Why am i spotting 2 weeks after my last period

There are many different causes of bleeding between periods. Some may not be anything to worry about, but seek medical advice if you're concerned.

Hormonal contraceptives

Irregular bleeding, such as bleeding between periods, is common during the first few months of starting hormonal contraception, such as the:

  • combined oral contraceptive pill
  • progestogen-only contraceptive pill
  • contraceptive patch (transdermal patch)
  • contraceptive implant or injection
  • intrauterine system (IUS)

If you're concerned about bleeding or it lasts longer than a few months, you should seek medical advice.

You may also bleed between periods if you:

  • miss any combined pills
  • miss any progestogen-only pills
  • have a problem with your patch or vaginal ring
  • are on the pill and are also sick or have diarrhoea

Other causes

Some other causes of bleeding between periods include:   

  • taking the emergency contraceptive pill
  • injury to the vagina – for example, from having penetrative sex
  • recently having an abortion – seek medical advice if you're bleeding heavily
  • sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia – it's a good idea to get tested if you've recently had unprotected sex with a new partner
  • recently having a miscarriage
  • reproductive hormones not working normally – this is common in women approaching the menopause or in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • stress
  • vaginal dryness
  • harmless changes to the neck of the womb (cervix) – this may be called cervical ectropion or cervical erosion
  • cervical cancer – if you're aged 25 to 64, you should be having regular cervical screening tests to detect any changes to your cervix; even if you're up-to-date with screening tests, you should see a GP about irregular bleeding, particularly bleeding after sex, to eliminate the possibility of cervical cancer
  • womb (uterus or uterine) cancer – this is more common in post-menopausal women and most cases of endometrial cancer are diagnosed in women over the age of 50; see a GP if you're over 40 and have bleeding between periods to eliminate the possibility of uterine cancer
  • vaginal cancer or vulval cancer
  • cervical or endometrial polyps – non-cancerous (benign) growths in the womb or the lining of the cervix
  • fibroids

When to seek medical advice

If you're concerned about bleeding between periods, you should:

  • see a GP
  • visit a sexual health or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic

A healthcare professional will talk to you about your symptoms. Depending on your situation, they may suggest doing some tests, such as:

  • tests for STIs, which may include an examination of your genitals
  • a pregnancy test
  • a cervical screening test, if you're aged 25 to 64 and not up-to-date with these
  • a pelvic ultrasound scan

To diagnose some conditions, you may need an examination, such as:

  • a speculum examination – a smooth, tube-shaped tool (a speculum) is inserted into your vagina to examine your vagina and cervix
  • an internal examination of your vagina with gloved fingers (bimanual examination)

Find out the answers to more questions about women's health

Further information

  • Heavy periods
  • Period pain
  • Stopped or missed periods
  • Find services: sexual health

Page last reviewed: 5 November 2019
Next review due: 5 November 2022

Top things to know about spotting

  • Light bleeding at the beginning or end of your period is not spotting

  • Spotting is any bleeding outside your menstrual period

  • Any unexplained spotting should be addressed with your healthcare provider

  • Spotting can be a side effect of your hormonal contraceptive

What is the difference between your period, spotting, and bleeding?

The lines between menstrual bleeding (i.e. your period), spotting, and non-menstrual bleeding can get kind of confusing. Menstrual bleeding is bleeding that is associated with the shedding of the endometrium at the end of the menstrual cycle. Spotting has different definitions, depending on who you ask.

So what is spotting?

Researchers and healthcare providers often describe spotting as bleeding that doesn’t require sanitary protection (e.g. you don’t need to use a pad or tampon) (1).

However, this is kind of an arbitrary definition. Even if bleeding isn’t heavy, some people may just choose to use protection anyway.

In theory, spotting can happen at any time during your cycle, so around the period or between periods. Below we talk more about spotting vs. the period.

Download Clue to track your period and menstrual cycle.

Bleeding that doesn’t seem to be associated with the period, such as bleeding during the middle of your cycle, that requires sanitary protection is called non-menstrual bleeding. Sometimes people describe this bleeding as heavy spotting.

In the rest of this article, we’re going to refer to all non-menstrual bleeding as “spotting” for convenience.

How does spotting differ from light period bleeding?

Sometimes people describe light bleeding that occurs at the beginning or end of their period as spotting.

It can be hard to differentiate spotting from menstrual bleeding by just looking at the amount. Generally, if you have light bleeding that occurs within two days of your period, you should consider that part of your period, not spotting (2). However, if it’s very, very light—like you only see a little on your toilet paper—that probably could be considered spotting.

For example, if you have light bleeding on Sunday, no bleeding on Monday, and bleed enough to require a tampon on Tuesday, you should consider Sunday the start of your period.

In Clue, there are four categories for bleeding: light, medium, heavy, and spotting.

The first 3 categories—light, medium, and heavy—are for bleeding associated with your period. Any other bleeding should be categorized as “spotting” in Clue. That way, so Clue will be able to give you more accurate predictions and insights about your body and cycles.

Why am I spotting between my periods?

Spotting can come from your upper reproductive tract (like your uterus) or your lower reproductive tract (like your cervix or vagina). Spotting is different from your period, which is the cyclical shedding of your uterine lining, your endometrium. Heavier spotting is most often from the uterus, while lighter spotting can come from the upper or lower tract (3).

1. Hormonal contraception and spotting

Spotting is a common side effect of hormonal contraception, especially during the first few months of starting a new method (4).

If you’re taking combined oral contraceptives (the most common type of birth control pill), you may have spotting that goes away after a couple of months (4). If spotting between withdrawal bleeding continues, your pill may not be the best fit for you, and you may want to try another brand with a different chemical formulation (4). Spotting might also happen if you forget to take your pills and the levels of the pill’s hormones drop in your body.

Spotting is common and often unpredictable with the hormonal IUD, the contraceptive implant, the contraceptive shot (injection, and the mini-pill (a progestin-only pill) (5).

2. Pregnancy and spotting

Spotting is also a common symptom of early pregnancy. About 1 in 4 people experience spotting, usually between gestational weeks 5 and 8 (or about 1 to 4 weeks after someone expects their period) (6). Spotting is usually nothing to worry about—research has shown that people with spotting aren’t more likely to have a miscarriage than people who don’t have spotting (6). However, heavy spotting or bleeding may be more of a concern. If you’re pregnant and bleeding, call your healthcare provider to let them know what’s going on.

While many sources call spotting in early pregnancy “implantation bleeding,” there isn’t strong evidence that it’s associated with an embryo’s implantation in the uterus. It may actually be related to hormonal changes, as the production of progesterone switches from the ovary to the forming placenta (6).

Spotting can be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy (7). This is a pregnancy that is growing somewhere other than the uterus, usually the fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancy bleeding may be coupled with other symptoms including abdominal pain on one side, shoulder pain, and/or dizziness. If you experience symptoms of spotting and suspect you may have an ectopic pregnancy, seek immediate medical help.

3. Physical conditions, infections, and spotting

Spotting can also be caused by infections and physical changes in the reproductive tract, or hormonal imbalances. Physical conditions that can cause spotting episodes include fibroids (abnormal growth of muscle tissue on your uterus), uterine or cervical polyps (abnormal growths on your cervix or the inside of your uterus) and endometriosis (8).

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which happens when certain pelvic infections (like STIs) go untreated, can also be another culprit for unscheduled spotting. Other symptoms of PID can include pain in the lower abdomen, unusual vaginal discharge, and fever (9). If you suspect you have spotting and other associated symptoms of PID or of physical pelvic conditions, it’s important to discuss this with your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can cause bleeding from the urethra (where you pee from, between your clitoris and vagina). Pain while urinating, paired with a small amount of blood on the toilet paper, might be signs of a UTI (10).

Consistently spotting after penetrative vaginal intercourse is not considered normal. Bleeding after sex (postcoital spotting) is often caused by an issue with the cervix or polyps (11). Some people may experience spotting after their first intercourse experience, which is normal. If you’re noticing spotting after sex, talk to your healthcare provider.

4. Ovulation, hormonal issues, and spotting

Spotting can also occur around the time of ovulation. It’s unclear why some people experience ovulation bleeding while others don’t—some research suggests it happens in people who have higher levels of some hormones (12).

Spotting a few days before the period starts, in the late luteal phase, might suggest low progesterone (especially if your luteal phase is unusually short) (13), but more research is needed.

Understanding your body can improve usage of non-hormonal birth control. Click here to learn more about Clue Birth Control.

This article was originally published on October 5, 2017.

Could I be pregnant if I had my period 2 weeks ago?

No. Since your period stops after your body starts producing hCG — also known as the pregnancy hormone — it isn't possible to experience a true period during pregnancy. During the early stages of pregnancy, however, some people experience spotting or light bleeding — and it's usually normal.

Why am I spotting 3 weeks after my last period?

Hormonal changes, injury, or an underlying health condition may be reasons for bleeding between periods. Additionally, spotting or bleeding before or after your period can be caused by oral medication, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and PCOS.

Why am I spotting after my period Am I pregnant?

Bleeding outside your period can be really alarming, but most of the time it's nothing to worry about. There are several reasons why a woman might experience spotting. Spotting can be an early symptom of pregnancy, a side effect of birth control, or a symptom of an underlying medical condition.

Why am I spotting after my period ended a week ago?

The reason behind after-period spotting is usually that your uterus didn't finish flushing out its unused inner lining. Unless your period starts again soon after it ends, you don't have anything to worry about.


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