Need for speed hot pursuit remastered metacritic

  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • Release Date: Nov 6, 2020
  • Also On: PC, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

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10 Minutes Of Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered Gameplay Trailer

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10 Minutes Of Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered Gameplay

Description: In this Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered clip we take down some street racers as the Police, and we evade the police for a street race.

Additional Trailers and Clips (2)

Single Player/Multi Player (2/2)

(If the single player is better than the multiplayer, review this section as if it had no multplayer) (If the multiplayer is better than the multiplayer, review this section as if it had no single player)

Gameplay (1/2)

Visuals/Story (1/2)

(If the visuals are better than the story, review this section as if it had no story) (If the story is better than the visuals, review this section as if the visuals didn’t matter)

Accessibility/Longevity (1/2)

(Review this section only on Accessibility if the game has no longevity) (Review this section only on longevity if the game isn’t accessible)

Pricing (0/2)

Wildcard (0)

This is a guideline for how to properly review games. Many reviewers like to get a “feel” for a game, and arbitrarily give a game a score that they believe it deserves. This results in wildly different scores between different reviewers, and vastly different scores between similar games. This guideline addresses these problems and scores games fairly and consistently. This guideline also gives scores that are usually similar to the metacritic score.

The review score is based out of 10 points. There are no “half” or 0.5 increments. It is impossible to have a score above 10 or below 0. The review score will change as the game gets new dlc, drops in price, or if more secrets are found through the game increasing its appeal.

The scoring is split into 6 sections. The first five sections can add a possible 2 points to the final score. The first 5 sections are Single Player/Multi Player, Gameplay, Visuals/Story, Accessibility/Longevity, and Pricing.

Notice that 3 of these sections have two parts. These particular sections will be scored based on the stronger part of the game of the two. For example, if a game has a lousy single player campaign, but an excellent multiplayer component, that section will be based solely on the multiplayer as if the single player did not exist. This allows games to be based on their own merits, as many unnecessary features are shoehorned into video games by publishers to reach a “feature quota”. Games that excel in both areas of a section don’t receive should be noted in the written review, but cannot increase the score past 2 in that section. However, it can be taken into account in the final section

The final section can add 1, add 0, or subtract 1 to the final score. This final section is the “wildcard” section. This section is for how the reviewer “feels” about the game, but limits this only to this section, rather than the entire 10 point review. This section can include any positive or negative point that was not covered in the previous 5 sections.

User Score


Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 41 Ratings

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    Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered

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    User Score


    Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 41 Ratings

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  1. The worst game in the series remastered....
    Barely changed anything...
    -Rubber banding still present, so the AI can pass whenever it pleases so races cannot be enjoyed.... -No graphics overhaul, only things that can be done easily using Reshade -Handling is still bad -Some cars are not in the game, that were in the original At least its half the price for a new AAA game... If they
    The worst game in the series remastered....
    Barely changed anything...
    -Rubber banding still present, so the AI can pass whenever it pleases so races cannot be enjoyed....
    -No graphics overhaul, only things that can be done easily using Reshade
    -Handling is still bad
    -Some cars are not in the game, that were in the original

    At least its half the price for a new AAA game...
    If they wanted to remaster a Criterion game, they could have used 2012, which to me is not a NFS game but a fun racing game...


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  2. Worst gameplay. Worst gameplay. Worst gameplay. Worst gameplay. Worst gameplay. Worst gameplay.

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  3. Its sadly just a lazy glorified port of the original from 10 years ago. Its still a good game (Thats why I dont give it a 0) but in some places the game has even been made worse graphical wise. I would recommend you to get the original for 10 bucks on steam than this cash grab from EA.

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  4. I must say that original one was a great game and I really enjoyed it but the remastered version is nothing but a **** cash grab. They could've remade Most Wanted 2005 but nah let's release lazy remaster of 10 year old game that still looks beautiful and demand 35$ when the original (that only didn't have DLCs and multiplayer) has cost definitely less.

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  5. No steering wheel support. Max of 60 fps. Expensive.
    Joke of a remaster. Really expensive for what it is. NFS Hot Pursuit with better graphics. That's it.

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  6. Lazy cash grab, with graphical improvements over the original so minimal that they're difficult to notice at all.

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  7. I've really tried to keep playing this, but it's almost impossible, the gameplay is awful, graphics and sound design makes the game look poorly made, you will feel bored after playing it for 30 minutes

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  8. Poor optimized. I have a RTX 2080 and it keeps stuttering even with graphics on low. Graphics are a little better than original. I wasted like 1 hour solving a controller issue where there was a message in the screen saying that my controller was not supported. -_-
    I don't mind the arcade gameplay but the stuttering is too much annoying, it breaks even the music!!! Game is bad. I got it
    Poor optimized. I have a RTX 2080 and it keeps stuttering even with graphics on low. Graphics are a little better than original. I wasted like 1 hour solving a controller issue where there was a message in the screen saying that my controller was not supported. -_-
    I don't mind the arcade gameplay but the stuttering is too much annoying, it breaks even the music!!! Game is bad. I got it for free but will never play it because it's just annoying to play in the current state. I don't even believe they will ever fixed it. Waste of money for someone that paid for it.

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  9. Singleplayer molto scriptato gli avversari ti raggiungono subito anche se stanno lontani da te in 3 secondi.
    Multiplayer pieno di problemi quello principale e lo cheating o wifi/switch che consente agli giocatori di teletrasportarsi velocemente non appena ti avvicini a loro, nella modalità poliziotto contro pilota se sei poliziotto puoi beccare le strisce chiodate degli altri poliziotti
    Singleplayer molto scriptato gli avversari ti raggiungono subito anche se stanno lontani da te in 3 secondi.
    Multiplayer pieno di problemi quello principale e lo cheating o wifi/switch che consente agli giocatori di teletrasportarsi velocemente non appena ti avvicini a loro, nella modalità poliziotto contro pilota se sei poliziotto puoi beccare le strisce chiodate degli altri poliziotti per sbaglio e ti toglie anche la vita della macchina c'è e assurdo dovrebbero fare in modo che quando la becchi diventi invulnerabile così si evita di essere teamkillati dal compagno di squadra oltre a quello gli EMP invece di agganciare l'avversario agancia il tuo compagno fatto veramente male quella modalità.

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  10. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This game is great! I like this game. In my opinion is perfect for an arcade racing and hot pursuit game. And the cars are amazing for me. This the best Need For Speed game ever in 2010 and 2020 Remastered! Expand

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  11. Это просто УЖАСНО! Графика хуже оригинала 2010 года, играть в 2022 году в это БОЛЬНО! Машина поворачивает с большим трудом несколько секунд в одну сторону! Для ПК игра вообще не предназначена, настройка клавиатуры тоже УЖАСНА! Самое плохое в этой игре это геймплей и графика! Не рекомендую к покупке, не тратьте свои деньги на это!Это просто УЖАСНО! Графика хуже оригинала 2010 года, играть в 2022 году в это БОЛЬНО! Машина поворачивает с большим трудом несколько секунд в одну сторону! Для ПК игра вообще не предназначена, настройка клавиатуры тоже УЖАСНА! Самое плохое в этой игре это геймплей и графика! Не рекомендую к покупке, не тратьте свои деньги на это!

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