What should i write in a self performance review sample

What are self-performance reviews? And what are self-performance review examples that I can use to write my own? When conducted properly, professional self-assessment can help you improve in your area and advance your career over time.

This allows you to demonstrate to your company, prospective employer, or anybody else you wish to impress that you are a valuable asset who is open to improvement.

Why is it necessary to do self-assessments?

A professional self-assessment is a written statement that encapsulates an employee's judgments about his or her own work, talents, and ambitions. This type of self-review is intended to assist you in evaluating your professional abilities and also acts as a chance to establish goals for future progress.

By reflecting on both your successes and failures, you offer yourself the chance to identify areas for improvement and qualities to emphasize. A self-performance review enables you to not just improve, but to flourish in your chosen career.

What should a self-assessment evaluation include?

Each self-assessment is distinct in terms of format and content. Depending on your audience and sector, you can choose to emphasize some characteristics or themes over others.

For your professional self-assessment, you should opt to emphasize qualities and attributes using language that your reader would find favorable.

The following is a list of keywords you might use to describe your own professional characteristics:

  • Achievements.
  • Professional communication.
  • Productivity.
  • Time-management.

How to write a self-evaluation of performance

When writing a self-performance evaluation, it's critical to keep your audience in mind and understand what they're looking for. Certain companies can be asking for evaluations based on work completed in the preceding year.

Others can desire a comprehensive analysis of your work experience.

Whatever is required of you, the following are some effective strategies for approaching your writing process:

  • Compile a list of your positive characteristics.
  • Consider your successes.
  • Consider your errors.
  • Close proximity to growth prospects.

Compile a list of your favorable characteristics.

To begin writing a self-performance assessment, you need first ascertain your professional status. An excellent method to tackle this is to make a list of your good characteristics, distinctive characteristics, and professional talents.

Make a list of your positive characteristics and how you demonstrate them in the job.

For example:

  • Work ethic: Complete assigned duties on schedule while additionally accepting extra assignments and aiding coworkers with assigned responsibilities.
  • Problem-solving: When difficulties arise, work persistently to complete things.
  • Efficiency: Create innovative approaches for managing workflows.

Consider your successes.

Each employee review should contain a section highlighting your achievements and favorable characteristics. To do this, use the personal and professional abilities you've documented to lead the presentation of your successes. When writing, make certain to include the following:

Include facts and figures: Begin your assessment with the items on your list of good traits and accomplishments. Using statistics and figures to demonstrate the value of your labor and achievement, detail your accomplishments. This is an excellent spot to highlight any degrees, qualifications, or prizes you have achieved that have aided in your career advancement.

Provide specifics: When you quantify your outcomes using concrete examples, the reader has a clear understanding of your history, accomplishments, and effect. Write in a style that highlights the nuances of your position, as well as the implications for you and your team as professionals.

Justify your findings: Just as crucial as highlighting your achievement is explaining how you achieved it. Include who else contributed to this achievement, how tasks were distributed, and any problem-solving that occurred when things did not go according to plan. If you had a significant role in a project's success, this is an appropriate area to highlight it, along with the impact on your team.

For example: "As a part of this team, I've demonstrated a strong work ethic, problem-solving abilities, and a willingness to develop new and improved methods for performing our responsibilities. I came in early and worked late during our company's Christmas rush to guarantee each transaction was handled promptly and to monitor our yearly effort of shipping 2,000 orders at this time of year.

Not only did our team accomplish our target, but we exceeded it thanks to my new, simplified charting system for more efficiently tracking incoming orders. We had already reached our goal by the third week of the holiday rush, and we're on track to treble our orders by the final week."

Examine what to improve

Examining your errors might assist you in identifying areas for improvement. When outlining your errors, shortcomings, or places for growth, refer to them as "opportunity for improvement." If you did not accomplish a goal, explain why, what you learned from the experience, and what you will do differently in the future to improve. As with your successes, here is an opportunity to emphasize how you want to improve or have already begun to improve.

For example: "I've received a wealth of useful knowledge on methods to enhance my job function and staff performance. As a result of my love for my profession, I frequently take on many duties at once and resist delegating to other peers. As a result, I've developed an awareness of my obligations as a team member in this area and have subsequently set limitations on the work I'm willing to accomplish outside of my assigned job tasks.

While I am eager to assist team members with pressing issues, I always prioritize my own work to avoid getting behind. If I am unable to assist a team member, I refer them to a resource that can assist them in resolving their issue. This type of prioritizing and delegating has aided me in my advancement."

Provide possibilities for growth

Following your discussion of prospects for growth, it's a good idea to note any opportunities you want to take advantage of. Whether it's an advanced degree, a promotion, or simply goals to be the greatest at your work, discussing these thoughts and objectives in your writing demonstrates to your readers that you take your career seriously and are enthusiastic about your professional future. Maintaining the focus on you and the positive ways you contribute to your work, discuss how you believe your role can or has aided your professional development.

For example: "As an enthusiastic self-starter, I plan to advance in this job and use my experience to get as much information about the hospitality industry as possible. I'm seriously contemplating pursuing a Master of Hospitality Management in order to boost my job performance and further develop the abilities I'm rapidly acquiring. As I learn and develop, I aim to one day operate a company in this industry and value the expertise obtained in this job."

Examples of self-performance evaluations

Additional sentences that you can encounter in an effective self-assessment performance reports include the following:

  • "While I have made tremendous strides in providing superior service to our clients over the last eight months, there are some areas where I think I can still enhance my daily work performance."
  • "I've already established five goals for myself for the new year. These include increasing my weekly sales by 10%, maintaining a four-star customer review score for 8 months, completing a sales training course through the company's continuing education department, mastering the new company communication interface when it launches, and enhancing my time management "aptitudes."
  • "I've effectively managed my team of eight nurses over the previous three months while we dealt with an abnormally significant surge of critical patients on the Cardiovascular unit. My team received the hospital's Downer Hospital and Care award last week as a result of our efforts."
  • "Since being employed as a third-grade teacher at Middleton Elementary, I have worked hard to make a positive effect in the lives of my pupils. I was able to improve my class's total exam scores by an average of 11% this semester. I am really pleased of my pupils, and I am confident that we will continue to grow together throughout the school year."

Self-appraisal phrases (examples)

Self-appraisal phrases are snippets that could be included in the performance review. For example, "I provided consistently high-quality work in a timely manner for all of our clients." Or, "I judged my own performance based on the performance of our other team members."

Professionalism and communication

  • I express my expectations to all stakeholders in a straightforward manner.
  • I keep in touch with department directors and participate actively in team meetings.
  • I give constructive comments and place a premium on communication as a means of resolving conflicts.
  • I communicate my thoughts effectively, persuasively, and professionally.
  • I provide pertinent information to my team members to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  • I convey changes to stakeholders immediately upon their occurrence.
  • I openly express my gratitude for the amazing work my team members accomplish.

Performance on the job

  • I like my profession and place a premium on excellence every day.
  • I routinely work on issues that are not part of my job description but have an impact on the team.
  • I am very interested in encouraging collaboration.
  • I have outperformed my performance objective (said objective) by a significant margin (mention a number in percentage).
  • I work objectively.
  • Every day, I strive to improve my performance.
  • I am always willing to answer inquiries and assist my classmates.

Reliability in the workplace

  • At work, I don't take on more than I can handle. And I keep my commitments to others.
  • I've fulfilled all of my significant deadlines with flying colors.
  • I prioritize my work and begin with the most vital chores.
  • I keep an eye on the demands of my staff and customers and adjust my schedule accordingly.
  • I am timely and remain engaged during the workday.
  • Whenever required, I seek counsel in order to resolve issues.
  • I maintain timely contact with customers and peers.

Customer satisfaction (NPS scores or feedback)

  • I am adept at resolving consumer issues.
  • To gain a deeper understanding of our customers' problem concerns, I employ the 'listen first, propose later' strategy.
  • I go above and beyond to assist consumers in obtaining the information or answer they need.
  • (Insert a percentage) of consumers have given my customer satisfaction survey a maximum rating.
  • I am always working to enhance our clients' experiences.
  • I constantly make an effort to understand our clients' viewpoints and provide solutions that are appropriate for their circumstances.

Creativity and general drive

  • I am constantly looking for methods to enhance our work procedures.
  • I am adaptable to new conditions and environments.
  • I tackle each difficulty with a "solve this problem" mentality.
  • I adore collaborating with people on new ideas.
  • I am solution-oriented.
  • I put myself in the shoes of others and work to find a solution that is acceptable to everyone in the team.
  • I am constantly on the lookout for opportunities to interact with and learn from those around me.

Professional growth and development

  • I make goals that aid in my professional and personal development.
  • I maintain my development route by always updating my talents.
  • I am a self-taught learner who acquires new talents from others around me.
  • I seek for opportunities to interact with and learn from other outstanding individuals in my profession.
  • I have a clear professional vision and am committed to achieving it.
  • I am a quick learner, which enables me to adjust to change with ease.
  • I enjoy acquiring new knowledge. I recently discovered (mention details).

Appraisal examples about job performance

  • I've understood that coming future, I need to be more upfront with my team members.
  • I'm competent in customer assistance, however I could enhance my follow-up skills.
  • I avoid tough talks because I want to have a cheerful attitude at all times.
  • My communication with larger groups or on multi-department initiatives might be improved.
  • I adhere to old approaches and am not always receptive to novel ideas.
  • I am not always forward with suggestions during chats, which results in more passive team discussions.
  • I do prioritize the needs of my teammates. However, I occasionally take leave without notifying people in advance.
  • It's difficult to approach me during business hours.
  • I am not constantly in need of assistance. Occasionally, this results in a resurgence of difficulties.
  • While I complete assignments on schedule, I do not maintain my skills. I need to improve my knowledge.

Common FAQ's

Questions from employees on self evaluation.

What should I write in a performance review for myself?

Write a strong, well-articulated self-evaluation. It should include metrics, statistics, and other feedback from team members that support the employee self-evaluation as a whole. When writing your own self-assessment, be honest. Use the feedback you've gathered through one-on-one meetings and more.

What do you write in a self-assessment?

A thorough self-evaluation should identify specific activities and projects that showcase your greatest work. Employees should stress the influence those successes had on the whole organization when describing them to demonstrate their worth to the company.

Favorite Resources

Our favorite resources are included below.

Job interview resources

  • Common Interview Questions by Marquette University
  • Prepare for Behavioral Interview Questions by Marquette University
  • Preparing for Job Interviews by the University of Kansas
  • Mock Interview Handbook by CSUCI
  • Interview Guidebook by Lebanon Valley College

Resume and cover letter resources

  • Writing a Resume and Cover Letter by USC
  • Resume Writing Tips by the University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Resume and Cover Letter Guide by Harvard University

Job search resources

  • Building and Engaging Your Network by UC Berkeley
  • Career Ready Assessment by UC Berkeley

Interview Question and Answer Guide (PDF)

Download our full interview preparation guide. Complete with common interview questions and example answers. Free download. No email required.

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What should I write in my self

A good self-assessment should point to specific tasks and projects that highlight your best work. When describing those accomplishments, employees should emphasize the impact those achievements had on the whole business to emphasize their value to the company.

What should I write in my performance review sample?

“Over [insert time period], I have been able to [describe your accomplishment or goal you've met] by [insert percent or numeric value]. By [explain what you did to achieve this goal], [explain how it has affected how you do your work]. After reflecting on my performance, I recognized that [insert area for improvement].


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