What do you do after throwing up

An upset stomach or diarrhea can leave you feeling miserable. If left untreated, it can lead to exhaustion and dehydration, so it’s important to make sure your body stays nourished. But it can be hard to determine what to eat after throwing up or having diarrhea. A special diet known as the BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast) is an effective way to treat both.

Path to improved health

The BRAT diet is a bland food diet recommended for adults and children. The benefits of using the BRAT diet to treat upset stomach and diarrhea include:

  • The foods used in the diet make your stools firmer. That’s because the foods are considered “binding” foods. They’re low-fiber, bland, starchy foods.
  • The foods help replace nutrients your body needs and has lost due to vomiting and diarrhea. Bananas, for example, are high in the vitamin potassium.

Bland foods don’t irritate your stomach. After you have diarrhea or vomiting, follow the BRAT diet to help your body ease back into normal eating. This diet also may help ease the nausea and vomiting some women experience during pregnancy.

You can add other bland foods to the BRAT diet. For example, you can try saltine crackers, plain potatoes, or clear soup broths. Don’t start eating dairy products, sugary, or fatty foods right away. These foods may trigger nausea or lead to more diarrhea.

Things to consider

  • At first, stick to sips of clear liquids. If you have been vomiting or have diarrhea, try drinking a beverage with electrolytes (a mix of important nutrients) to keep your body hydrated.
  • Solid foods like those in the BRAT diet aren’t recommended for adults and children who are actively vomiting. Once you stop vomiting, slowly try foods to see if you can eat without vomiting.
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions on the types of foods to eat when dealing with an upset stomach or diarrhea.
  • As you feel better, return to a normal, healthy diet. The BRAT diet doesn’t provide all the nutrients of a healthy diet. You should be able to start eating a more regular diet, including fruits and vegetables, within about 24 to 48 hours after vomiting or having diarrhea.

Questions for your doctor

  • What if the foods in the BRAT diet make me nauseated?
  • Can you become constipated by staying on the BRAT diet for too long?
  • Is rice better than potatoes?

Copyright © American Academy of Family Physicians

This information provides a general overview and may not apply to everyone. Talk to your family doctor to find out if this information applies to you and to get more information on this subject.

Nausea is a queasiness or general sickness to your stomach during which you may or may not vomit. Vomiting can be a response to nausea, as well as your body’s effort to get rid of viruses, bacteria, and harmful substances.

Whether due to a hangover, motion sickness, or an illness, nausea and vomiting may be treated at home with a few universal remedies.

Read on for ways to stop vomiting and nausea as well as signs for when it may be best to see a doctor for further treatment.

While it’s possible to feel nauseous without throwing up, nausea may sometimes be a precursor to vomiting.

The causes of vomiting are often the same as the causes of your underlying nausea. This may include acute illnesses such as gastroenteritis or long-term concerns such as GERD.

Your brain — not your stomach — tells your body when to vomit. Throwing up is often your body’s way of removing a damaging substance, such as bacteria.

It’s also possible to feel queasy and not vomit. Although in some cases, nausea may go away after vomiting.

Vomiting in children is commonly caused by viral illnesses and doesn’t necessarily require medical treatment unless the vomiting is severe.

In general, you can help reduce vomiting by modifying your child’s diet. As a rule of thumb, you may want to avoid solid foods for up to 24 hours and instead offer:

  • ice chips
  • water
  • electrolyte solutions
  • popsicles

A modified diet can also help prevent your child from becoming dehydrated. Eating solid foods may induce more vomiting, leading to further dehydration.

For this reason, a pediatrician may recommend a liquid diet for 12 to 24 hours. Talk with a doctor or pediatrician if your child is also vomiting up fluids.

Also, you should have your child lay on their side to minimize the chance of them inhaling vomit into their airways.

Medications and alternative treatments aren’t generally recommended for children without a doctor’s approval.

Further treatment for vomiting will depend on the underlying cause. Unless you know the exact cause of vomiting, you should avoid taking medications without talking with a doctor first.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as antiemetics may sometimes be used to stop upset stomach, nausea, and vomiting. OTC medications for nausea can include Pepto-Bismol and Kaopectate, which contain bismuth subsalicylate.

These medications help protect the stomach lining and reduce vomiting caused by food poisoning.

OTC antihistamines, or H1 blockers, such as dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) and meclizine (Bonine, Travel-Ease) are other types of antiemetics that may help stop vomiting caused by motion sickness.

They work by blocking the H1 histamine receptors responsible for stimulating vomiting. Side effects of antihistamines may include:

  • dry mouth
  • blurred vision
  • drowsiness

Before taking any OTC medications for nausea and vomiting, consider the following:

  • Only take the recommended dosage on the product label.
  • Do not take more than one antiemetic medication at the same time, as they may share similar active ingredients.
  • Do not give bismuth subsalicylate products to children under 12 years old.
  • Do not give bismuth subsalicylate products to children or teens with the flu or chickenpox, as it can increase their risk for Reye’s syndrome.
  • Ask a doctor or pharmacist about potential drug interactions if you take other OTC or prescription medications, such as blood thinners.
  • Ask a doctor or pharmacist if antiemetic medications are safe if you have certain underlying conditions, such as heart disease, asthma, or thyroid disease.

Dry crackers like soda crackers or saltines are a tried-and-true remedy for nausea. It’s thought they help absorb stomach acids.

For morning sickness, try eating a few crackers before getting out of bed to help settle your stomach.

Other bland foods like dry toast or white rice are also good to eat while recovering from a stomach bug.

Avoid eating salty, spicy, or fatty foods that could further irritate your stomach.

It’s also important that you continue to drink enough fluids to help prevent dehydration as you start eating bland solid foods.

Take deep breaths by breathing air through your nose and into your lungs. Your abdomen should expand as you breathe in. Exhale slowly through your mouth or nose and relax your belly after each breath.

Repeat this several times. You can use the image below to help pace yourself.

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A 2020 study suggested that taking deep, controlled breaths may be beneficial in reducing how often people undergoing cancer treatments experienced nausea and vomiting.

This may be attributed to the effects of deep breathing from the diaphragm, which can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, according to a 2017 review.

Deep breathing may also help calm anxiety that may occur when you’re feeling sick.

Acupressure is a popular traditional Chinese medicine remedy that may also help alleviate feelings of nausea and subsequent vomiting. It uses pressure to stimulate certain points of the body to relieve symptoms.

Wrist acupressure may be preferred by people who may not want to eat or drink anything due to nausea.

Applying pressure to pressure point Neiguan (P-6), a spot on the palm side of the forearm near your wrist, may help relieve nausea and vomiting.

To massage this pressure point:

  1. Place three fingers across the wrist.
  2. Put your thumb under your index finger.
  3. Rub this point in a firm, circular motion for two to three minutes.
  4. Repeat on the other wrist.

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If you’re vomiting a lot, it’s critical to drink plenty of fluids to help prevent dehydration, even if you vomit some of them back up. Sip the fluids slowly. Drinking too much when your stomach is upset may cause more vomiting.

Fluids that help keep you hydrated and may ease nausea can include:

  • herbal or mint tea
  • lemonade
  • water

You can also suck on ice chips or popsicles to stay hydrated.

If a doctor believes you’re dehydrated due to vomiting, they may provide you with intravenous (IV) fluids.


Ginger supplements have been one of the most widely studied remedies for nausea and vomiting.

According to a 2016 review of research, ginger was safe and effective for preventing and treating nausea and vomiting in pregnant women and people undergoing chemotherapy.

The review also suggested that ginger’s active ingredients, gingerols and shogaols, can help speed up stomach emptying and reduce morning sickness.

Still, if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, it’s best to check with a doctor first before using ginger or any other supplement.

You can try sipping a cup of warm ginger tea slowly when nausea strikes. Or, slowly eat a small piece of fresh ginger root or candied ginger.

You can also make fresh ginger tea by adding a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger root to one cup of boiling water. Steep to desired strength. You can strain the tea before drinking if you prefer.


Fennel seeds are thought to help calm the digestive tract. Animal studies suggest that fennel may help promote healthy digestion, but human studies on fennel for relief from vomiting are lacking.

Still, anecdotal evidence suggests it may be worth sipping a cup of fennel tea the next time nausea strikes.

To make fennel tea, add about a teaspoon of fennel seeds to one cup of boiling water. Steep to desired strength and strain before drinking.


Cloves have been used as a folk remedy for nausea and vomiting.

A 2021 study in China wasn’t able to confirm such benefits more broadly. But can still try cloves either topically or as a tea if a doctor gives you the go-ahead.

To make clove tea, add one cup of boiling water to a teaspoon or so of cloves. Steep to desired strength and strain before drinking.

Aromatherapy may help relieve nausea and vomiting, although studies on its effectiveness are mixed.

To practice aromatherapy, try deep breathing with an open essential oil bottle, an essential oil diffuser, or add a few drops to a cotton ball.

Scents that are believed to have an effect on nausea can include:

  • clove
  • lemon
  • ginger
  • lavender
  • chamomile
  • rose
  • fennel
  • peppermint

If you have asthma or another respiratory condition, ask your doctor before diffusing essential oils. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAI), using essential oils may increase breathing difficulties in some people.

Not all cases of nausea and vomiting require a visit to a doctor, especially if the symptoms are mild and temporary. However, you should call a doctor if:

  • You or your child vomits for more than 24 hours.
  • There’s blood in your vomit.
  • You have signs of dehydration, such as infrequent urination, dark urine, and dry mouth.
  • Vomiting comes and goes for more than a month.
  • You’re losing weight from long-term nausea and vomiting.

Additionally, you should seek help right away if you think your symptoms are related to poisoning. Get help from the Poison Control Center online or call (800) 222-1222.

Acute nausea and vomiting can typically be treated at home. Vomiting due to the stomach flu or food poisoning may require medical attention, especially if you’ve been throwing up for more than one day.

Remember to drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration and to stick with a bland diet once you reintroduce solid foods.

If you’re concerned about persistent or recurring nausea or vomiting or any symptoms of dehydration, consider seeing a doctor for further treatment.

Depending on the underlying causes, a doctor may recommend medications as well as IV fluids to help treat dehydration.

Read this article in Spanish.

Should I lay down after throwing up?

Here's what to do: First, when you're feeling nauseous, avoid lying down. When you lie flat on your back, gastric juices can rise and increase feelings of nausea and overall discomfort. Instead, when you're nauseous, try reclining with your upper body elevated and moving around as little as possible.

How long should you rest after throwing up?

1) Let Your Stomach Rest After you stop throwing up, don't try to eat or drink anything for 15 to 20 minutes so you can allow your stomach time to recover. Giving the muscles in your stomach time to rest will lower the chances that you will vomit once you start eating and drinking again.


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