Yeast infection treatment over the counter during pregnancy

If you're an adult woman, chances are you've had a yeast infection at some point in your life and know that it's anything but fun. But did you know yeast infections occur more frequently in women who are pregnant?

Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of a normal fungus. About one-third of all women normally carry this fungus in their vaginas, and both men and women carry it in their digestive tracts.

During pregnancy—particularly in the second trimester—women become more susceptible to yeast problems. The increased risk during pregnancy is at least partially due to the increased estrogen circulating in a pregnant woman’s body.

While they're annoying and uncomfortable, yeast infections are not harmful to your health. Unlike with other types of infections, you generally wouldn't be prescribed antibiotics for a yeast infection (in fact, the use of antibiotics has been shown to lead to yeast infections in some women).

A yeast infection will also not harm your baby, although they may still get yeast infections, no matter how or when they are born.

Symptoms in Moms and Babies

Though caused by the same fungal overgrowth, the signs and symptoms of a yeast infection vary depending on the location of the infection. Vaginal yeast infection symptoms in moms may include:​

  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Pain during sex
  • Discharge that is white or creamy, including a cottage cheese-like appearance (Not leukorrhea, or normal discharge)

Whereas yeast infection symptoms in babies may appear as:

  • White patches in their mouth that do not wipe off (called thrush)
  • Bright red diaper rash that doesn't go away (sometimes referred to as yeast diaper rash)

If you have never had a yeast infection before, you should have your doctor or midwife look at a sample of your vaginal secretions or discharge under a microscope to ensure you receive a proper diagnosis. You shouldn't assume it is a yeast infection and attempt to treat it without consulting your provider.

Treatment During Pregnancy

Even if you have had a yeast infection before, you should still contact your doctor as some common medications are not recommended for use during pregnancy. Your provider will be able to tell you which medications are safe to use and make a recommendation.

Over-the-Counter and Prescription Treatments

Shorter courses of treatment do not appear to be as effective in pregnancy. As a result, your doctor may recommended an over-the-counter or prescription seven-day treatment.

Be sure to finish the entire course of treatment, as not following these instructions may lead to a reoccurrence of the infection.

If you're prescribed a treatment cream, you'll insert it into the vagina every night before bed, enabling you to lie down as long as possible to get the most out of the medication. If you like, you can use a panty liner to help with any discharge or leakage of medication.

For additional relief, symptoms can also be treated by applying ice packs to the perineum or soaking in a cool tub. There are also topical creams available over-the-counter, but talk to your doctor before using them during pregnancy.

Natural Remedies

There are also natural remedies for preventing and dealing with yeast infections. Eating yogurt with live active cultures can help your body fight off a yeast infection.

Some practitioners even encourage you to put plain yogurt (with the cultures) into the vagina, as this has been shown to sometimes provide relief and promote healing. You should also cut back on sugars in your diet, as it can up your chances of developing a yeast infection. Together with a prescribed treatment plan, these measures can help bring you relief.

As always, talk to your doctor before beginning any treatment plan for a yeast infection.


Since you're more susceptible to yeast infections during pregnancy, it's important to do your best to prevent them. To avoid developing a yeast infection, try to:

  • Wear cotton underwear and avoid synthetic fabrics
  • Sleep without underwear to allow your genitals to air dry
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothing, particularly those made of synthetic fibers such as Lycra
  • Refrain from sitting around in wet or sweaty clothing, or staying in a tub of water for a prolonged period of time
  • Avoid scented soaps, detergents, and feminine hygiene products

By Robin Elise Weiss, PhD, MPH
Robin Elise Weiss, PhD, MPH is a professor, author, childbirth and postpartum educator, certified doula, and lactation counselor.

Thanks for your feedback!

What yeast infection treatment can I use while pregnant?

Treating a Yeast Infection During Pregnancy It's safe to treat a yeast infection with over-the-counter (OTC) vaginal creams or suppositories that contain miconazole or clotrimazole. Don't take an oral fluconazole tablet to treat a yeast infection during pregnancy. It may cause birth defects.

Is it safe to use Monistat while pregnant?

Official answer. Yes, you can use Monistat during pregnancy. The CDC recommends that only topical preparations are used to treat vaginal yeast infections during pregnancy, and Monistat is available as a vaginal cream in a prefilled applicator or a vaginal suppository with an applicator.

Can a yeast infection go away on its own while pregnant?

If you develop symptoms from a yeast infection, they're likely to be bothersome (and may get worse) until you treat the infection, though sometimes they do come and go on their own.


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