What do dead skin cells look like

The human body is made up of tiny particles called cells. These cells live like autonomous life units that take nutrition from our food and perform certain biological functions. They also get affected by environmental stressors and a sedentary lifestyle. They have a life cycle after which they wither, die, and turn into dead skin cells. At a given instant, there are many skin cells in our body. But out of them, some are on the decaying stage and should not be allowed to stay on the skin. They have served their role and should now be replaced by healthy skin cells. Usually, these dead skin cells leave your body on their own and might not need some treatment.

But sometimes, these dead skin cells cling to the top of your skin and clog the skin pores, thus causing some skin care issues. This toxic mass of cells and impurities is a part of natural decomposition. It is important to remove this toxic particulate matter from our bodies before it starts affecting our biological processes. Left untreated, it could affect our complexion and skin texture. 

Different skin types may need different skincare products and practices to shed off these irritants. However, in all these types, it is best to go with safe and toxin-free skincare products to have positive results. 

What are Dead Skin Cells?

You might be aware that our skin contains sebaceous glands that produce natural oils to keep the skin from drying. These sebaceous glands produce new skin cells and shed old ones. Keratinocytes are a protein responsible for forming skin cells in the epidermis. 

When the skin cells are alive, they travel all over the body, from the epidermis to the outermost layer of the skin. After a certain time, they die and get automatically removed from the skin. This is a natural process called desquamation. 

Our skin usually takes a month to complete the desquamation cycle as it sheds off nearly 40,000 skin cells every hour. But the trouble starts when this count increases and dead skin cells accumulate on the skin instead of shedding. It also leads to unwanted and harmful skin care issues.

Why should you remove Dead Skin Cells?

Dead skin cells accumulation can have disastrous effects on your health. It can clog your skin pores and lead to several skin care concerns. The latter may include acne, pimples, dry skin, rough patches, irritation, and inflammation. Dead skin closes the skin pores and obstructs the outflux of toxins. 

This also inhibits the effectiveness of natural skin care products. So, whenever you apply a body lotion, face cream, face moisturiser, or toner to your skin, it would not provide adequate nourishment. Skincare experts thus advise that you should regularly remove dead skin cells on body through a normal exfoliation process.

What is Exfoliation?

Exfoliating is the process of removing dead skin cells from the skin’s outer layer. It involves scrubbing the skin with safe and gentle scrubs. One toxin-free and effective product is Mamaearth Ubtan Body Scrub, which features Saffron, Turmeric, and Walnut. 

Powered by the Goodness of Nature, it helps reveal brighter and healthier skin by deeply exfoliating the skin. This process is quite effective and easy when practiced at home. It comes in handy when dead skin cells have not shed themselves and cause dry patches or inflammation. 

How to know if you have Dead Skin build-up?

Most people think they do not require exfoliation, but they can be wrong. Everyone should exfoliate the dead skin regularly, be it people with oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, or combination skin. 

Some people also miss the exfoliation part of their skincare routine because they think it takes a lot of time. But this doesn’t mean they can escape the consequences because the skin has several ways to have its say. 

  1. Rough skin: Dry skin may explain why you are dealing with extreme flakiness. It could be due to accumulated dead skin cells or chemically-enriched skincare products.
  2. Dull skin: The build-up of excess dead skin on body will take away the vibrant glow of your skin and make it dull. Scrubbing it regularly will help you regain the vibrant complexion you have always loved. 
  3. Clogged pores: Ever skipped cleansing your face or avoided washing your skin? Well, it may happen during winter. Not rinsing yourself properly will make your skin clogged with dead skin cells, bacteria, and impurities. This could also cause acne and inflammation.

Causes of Dead Skin

Shedding dead skin cells from the skin each day to reveal newer skin is a normal process. But it might still be a concern if these dead cells build up on the skin. So, let’s look at those factors that lead to the building up of dead skin cells on skin.

  1. Not maintaining a proper cleansing routine: Refreshment is an essential aspect for everyone, even your skin. Not washing it off regularly will leave it unclean and lead to the unnecessary build-up of dead skin cells on skin.
    Removing makeup with a natural makeup remover is essential if you regularly apply makeup. This is because makeup and oil residue makes it quite difficult for the skin to lose dead skin cells.

We advise you to opt for Mamaearth Water Foaming Makeup Remover, backed by natural ingredients such as Rose Water, Glycerine, and Glycolic Acid. It quickly removes the makeup, removes pollutants under the skin layers with deep exfoliation, and instantly hydrates the skin.

  1. Aging: As we grow older, our skin loses its elasticity and ability to retain the skin’s elasticity, making it difficult to hold the necessary moisture, leaving it dry and thinner. Aging also slows down the shedding process, leading to the build-up of dead skin cells.
  2. Adverse environmental conditions: Living in dry, arid, or extreme climatic conditions could cause increased loss of hydration. It could clog the dead skin cells and result in a build-up of toxins.
  3. Sun damage: Prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays could damage the skin cells. This may also lead to an increased build-up of dead skin on hand, feet, or face.
  4. Using chemically-enriched skincare products: Products made of harmful chemicals remove the skin’s natural oils and dry out its surface. This damages the skin cells and builds up unwanted debris. 

How to Remove Dead Skin from face?

Want to get rid of those invisible skin cells that might be doing more than you have ever imagined? You can quickly achieve freedom from them with the help of proper exfoliation. And you do not have to indulge in this skincare routine daily as it would over dry the skin. 

Here are some smart ways you can use to free your skin from this menace:

  1. Skin scrubs: Scrubbing your skin regularly removes irritants from your face, body, or feet. You may start with scrubs made of brown sugar, coffee grounds, olive oil, honey, and Epsom bath salt. However, it is advisable to use specialized skincare products made of natural ingredients. Such products may well work as the best dead skin remover for body.

We recommend that you opt for body scrubs loaded with natural ingredients. We advise you to opt for our toxin-free skin care products like Mamaearth Neem Body Scrub. It is enriched with Neem and Tulsi. It helps purify the skin by removing dead cells and revealing healthy and glowing skin.

  1. Chemicals exfoliants

Mild chemical exfoliating agents such as glycolic, salicylic, citric, or malic acids and fruit extracts help loosen the glue-like substance that holds the cells together and helps them to shed off.

Mild, safe, and effective acids such as AHAs and BHAs promote skin cell turnover rate. It also smoothens your skin’s texture and reduces dead skin cells from the deeper layers. Its regular use would help reduce acne breakouts and their scars too.

  1. Face scrubs

Wondering how you may remove dead skin cells from your face? It’s simple and easy if you use a toxin-free face scrub. Scrubbing your face with natural ingredients such as Turmeric or coffee will gently exfoliate the skin, remove the dead skin from its top layers, and tighten it. 


It works just like a body scrub, except that it should only be used on the face. 

At Mamaearth, we are home to a wide range of face scrubs. These include Mamaearth Ubtan Face Scrub, Mamaearth Vitamin C Face Scrub, and Mamaearth Charcoal Face Scrub. They contain natural ingredients which make your skin smoother and brighter through gentle exfoliation. 

Precautions you need to keep in mind while exfoliating

  • Before you exfoliate your skin, do identify your skin type.
  • If you opt for a scrub or acidic substance, conduct a patch test before including it in your skincare routine.
  • If you have sensitive skin, we advise you to opt for products that contain natural ingredients and contain safety labels.
  • Avoid scrubbing your skin too fast or harshly as it causes micro-tears and damages the skin. We advise you to go at a minimal rate as the skin is a sensitive part.

How to Remove Dead Skin Cells at home?

It is easy and important to remove dead skin cells at home. All it takes is some time, patience, and some toxin-free skincare products to get started. One should always opt for skincare products that are in line with one’s skin type and texture.

If you have never exfoliated your skin of these impurities, you may have excessive dead skin on body. It does not mean that you can’t get cleaner and glowing skin, it only means that it would take you longer than most people.

Step 1: Purification

Washing your face with a mild natural face wash is one of the most important steps as it helps eliminate impurities, dirt, and excess oil. It also prevents acne and skin breakouts by removing excess sebum, dirt, and dead skin cells and maintaining the skin’s pH level. 

Opt for Mamaearth Ubtan Face Wash for cleansing the face. It is enriched with Carrot Seed Oil, Saffron, Walnut Beads, and Turmeric. This face wash brightens the skin, treats tanned skin, and restores its natural glow.

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Step 2: Toning

Toning your skin with an effective face toner helps you achieve even-toned skin. It deeply penetrates the skin and removes unwanted skin cells, which helps in revealing brightened glow. 

Step 3: Exfoliating 

Exfoliating once a week helps breathe new life into your skin. Scrubbing with a naturally backed face scrub removes dead skin cells and promotes the growth of healthy skin cells. In addition, regular exfoliation prevents build-up, giving you a fresher and more youthful look. 


You may also follow it up with a dead skin removal cream for face, though this step is optional. 

Step 4: Applying Face Mask

The face mask is a great way to replenish your skin. It provides essential antioxidants and enables decongesting of your skin, making it look nourished and radiant. 

Did You Know?

Most people forget to get rid of the dead skin cells on face and then complain about facing various skin care concerns. It is important to start with knowing why your appearance is turning duller and unattractive so you mend your ways faster. 

Step5: Mid-Day Massage

Give your skin an intense boost of hydration with a natural face gel. It nourishes the skin, hydrates it, and provides a youthful glow. 

Step 6: Moisturizing 

Irrespective of the skin type and weather, you should make moisturizing a regular habit in the morning and night. It attracts moisture from the environment and retains inside the skin, keeping it soft and hydrated. In the morning, apply the lightweight and oil-free face moisturizer that contains SPF. At night, opt for a dead skin remover cream to help shed the unwanted skin clogging your skin pores.

Summing up!

Getting rid of dead skin is an important step in any skincare regimen. Ignoring it would lead to degraded skin health. Exfoliating is an important part of the skincare regimen that should be added to the CTM routine. It allows the new skin to grow properly and enhances the efficacy of other skin care products.


  1. How to remove dead skin cells?

    The best way to remove dead skin cells from your body is to exfoliate your skin with a brush, sponge, or glove using a natural body scrub such as Mamaearth Ubtan Body Scrub. It deeply exfoliates the skin, removes dead skin cells, and encourages blood circulation.

  2. How to remove dead skin from hands?

    Soak the hardened part of your skin in warm water for 10 minutes. This will dissolve the dead skin cells and will become easier to remove. Then, use a gentle body scrub that suits your skin type and exfoliate your skin to remove the dead skin cells. Pat yourself dry and apply a body lotion afterwards.

  3. How to remove dead skin from body?

    You can remove dead skin on face at home by exfoliating your skin through scrubbing. You may use specialized toxin-free skincare products like Mamaearth’s Face Scrub or coffee, oatmeal, and orange peels to make a scrub at home.

  4. What does dead skin look like?

    Dry skin may appear dull and flaky. Oily skin often appears greasy or shiny. The combination skin has patches of both dry and oily skin. Sensitive skin usually appears red and irritated after exposure to products or harmful environmental stressors.

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How do you identify dead skin cells?

Dead Skin Symptoms.
Dry, flaky skin..
Thick, rough skin..
Dull, scaly skin..
Acne and breakouts3..

Is removing dead skin good for you?

Exfoliating your body of old cells is the key to letting the lively ones underneath come to surface and shine, giving you healthier skin overall. You give your hair follicles more room to breath, you keep your pores clear, your body smooth, and your complexion youthful and bright.

How do you remove dead skin cells?

You can help your body shed these cells through exfoliation. Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells with a substance or tool known as an exfoliator. Exfoliators come in many forms, from chemical treatments to brushes. Read on to learn more about how to choose the best exfoliator for your skin.


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