Windy city line dance mania 2023

Sue's Events...

Let’s  meet in  real   life

Jo Thompson Szymanski!

Gary O'Reilly!

Niels Poulsen!

Daniel Trepat!

Roy Verdonk!

Amy Glass Bailey!

*Now accepting registrations!!!




Check this out...


How it all started

 I attended my first line dance "event" back in 1997 and have been to dance events all over the USA since, on the West coast there were not many options to see  international instructors... So I decided to host my very first event in 2015  with the International Award-Winning Choreographer and Instructor from Denmark,  Niels Poulsen!  It was a Success! With the support and encouragement from Niels and local dancers, I have grown to love hosting these crazy events! I love to see people laugh, dance, and interact! Thank you for making it happen! 

2023 FABULOUS Instructors!!!

Jo Thompson Szymanski!

Gary O'Reilly!

Niels  Poulsen!

Daniel Trepat!

Roy Verdonk!

Amy Glass Bailey!


Reach  out and  boo

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