Best vitamins for weight loss for females

When you’re on a committed weight loss mission, it might be easy to get caught up on things like obsessively counting calories for everything you eat and calculating exactly how many steps you’ve done each day.

There is, however, an entire world of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals which can make all the difference. Here’s a look at a few of them:


Fibre may not technically be a vitamin, but it is a vital asset and tool in every fat loss plan you could imagine. One of fibre’s primary roles in weight loss is that it fills you up, creating feelings of satiety which reduce hunger cravings and lead to fewer overall calories being consumed. A Tufts University study suggested that eating as little as 14 grams more fibre each day could result in the subject consuming as many as 10% fewer calories.1 Fibre is also known to improve the conditions in the gut for healthy bacteria, which in turn improves overall digestion and absorption of nutrients.2

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most essential nutrients for overall health and wellbeing, and also happens to be one which a huge number of people are deficient in. This is because vitamin D is primarily created by our bodies in response to sunlight. As few of us get enough sun these days, more of us are suffering at some level from the effects of vitamin D deficiency. These effects may include weight gain. One 2014 study found that while vitamin D supplementation in and of itself didn’t seem to promote weight loss, women who supplemented to the point where their body’s vitamin D levels were within the optimum range did benefit from improved weight loss.3

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is known to stave off a cold- but its health benefits go far further than that. It can in fact keep asthma in check and help to treat cataracts. At first glance, vitamin C may not appear to be a winning ingredient in a fat loss plan. A 2007 study found an inverse correlation between plasma levels of vitamin C and waist circumference, but didn’t seem to show evidence that vitamin C supplementation directly encouraged weight loss.4 More encouragingly, a 2005 study found that increased vitamin C intake allowed subjects to oxidise 30% more fat during exercise.5

To help achieve your weight loss goals, stock up on these essential vitamins or eat more foods that contain them.

Dr. Ahmed offers you the option of IV vitamin therapy. He suggests the following supplements to rev up your metabolism:

B-complex vitamins: These help metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, activating stored energy instead of letting it turn to fat.

Niacin, vitamin B-6, and iron: This impressive trio increases your body’s production of the amino acid L-carnitine to help burn fat.

Calcium, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin B complex, and vitamin C: These provide nutrients that help you function better all around.

These also improve metabolism to assist your weight loss:

Green tea: Caffeine and catechins in green tea and other products may help with weight management.

Resveratrol: This compound, found in the skin of red grapes, mulberries, peanuts, and more, may help burn fat.

Capsaicin. Pep up your metabolism with jalapeños and other spicy treats to burn up to 50 extra calories per day.

Turmeric. Curcumin, a compound in turmeric, is an antioxidant renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to boost metabolism. Turmeric also helps maintain brain function, fight chronic illnesses from cancer to heart disease, and much more.

Follow the sun to increase vitamin D

A 2011 study showed overweight adults who took vitamin D and calcium lost more fat from their abdomens than those who didn’t. Vitamin D, which is a hormone, helps your body absorb calcium. To increase your levels, get sun exposure daily. You can also obtain vitamin D from a supplement or foods, such as salmon, tuna, egg yolks, and fortified milk, yogurt, and cereals.

Winning the weight-loss challenge

Dr. Ahmed and our team customize your plan to help you lose steadily and eventually maintain a healthy weight. We can help suggest:

  • Supplements to assist your weight loss
  • A meal plan to satisfy both your hunger and nutritional needs
  • An exercise program you can stick with for the long run

Move it and lose it

Dr. Ahmed stresses the importance of a good exercise regime for successful weight loss. Exercise not only burns calories, but it also speeds up your metabolism and keeps your mind and body fit. It also helps stabilize your moods, keep your heart pumping, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol. You get all this and more in return for just 30 minutes of exercise a day.

Let us help you look and feel your best

Our caring team at Weight No More helps you remain accountable for your weight loss. Your ultimate success begins and ends with you. If you’d like more information about how to achieve your healthy weight loss goals, give us a call or book an appointment online today.

What vitamins help reduce belly fat?

A 2011 study found that overweight and obese adults taking calcium and vitamin D supplements lost significantly more stomach fat than people not taking any supplements. Food sources: While the sun is the best source of vitamin D, you can also get this vitamin from food, especially fortified foods.

What vitamins should I take to help with weight loss?

Vitamins B, D, iron, and magnesium are four well-known weight reduction vitamins. Vitamin B helps the body to convert food into energy. It also plays a role in metabolism and cell function. A lack of vitamin B can lead to fatigue and weight gain.

Can women's vitamins help you lose weight?

“Vitamins, as a whole, do not lead to weight loss, but rather provide the body with important nutrients that may be lacking in your diet,” says Keri Gans, R.D., author of The Small Change Diet.

What Vitamin burns the most fat?

Take B Vitamins Every Day Experts have found that B vitamins improve your metabolism to help your body burn through fat and protein more effectively. There are a wide range of B vitamins, though the one you should focus on for boosting metabolism are vitamins B-6 and B-12.