Side effects of too much diet soda

So you finally kicked your regular soda habit, but now you find yourself reaching for cans of the diet soft drink variety. Trouble is – diet soda as a replacement for regular soda – is a whole new problem.

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“Switching from regular to diet soda may offer a short term cut in calories, but your body won’t be fooled for long,” says registered dietitian Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RD, LD. “Research suggests that your body reacts to certain nonnutritive foods, including the artificial sweeteners in diet soda, in ways that may actually harm your health.”

Here are three reasons why Kirkpatrick says it’s important to ditch the diet drink altogether:

1. Diet soda is associated with weight gain

Some research suggests that the brain reacts to artificial sweeteners much like it does to sugary sweets. Ingesting them frequently may result in an increased desire for high-calorie foods such as sugary treats, putting you at a greater risk of weight gain and binge eating all the cookies in the break room.

Another study found that overweight individuals who switched to diet soda were more likely to consume more calories in food than overweight individuals who drank regular soda. Those who drank diet soda even had a higher BMI than their counterparts.

2. Diet soda may cause insulin confusion

The brain normally associates “sweet” with calories. In the realm of human physiology, that’s a good thing. It drives your body to release insulin as sugar’s chaperone to the cells to create fuel. In the past, people assumed this process could not occur when we consumed artificial sweeteners because calories don’t follow the sweet flavor.

But, one study found the process could very well happen. In the study, individuals who consumed a specific artificial sweetener (sucralose) had increases in both insulin and blood glucose levels. Frequent rises in insulin have been linked to insulin resistance and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Some research has even associated artificially sweetened sodas with increased risk of stroke.

3. Diet soda may change your brain’s reaction to sweetness

Some research suggests that those who drink diet soda have higher activity in the area of the brain associated with the desire to consume foods high in fat and sugar. So those who drink diet soda seem to alter the brain’s sweet-sensing reward center. This means that diet soda could potentially change how the brain reacts to cravings for high-calorie foods.

So is it better to just drink regular soda?

Not so fast. There is abundant data that tells us that sugar (even when it’s “real”) is not necessarily a sweeter alternative, at least when health is concerned.

If you crave caffeine (in moderation), you are likely better off with plain coffee or tea. If you’re looking for flavor in a drink, try freezing raspberries, cucumber, mint, lemon or lime in ice cubes to add a hint of sweetness. You can even use fruit in soda water to recreate soda’s bubbly appeal.

Quitting a habit is never easy, but experts recommend that kicking soda all the way out of your diet can have profound effects on both your weight and your health.

Diet Coke Side-Effects: 5 Harmful Effects of Having This Supposedly 'Healthy' Soft Drink

Coke and other sugary sodas are high in sugar and calories and can cause a variety of health problems. People drink diet coke because it is advertised as a soda with no sugar or calories. Is diet soda really a better option? The answer is NO. Here are a few reasons why you should stop drinking diet coke right now.Also Read - 5 Things From Kitchen Cabinet That Act as Natural Painkillers And Can Save Your Kidney And Liver From Going Bonkers

5 Side Effects of Diet Coke That You Should Know

Impairs kidney function: Kidneys play an important role in removing harmful toxins from the body and detoxifying the blood. Diet Coke, when consumed in large quantities, can cause kidney problems such as kidney stones . If you drink more than two Diet Coke cans in a day, your kidneys’ function may suffer. Also Read - President Biden Gets Rid of Trump's Diet Coke Button From White House Desk, Twitter is Thoroughly Amused

Increases Weight: You may believe that diet coke has no calories, as it has word ‘diet’ in it. As per experts, its a complete myth and as per studies those who consumed diet soda frequently over a decade had a 70 percent larger waist circumference than those who did not consume diet soda. Also Read - Diet Coke, Ice Cream: Delhi's ITC Maurya Stocking up on Donald Trump's Fav Food

Harmful For Teeth: Because diet coke is acidic in nature, it can harm your teeth by dissolving tooth enamel. The more you consume diet coke, the more you are likely to develop tooth decay, missing teeth, and a filling.

Raises Cholesterol levels: Another major Diet Coke side effect is an increase in blood cholesterol levels. Having higher than normal LDL cholesterol levels increases the risk of developing stroke and heart disease.

Causes Dehydration: If you are thirsty, Diet Coke should not be your beverage of choice. One of the ingredients is caffeine, which is a diuretic and causes dehydration. As a result, it is recommended that you quench your thirst with water or herbal tea rather than diet coke.

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Published Date: August 16, 2022 5:13 PM IST

What happens if you drink too much diet soda?

It can cause heart problems Once again, it's artificial sweeteners including aspartame. Other health conditions that can be developed from the consumption of diet soda like weight gain, increased blood sugar levels, and diabetes can also contribute to heart problems.

Do diet sodas cause inflammation?

However, the ideal beverage for anyone, whether they are on a diet or not, is water." "Water is alkalizing and anti-inflammatory to the body," explains Kuhns, "unlike soda - diet or regular - which is acidifying and inflammatory to the body.


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