How to transfer itunes playlist to new computer

In this guide, we will learn how to transfer iTunes and the iTunes library from one computer to another, including the iTunes library files and the iTunes Media folder.

The transfer process covers all of the software packages associated with iTunes, as well as all of the files in the iTunes Media folder, such as Music, Movies, TV Shows, Podcasts, Audiobooks and so on.

There are two primary ways to copy iTunes to another computer – manual copy and automatic copy. We will cover both in this guide, although if you prefer to just skip to the easier, automatic option, you can click here for automatic transfer of iTunes from one computer to another.

Manual transfer of iTunes data

The most important part about an iTunes transfer is the iTunes library. This is unfortunately also the more difficult part to do manually (although you can just use the automatic route described in the “Automatic Transfer” section below). Let’s see how to do that manually.

If you choose to go with a manual transfer, the first step is to consolidate your iTunes library and redownload any previous purchases such as music, movies, TV shows, etc. To consolidate your iTunes library, open up iTunes, and from the menu bar on the top of your computer screen or at the top of the iTunes window, Choose File > Library > Organize Library.
Select the option to consolidate files and click on OK.

Now, find the iTunes media folder, which by default should be in User > Music > iTunes > iTunes Media.

Copy that folder to an external USB drive, and move that drive to the new computer.

To restore your library on the new computer, copy the “iTunes Media” folder to your user profile’s Music folder on the new computer.

Now, install a fresh copy of iTunes. When prompted to choose an iTunes Library, click on “Choose Library”, and locate the folder that you have copied above.

Select the iTunes Library.itl file and proceed.

At this point, you should finally have a copy of your iTunes library on the new computer.

Doable? Yes. Easy? Not so much.

Luckily, this can be done much easier – see below:

Automatic Transfer of iTunes to a New Computer

The easiest way to transfer iTunes from one computer to another is to use a dedicated transfer tool – Zinstall WinWin.

It automatically transfers not just your iTunes installation, but also the iTunes library, your songs and shows, your content, settings, profiles and customizations, accounts, personalization, and all files from your old computer.

And it does not just copy files or profiles; apps get installed automatically on the new computer, and configured just like on the old one. You don’t need to install them yourself and you don’t need to configure them yourself.

It requires no technical knowledge to use, too. If you know how to download a file from the internet, you know how to use it – and can save a lot of time and avoid a lot of frustration when you transfer files to a new computer.

How to transfer Transfer iTunes to a New Computer

  1. Run Zinstall WinWin on your current computer (the one you are transferring from).
    Note: You can get Zinstall WinWin here.
  2. Run Zinstall WinWin on the new computer
    1. You don’t need to do any configurations for the computers to connect – it’s automatic
    2. If the computers are already connect to same router, same Internet connection, or same wireless connection, you don’t need anything else
    3. If the computers are not connected at all, connect them with a network / Ethernet cable
  3. If you’d like to select which applications and files you want to transfer, press the Advanced menu. If you just want to transfer everything, you don’t need to go to the Advanced menu.
  4. Press “Go” on the Windows 11 or Windows 10 computer to start the transfer

That’s it!

Once the transfer is done, iTunes is be all set on the new computer, with your library and profile already in place – just like on the old computer.

I went through the trouble of making a killer playlist on my Apple iPhone. This playlist took quite a bit of time to create and contained hundreds of songs I currently love listening to. After jamming out to this playlist, I thought “Wow, these songs I selected would make a great playlist for when I listen to music on my computer!”

I attached my iPod to my computer, fired up iTunes and created a new playlist called “Rawk”. I then selected the playlist on my iPhone and tried to drag and drop them to the playlist on the computer. It didn’t work though. iTunes doesn’t let you copy a playlist from your iPhone to your local computer. Nor will it allow you to drag individual songs to from an iPhone to a computer playlist.

What a bummer! I just had to find a workaround for this. Fortunately, I was able to find one rather quickly. You can do the following.

Note: This tutorial has been revised to reflect iTunes version 12.

  1. Connect your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad to your computer.
  2. From the “Devices” section, expand the selections under your device.
  3. Select the playlist you wish to export.
  4. Select “File” > “Library” > “Export Playlist…” to export the playlist to a text file. Give the export a name, then select “Save“.
  5. Select the “Songs” option on the left pane under “Library“.
  6. Select “File” > “Library” > “Import Playlist…“, then select the text file created in step 5.

There you have it. You have successfully added a playlist from your Apple iOS device to iTunes on your computer.


Why do I get an error that says “Some of the songs in the file were not imported because they could not be found”.

This tutorial assumes that the actual music files exist on your PC as well as the device. If they don’t, you will need to transfer the music files to the PC you’re working with. If they only exist on your device, you will need to research how to extract music files from your device.

How do I transfer all my iTunes songs to a new computer?

Quit iTunes. Go to "This PC," then click your external drive. Select your iTunes folder, then right-click and choose Copy. Go to the location on your computer where you want your iTunes library, then right-click and choose Paste.

How do I transfer my Apple music playlist to another device?

Click Music in the button bar. Select the “Sync music onto [device name]” checkbox to turn on syncing of your music. With the checkbox selected, syncing is set to transfer all your music to your device. To sync a selection of music, click “Selected playlist, artists, albums, and genres.”

How do I transfer my playlists to a new computer?

Method 1: Export iTunes Playlists to New Computer with iTunes.
Open iTunes on your old computer. Choose File > Library > Export Playlist..
Choose a location to save the file. ... .
Launch iTunes on your new computer. ... .
Navigate to the playlist XML file you exported and click "Open" to add the playlist to the left iTunes menu..


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