability rating and have a lower extremity amputation are eligible for the ‘Disabled Veteran’ designation.

Veterans must provide an original or copy of the following documents as proof of their eligibility:

  • DD214

  • DD215

  • NGB22

  • VA disability letter with rating percentage

  • Texas concealed handgun license (CHL) or license to carry (LTC) with a Veteran designator

Veterans who request the ‘Veteran’ or ‘Disabled Veteran’ designator during their renewal period, may apply by mail or by visiting a Texas DPS Driver License Office. Veterans who are applying outside their renewal period must apply at a Texas DPS Driver License Office.
Texas DPS Driver license Office Directory

In addition, Veterans can request their branch of service to be printed on the license or ID card:

  • Army

  • Navy

  • Marines

  • Coast Guard

  • Air Force

Veterans Out-of-State: Veterans who are out of the state may request the ‘Veteran’ or ‘Disabled Veteran’ designation by mailing the following:

  • Texas Department of Public Safety, Application for Out-of-State/ Out-of-Country Renewal/ Change of Texas Driver License or ID Card

  • Copy of DD214 or DD215

  • VA disability letter with rating percentage (if applicable)

  • Proof of Social Security number

  • Proof of Texas residency

  • Texas Department of Public Safety, Explanation of Eye Specialist Form (only if renewing a driver license)

  • Required fee (check, money order or cashier's check payable to TX DPS)


Texas Department of Public Safety
Central Cash Receiving
P.O. Box 15999
Austin, TX 78761-5999

Learn more about ‘Veteran’ and ‘Disabled Veteran’ Designation on Texas Driver Licenses and ID Cards

Texas Driver License and ID Card Fee Exemption for Disabled Veterans: Eligible disabled Veterans can receive a fee exemption for Texas driver licenses and ID cards This exemption does not apply to commercial driver licenses. Application must be made prior to the expiration of the Veteran’s license or ID Card.
Who is eligible for a Texas Driver License and ID Card Fee Exemption for Disabled Veterans? Disabled Veterans must meet the following criteria:

  • Received an honorable discharge

  • Has a service-connected disability of at least 60%

  • Receiving compensation from the VA for their disability

  • Not subject to sex offender registration requirements

To receive the fee exemption, Veterans must provide a completed Texas Driver License or ID Card Application and documents to verify their disability and that they received an honorable discharge. Veterans must renew their license in person at a Texas Department of Public Safety Driver License Office or by mail at to:

Texas Department of Public Safety
Central Cash Receiving
P.O. Box 15999
Austin, TX 78761-5999

Once their disability status is established, the Veteran can use online services to renew their license or ID card. To verify their eligibility Veterans must provide one of the following documents:

  • Signed VA disability award letter

  • Official documents from the Veteran’s branch of service certifying character of discharge, percentage of disability and that they receive compensation for their disability

Learn more about the Texas Driver License and ID Card Fee Exemption for Disabled Veterans

Texas Driver License and ID Card Expiration Extension for Service Members and their Families: Active duty Service members, their Spouse and dependents, who are stationed outside of Texas receive an automatic extension of the expiration date of their driver license or ID card until 90 days after discharge. Drivers must carry their military ID card and Texas driver license with them while operating a motor vehicle.

Texas Driver License and ID Card Expiration Extension for Service Members and their Families

Texas Military and Veteran Specialty Vehicle License Plates: The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles offers 279 distinctive license plate designs to honor the service and sacrifice of Service members, Veterans, retired Service members and eligible Family members.

All applicants must submit the completed application; payment (if required, personal check, money order, or cashier’s check) and proof of eligibility to their local county tax assessor-collector office.
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Registration Fees
Texas Department of Public Safety Inspection Fees
Texas Department of Motor Vehicle Forms
Texas County Tax Assessor-Collector Directory

Learn more about Texas Military and Veteran Specialty Vehicle License Plates

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Texas Disabled Veteran License Plate: The Texas Disabled Veterans license plate is available for honorably discharged Veterans who have a service-connected VA disability rating of 50% or more, or 40% due to amputation of a lower extremity. This plate may be personalized for a $40 fee.
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, Application for Disabled Veterans License Plates and/ or Parking Placard, Form VTR-615

Veterans with mobility issues and require handicap parking must also submit the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, Application for Persons with Disabilities Parking Placard and/or License Plate, Form VTR-214.

Learn more about Texas Disabled Veteran License Plate

Texas U.S. Army Honorably Discharged License Plate: Honorably discharged Soldiers are eligible for the Texas U.S. Army Honorably Discharged license plate. Applicants must provide official documentation they received an honorable discharge from the U.S. Army. This plate may be personalized for a $40 fee.
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, Application for Armed Forces, Coast Guard Auxiliary, Merchant Marine and Civil Air Patrol License Plates, Form VTR-424

Learn more about the Texas U.S. Army Honorably Discharged License Plate

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Texas Medal of Honor License Plate: Army Medal of Honor recipients are eligible for free Texas Army Medal of Honor license plates. Applicants must provide a written request with a copy of their DD214 or a copy of their award certificate to:

Vehicle Titles and Registration
4000 Jackson Avenue
Austin, TX 78732

Learn more about the Texas Medal of Honor License Plate

Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption
Texas Purple Heart License Plate: Purple Heart recipients are eligible for the Texas Purple Heart license plate. Applicants must provide official documentation they received an honorable discharge and were awarded the Purple Heart Medal. This plate may be personalized for a $40 fee.
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, Application for Military Recognition License Plates, Form VTR-422

Learn more about the Texas Purple Heart License Plate

Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption
Texas Gold Star License Plates: Texas Gold Star license plates are available for free to the Family members of a Service member who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. These license plates are available in the following designs for specific Family members:

  • Gold Star Family (parent, sibling or Child)

  • Gold Star Father

  • Gold Star Mother

  • Gold Star Spouse

All applicants must provide proof of relationship to the Service member and that they died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. This plate may be personalized for a $40 fee.
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, Application for Gold Star License Plates License Plates, Form VTR-423

Learn more about Texas Gold Star License Plates

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What are my Texas Military and Veterans Health and Insurance Benefits?

State Sponsored Life Insurance (SSLI) for Texas National Guard Service Members: SSLI offered through the National Guard Association of Texas to Texas National Guard Service members is made up of several voluntary group life policies that are designed to help meet the needs of National Guard Service members and their Families. Every member of the Texas National Guard is covered with $1,000 SSLI at no cost to the Service member.

SSLI provides:

  • Insurance plans from $10,000 to as much as $50,000

  • Claims paid within 24 hours

  • Payable by an allotment, direct bill or electronic funds transfer

  • Coverage available for Spouse and Children after first year

  • Coverage 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

  • No war clauses or aviation exclusions

  • May keep coverage after leaving the National Guard

  • Premiums remain the same until age 65

  • Automatic conversion to a whole life policy without proving insurability

  • New Recruits are eligible for $10,000 SSLI coverage at no cost for the first year of service in the Texas National Guard (must enroll within 30 days of joining)

Who is eligible for SSLI for Texas National Guard Service Members? Service members in the Texas National Guard and their dependents are eligible for coverage.

Learn more about State Sponsored Life Insurance for Texas National Guard Service Members

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Life Insurance: The VA provides valuable life insurance benefits to Veterans, active and reserve component Service members and their Families to provide financial security given the extraordinary risks involved in military Service. The VA provides the following life insurance benefit programs:

  • Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI)

  • Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI)

  • Family Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (FSGLI)

  • Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection Program (TSGLI)

  • Service-Disabled Veterans’ Life Insurance (S-DVI)

  • Veterans’ Mortgage Life Insurance (VMLI)

Learn more about U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Life Insurance

TRICARE Reserve Select Health Insurance: TRICARE Reserve Select is a premium-based plan, available worldwide for Selected Reserve, (U.S. Armed Forces Reserve and National Guard Service members) and their Families who meet the following qualifications:

  • Not on active duty orders

  • Not covered under the Transitional Assistance Management Program

  • Not eligible for or enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program or currently covered under FEHB, either under their own eligibility or through a Family member

The plan provides comprehensive health care coverage when a Service member is not activated and covered by active duty TRICARE benefits.

Learn more about TRICARE Reserve Select Health Insurance

Compensation and Benefits for Texas National Guard Service Member for Injury, Illness, Disability and Death Incurred while on State Active Duty : TexasNational Guard Service members serving on state active duty who are injured, become ill, become disabled or die in the line of duty are eligible for benefits and compensation under the Texas Workers’ Compensation Act. Who is eligible for Compensation and Benefits for Texas National Guard Service Member for Injury, Illness, Disability and Death Incurred while on State Active Duty? Texas National Guard Service members serving on state active duty who are injured, become ill, become disabled or die while serving during authorized training or duty are eligible for coverage under the Texas Workers’ Compensation Act .

Learn more about Compensation and Benefits for Texas National Guard Service Member for Injury, Illness, Disability and Death Incurred while on State Active Duty

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What are my Texas Military and Veterans Parks and Recreation Benefits?

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Free Texas Super Combo Hunting and All-Water Fishing Package for Resident and Nonresident Disabled Veterans: Resident and nonresident disabled Veterans are eligible for the Super Combo Hunting and All-Water Fishing Package at no cost. This license includes:

  • Resident hunting license

  • Resident fishing license

  • Archery endorsement

  • Freshwater fishing endorsement

  • Saltwater fishing endorsement with a red drum tag

  • Upland game bird endorsement

  • Migratory game bird endorsement (Federal Duck Stamp is not included, stamp is required for waterfowl hunting)

Who is eligible for Free Texas Super Combo Hunting and All-Water Fishing Package for Resident and Nonresident Disabled Veterans? Resident and nonresident Veterans who have lost the use of a foot, leg or have a 50% or more disability rating and receive compensation from the VA are eligible. Veterans must apply in person at a license retailer and will be required to provide official documentation from the VA certifying their disability or provide a Texas Disabled Veteran driver license or ID card.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department License Retailer Directory

Learn more about the Free Texas Super Combo Hunting and All-Water Fishing Package for Resident and Nonresident Disabled Veterans

Free Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Licenses for Resident Active Duty Service Members: Active Duty resident Service members are eligible for the Super Combo Hunting and All-Water Fishing Package, the All-Water Fishing Package, or the Hunting Package free of charge.

Super Combo Hunting and All-Water Fishing Package includes:

  • Resident hunting license

  • Resident fishing license

  • Archery endorsement

  • Freshwater fishing endorsement

  • Saltwater fishing endorsement with a red drum tag

  • Upland game bird endorsement

  • Migratory game bird endorsement (Federal Duck Stamp is not included, stamp is required for waterfowl hunting)

All-Water Fishing Package includes:

  • Fishing license

  • Freshwater and Saltwater endorsements

  • Red drum tag

Hunting Package includes:

  • Hunting license

  • Archery endorsement

  • Upland game bird endorsement

  • Migratory game bird endorsements (Federal Duck Stamp is not included, stamp is required for waterfowl hunting)

Who is eligible for Free Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Licenses for Resident Active Duty Service Members? Applicants must be a Texas resident serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces to be eligible. When applying Service members must provide proof that Texas is their home of record or that they have been assigned to a duty station in Texas for the past six months. Service members must apply in person at a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department License Retailer.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department License Retailer Directory

Learn more about Free Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Licenses for Resident Active Duty Service Members

Texas Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Resident Prices for all Active Duty Service Members: Service members serving in the U.S. Armed Forces on active duty anywhere (and their dependents) are eligible to purchase Texas Parks and Wildlife Department licenses for resident prices.

Learn more about Texas Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Resident Prices for all Active Duty Service Members

Free Texas Parklands Disabled Veteran Passport: Texas offers the Parklands Disabled Veteran Passport for eligible disabled Veterans which authorizes free entry for the Veteran and one other person to all Texas State Parks.
Who is eligible for the Free Texas Parklands Disabled Veteran Passport? Veterans who have a service-connected disability rating of at least 60% or loss of lower extremity are eligible. They do not need to be Texas residents to be eligible. Veterans must provide one of the following to receive their Passport:

  • Texas Disabled Veteran license plate receipt

  • VA Disability Award Letter

  • Tax exemption letter for Texas Veterans

Veterans can apply for the Parklands Disabled Veteran Passport at any state park.
Texas State Parks Directory

Learn more about the Free Texas Parklands Disabled Veteran Passport

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What are my Texas Military and Veterans Miscellaneous Benefits?

Texas Veterans Land Board (VLB) Loan Programs: The TexasVLB provides low-interest real-estate related loans to Veterans and Service members in Texas.

VLB offers land loans, home loans, and home improvement loans. Veterans may apply for any or all the loans at the same time. Once a Veteran or their successor has successfully paid off a VLB loan, they may apply for another.

VLB does not offer refinancing. If the Veteran has an existing loan on a home, VLB cannot provide refinancing to lower the interest rate, nor can the VLB loan program be used as a down-payment on a home. All VLB loans are subject to credit approval.
Who is eligible for VLB Loans? Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • At least 18 old

  • Resident of Texas on the date of application, and meet one of the following service criteria:

    • Active duty Service member

    • Member of the Texas National Guard

    • Reserve component Service member who completed 20 qualifying years for retirement

    • Honorably discharged Veteran who served at least 90 days on active-duty unless discharged sooner due to service-connected disability

    • Surviving Spouse of a Veteran listed as missing in action or whose death was service-connected

Texas VLB Land Loans: VLB provides financing on tracts up to $150,000 with a minimum 5% down payment and a fixed-rate 30-year loan term. A $325 appraisal fee is due at the time of application. To be eligible for a VLB Land Loan the land must meet the following criteria:

  • Land must be completely in Texas

  • Must be at least one acre, excluding any part beneath of a dedicated public roadway or navigable waterway, subject to frequent flooding, or otherwise unusable.

  • Has legal, usable access to a public road that is 60 feet wide or meets the county public road width requirements, whichever is greater

  • Flagpole access portion of the property must be drivable in inclement weather to the main body of the property

  • Properly described by either a Field Note description of the tract with the Surveyor's Official Seal and Signature (original or copy), or a complete copy of the recorded subdivision plat if the description is by Lot and Block

  • Not zoned strictly for commercial use

  • Not have been owned by the Veteran or their Spouse within the previous three years

  • All trash, debris, tires or run down structures must be removed prior to closing

Texas VLB Home Loans: VLB Home Loans offer low-interest loans with little or no down payment. Applicants can receive up to $647,200 on a fixed-rate loan for 15, 20, 25 or 30 year terms. Veterans with a VA service-connected disability rating of 30% or greater qualify for a discounted interest rate. To qualify for a VLB Home Loan the home must meet the following criteria:

  • Veteran's primary residence in Texas

  • Single Family attached or detached home, townhome or condominium

  • Duplexes or other multi-Family units must have been constructed at least five years prior to the closing date of the loan

  • New homes must have either an Energy Star certification or HERS Index score of 75 or less

  • Veteran's primary residence for at least three years and must be occupied within 60 days after the loan closing

Texas VLB Home Improvement Loans: The VLB Home Improvement Loans provide below-market interest rate loans for home repairs and improvement to existing homes. VLB offers loans up to $50,000 for a 2 to 20-year term or loans from $7,500 - $10,000 for a 2 to 10 year term. Veterans with a VA service-connected disability rating of 30% or greater qualify for a discounted interest rate.

A VLB Home Improvement Loan can be used for alterations, repairs and improvements that are eligible for financing under the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Title I Loan program.

No down-payment is required; however, the program requires a $10 flood certification fee and $125 title search fee at time of application, and payment of closing costs.

Some improvements may not be eligible, please consult the Texas Veterans Home Improvement Program, Eligible and Ineligible Improvements Fact Sheet for more information.

To qualify, the property must meet the following requirements:

  • Home being repaired must be completely in Texas

  • Applicant's primary residence

  • Single Family dwellings, condominiums, duplexes, triplexes, and four-plexes are eligible; however, they must be at least 5 years old

  • Modular or manufactured homes that are on a permanent foundation and are part of the real property may also be eligible

  • Home must be inspected to determine that no work has begun, and no materials have been delivered prior to closing

  • For loans over $25,000, VLB must be in a first lien position

  • Borrower cannot begin construction or advance funds to the contractor or purchase material prior to receipt of the loan proceeds from VLB, loan proceeds will be available on the fourth business day after closing

  • Borrower must hire a general contractor

  • Appraisal report may be required to determine equity in the home for loans over $25,000

National Guard and U.S. Armed Forces Reserve Service members who are called to active duty service may be able to defer their loan payments under certain conditions. Please visit the Texas VLB Service members Civil Relief Act fact sheet for more information.

Learn more about the Texas Veterans Land Board Loan Programs

Free Recording of Discharges for Texas Veterans: The county clerk in each county is required to record, free of charge, the official discharge papers (DD214) of a Veteran who served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

Learn more about Free Recording of Discharges for Texas Veterans

No Cost Medical Records for Texas Veterans: Texas Veterans are eligible for free copies of their medical or mental health records when they are needed to file a claim for a disability with the VA. The health care provider or health care facility is only required to provide one complete copy free of charge.

Learn more about No Cost Medical Records for Texas Veterans

Texas State Veterans Homes: Texas has nine State Veterans Homes that provide affordable, long-term nursing care for Texas Veterans, their Spouse and for Gold Star parents. Texas State Veterans Homes provide all home employees with specialized training to help them understand the military experience as well as post-traumatic stress to help them provide understanding, compassionate care.

Texas Veterans Homes locations:

  • Amarillo, Ussery-Roan Texas State Veterans Home

    Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption

    Address: 1020 Tascosa Road
    Amarillo, Texas 79124
    Phone: 806-322-8387

  • Big Spring, Lamun-Lusk-Sanchez Texas State Veterans Home

    Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption

    Address: 1809 North Highway 87
    Big Spring, Texas 79720
    Phone: 432-268-8387

  • Bonham, Clyde W. Cosper Texas State Veterans Home

    Address: 1300 Seven Oaks Road
    Bonham, Texas 75418
    Phone: 903-640-8387

  • El Paso, Ambrosio Guillen Texas State Veterans Home

    Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption

    Address: 9650 Kenworthy Street
    El Paso, Texas 79924
    Phone: 915-751-0967

  • Floresville, Frank M. Tejeda Texas State Veterans Home

    Address: 200 Veterans Drive
    Floresville, Texas 78114
    Phone: 830-216-9456

  • Houston, Richard A. Anderson Texas State Veterans Home

    Address: 14041 Cottingham Road
    Houston, Texas 77048
    Phone: 346-293-9600

  • McAllen, Alfredo Gonzalez Texas State Veterans Home

    Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption

    Address: 301 East Yuma Avenue
    McAllen, Texas 78503
    Phone: 956-682-4224

  • Temple, William R. Courtney Texas State Veterans Home

    Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption

    Address: 1424 Martin Luther King Jr. Lane
    Temple, Texas 76504
    Phone: 254-791-8280

  • Tyler, Watkins Logan Texas State Veterans Home

    Bexar county va disabled veteran property tax exemption

    Address: 11466 Honor Lane
    Tyler, Texas 75708
    Phone: 903-617-6150

  • Each home offers physical, occupational and speech therapies as well as alternative therapies, including equine, art, music and pet therapies.

Texas Veterans Homes Therapies Fact Sheet

The VA subsidizes the cost of medications and much of a Veteran's cost to stay at a Texas State Veterans Home, daily out-of-pocket rates are well below national average.

Residents can choose between private or semi-private rooms (based on availability). Memory Care units are available at each home to provide highly specialized care in a secure environment.
Who is eligible for care at the Texas State Veterans Homes?
Texas State Veterans Homes offer long-term care to Veterans who served at least 90 days on active duty and received an honorable discharge, their Spouse and Gold Star parents (parents of a Service member who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces). All applicants must have resided in Texas for at least one day and have a referral stating they require long term care.
Texas State Veterans Home Application Packet

Learn more about the Texas State Veterans Homes

Texas State Veterans Cemetery Program: Texas has four State Veterans Cemeteries that serve as a dignified final resting place for Veterans and their eligible Family members.

Texas State Veterans Cemetery Locations:

  • Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Killeen
    Address: 11463 State Highway 195
    Killeen, Texas 76542
    Phone: 254-616-1770

  • Rio Grande Valley State Veterans Cemetery in Mission
    Address: 2520 South Inspiration Road
    Mission, Texas 78572
    Phone: 956-583-7227

  • Costal Bend State Veterans Cemetery in Corpus Christi
    Address: 9974 IH 37 Access Road
    Corpus Christi, Texas 78410
    Phone: 361-248-4830

  • Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Abilene
    Address: 7457 W. Lake Road
    Abilene, Texas 79601
    Phone: 325-673-4446

There is no charge for the burial of eligible Veterans, their Spouse and dependents.

Burial Benefits Include:

  • Military honors for Veterans

  • Grave plot

  • Opening and closing of the grave

  • Concrete grave liner for casketed burials

  • Burial of cremated remains, placement in a columbarium niche or scattering garden

  • Headstone or marker

  • Presentation of the burial flag

  • Presidential certificate

  • Playing of Taps and gun salute

  • Perpetual care

Burial benefits do not cover funeral home charges such as the cost of a casket, cremation, viewing, flowers, or transportation of the remains and Family.
Who is eligible for Burial at a Texas State Veterans Cemetery? Eligibility requirements for the burial at a Texas State Veterans Cemetery are the same as for VA National Cemeteries. Exact eligibility requirements can viewed at the VA, National Cemetery Administration Eligibility webpage. The following are the general eligibility requirements:

  • Discharged from active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces under conditions other than dishonorable, or

  • Died while serving on active duty, or

  • Served at least 20 years in the National Guard or U.S. Armed Forces Reserve and is eligible for military retired pay (or would have been eligible except their death occurred before age 60), or

  • Reserve component Service members if they were activated for federal service, (active duty for training does not qualify)

  • Spouses and dependents (burial of dependent Children is limited to unmarried Children under 21 years old or 23 years old if a full-time student at an approved educational institution or a Child that develops a lifelong disability prior to age 21)

All Veterans are encouraged to complete the Texas Veterans Cemeteries, Pre-Registration Form to establish eligibility prior to need. For question and more information please call 800-252-VETS (8387).
Texas Veterans Commission, Federal and State of Texas Burial Benefits Booklet

Learn more about the Texas State Veterans Cemetery Program

Texas Military Department State Awards: Texas offers 33 State awards to honor the bravery, sacrifice, service, performance or achievement of Service members, Veterans and retired Service members. A short description of a few of these awards are listed below.

Texas Legislative Medal of Honor: The Texas Legislative Medal of Honor is awarded is to Service members who voluntarily performs a deed of personal bravery or self-sacrifice involving risk of life that is so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish the Service member for gallantry and intrepidity above the Service member’s comrades.

Lone Star Medal of Valor: The Lone Star Medal of Valor is awarded for a Service member of Texas, another state, or the U.S. who performs specific acts of bravery or outstanding courage, or who performs within an exceptionally short period a closely related series of heroic acts, if the acts involve personal hazard or danger and the voluntary risk of life and result in an accomplishment so exceptional and outstanding as to clearly set the person apart from the person's comrades or from other persons in similar circumstances.

Texas Purple Heart Medal: The Texas Purple Heart Medal is available for those who, after September 11, 2001, were inducted into federal service from the Texas National Guard and meets the criteria for an award of the federal Purple Heart Medal or were killed or wounded at Fort Hood on November 5, 2009.

The Texas Military Department State Awards Program is governed by the Texas Government Code, Chapter 437 (Texas Military), Subchapter H. (Awards) and Joint Force Texas Regulation 1-07, State Military Awards. Awards are submitted on the Texas Joint Forces, Recommendation for Award Form TXMF-67 .

Learn more about the Texas Military Department State Awards

Texas Veterans Portal: The Texas Veterans Portal, sponsored by the Texas Veterans Commission, connects Service members, Veterans, their Families and caregivers to benefits and services earned through military service. It is a one stop shop offering links to categories such as:

  • Health and wellness

  • Education and training

  • Employment and career

  • Housing and loans

  • Active duty in Texas

  • Licenses, records and medals

  • Dependents and caregivers

  • Legal and financial

  • Disabilities and claims

  • Women Veterans

  • Supporting agencies

  • Calendar of events

Learn more about the Texas Veterans Portal

Texas License to Carry a Handgun (LTC) Age Waiver and Fee Waivers for Active Duty Service Members: Active Duty Service members can receive an age waiver which allows Service members under age 21 to receive an LTC, (those without a waiver must be 21 years old). Service members under 21 still cannot purchase handguns, but you can legally possess them.

In addition, Texas offers active duty Service members a fee waiver for new and renewal LTC permits.

 Learn more about Texas License to Carry a Handgun Age Waiver and Fee Waivers for Active Duty Service Members

Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans (TLTV): TLTV provides free civil legal assistance to Veterans and their Families who otherwise cannot afford legal services.

TLTV is a collaborative effort with local bar associations, legal aid organizations and Veteran service providers to host legal advice clinics throughout the state.
State Bar of Texas, Online Contact Page
TLTV Calendar of Events

Learn more about Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans

Texas Veterans Commission, Women Veterans Program: The Texas Veterans Commission, Women Veterans Program’s mission is to ensure that women Veterans of Texas, have equal access to federal and state Veterans’ benefits and services. The Texas Veterans Commission Women Veterans Program serves to educate and inform women Veterans of their benefits and services, and advocate on their behalf by:

  • Creating public awareness

  • Recognizing and honoring women Veterans

  • Identifying needs and making legislative recommendations

The Texas Veterans Commission Women Veterans Program also maintains the Texas Women Veterans Registry, a database of information voluntarily provided by Texas women Veterans who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. The registry serves to continuously honor and recognize Texas women Veterans.
Texas Veterans Commission, Women Veterans Program, Texas Women Veterans Registry

Learn more about the Texas Veterans Commission, Women Veterans Program

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U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities in Texas:

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities in Texas: The VA has numerous resources available for Veterans and Family members. Please see the local location listing for your nearest facility.

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Learn more about U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Facilities in Texas

 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Cemeteries in Texas: The VA National Cemetery Administration maintains six national cemeteries in Texas. Please see the local location listing for the nearest cemetery.

Learn more about U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Cemeteries in Texas

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Military Installations in Texas

Please see the Texas Military Resource Locator for additional information.

Active Duty

Fort Bliss
Fort Hood
Joint Base San Antonio - Fort Sam Houston
Corpus Christi Army Depot

Red River Army Depot

Corpus Christi Naval Air Station
Kingsville Naval Air Station
Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth

Air Force
Joint Base San Antonio
Sheppard AFB
Dyess AFB
Goodfellow AFB
Laughlin AFB

National Guard
Texas Military Department

Texas Army National Guard

Texas Air National Guard
136th Airlift Wing
147th Attack Wing
149th Fighter Wing

Texas State Guard

U.S. Army Reserve (USAR)
63rd Readiness Division


Texas Property Tax Exemptions Guide

Texas Veterans Commission

Texas Department of Transportation

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Facility Directory, Texas

FEDSHIREVETS, Veterans Preference

Army National Guard Benefits

Air National Guard Benefits

Texas Veterans Land Board

Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, Military Information

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Do disabled veterans get a property tax break in Texas?

In Texas, veterans with a disability rating of: 100% are exempt from all property taxes. 70 to 100% receive a $12,000 property tax exemption. 50 to 69% receive a $10,000 property tax exemption.

How do I apply for property tax exemption for disabled veterans in Texas?

To file for a disabled veteran's exemption, you must complete the Application for Disabled Veteran's or Survivor's Exemptions form and submit it to the appraisal district in which the property is located.

Do 100% disabled vets pay property taxes Texas?

Tax Code Section 11.131 provides an exemption of the total appraised value of the residence homestead of Texas veterans awarded 100 percent compensation from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs due to a 100 percent disability rating or determination of individual unemployability by the U.S. Department of Veterans ...

Do disabled veterans pay property taxes?

Disabled Veterans' Exemption​ The Disabled Veterans' Exemption reduces the property tax liability on the principal place of residence of qualified veterans who, due to a service-connected injury or disease, have been rated 100% disabled or are being compensated at the 100% rate due to unemployability.