How to see chronological order of followers on instagram

After years of complaints from frustrated users, Instagram has finally brought back the ability to view your Instagram feed in chronological order. Here’s how to do it. 

Instagram’s habit of showing users pretty much anything but the accounts they follow has been a point of contention for its users since the app first replaced chronological posts with an algorithm-based feed in 2016. 

In fact, Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri recently stated that, over time, Instagram will be adding more recommendations to your feed based on your interests. 

Thankfully, in the same blog post, Mosseri also introduced two alternate ways to arrange your feed chronologically: Favourites and Following. 

Following displays posts from the accounts you follow in the order they’re posted, so you can catch up on the most recent photos and videos first. 

Favourites, meanwhile, compiles the latest content from accounts you’ve added to your Favourites list. These can be your friends, your family or your favourite celebrities and influencers. 

Both options allow you to ditch the algorithm-based feed and view posts in chronological order. Read on to learn how to enable them 

What you’ll need: 

  • An Instagram account

The Short Version 

  1. Open Instagram 
  2. Tap the Instagram logo 
  3. Hit Following

How to view Instagram in chronological order

  1. Step

    Open the Instagram app

    These screenshots are taken from the iOS app, but the steps will also work on Android phones.

  2. Step

    Tap on the Instagram logo

    You can find this in the top left corner of your home feed.

  3. Step

    Hit Following to view your feed in chronological order

    You can also choose Favourites to see only posts from the accounts you’ve favourited in chronological order.


How does the Favourites feed work?

The Favourites view is essentially a pared-down version of the Following feed that shows only the accounts you’ve added to your favourites list.

This makes it easier to catch up on the content you consider most important, like posts from your best friends and favourite celebrities, in chronological order without having to scroll through posts from every account you follow.

You can add up to 50 accounts to your favourites list by tapping the Following button on their page and choosing Add To Favourites.

Can you permanently set your feed in chronological order?

No. Annoyingly, Instagram requires you to follow these steps every time you open the app if you want to view your feed chronologically.

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  1. There is not an easy way to see your Instagram followers in chronological order as of .
  2. The best way to view your followers is by going to your profile and selecting “followers.
  3. This will show you your followers in the order that they followed you.

How to See someone’s Recent Followers on Instagram

How do you see who follows someone on Instagram in chronological order?

To see who follows someone on Instagram in chronological order, go to that person’s profile and click on the “followers” tab. The followers will be listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent follower at the top.

Is there a way to see who someone recently followed on Instagram?

Yes! You can see a list of people that someone has recently followed on Instagram by going to that person’s profile and clicking on the “followers” tab. This will show you a list of the most recent people that the account has followed.

How do you see who someone recently followed on Instagram 2020?

There is no definite way to see who someone has recently followed on Instagram 2020. However, there are some methods that you can try in order to find this out. One way is to look at the person’s profile and check their followers list. If the person has recently followed someone, their name will be highlighted in blue. Another way is to use a third-party app such as “Who unfollowed me” which will track your followers and unfollowers for you.

How do you see someones followers in chronological order?

On the main profile page, click on “following” and it will show the people you are following in chronological order.

Is Instagram following in chronological order?

Instagram is not following in chronological order.

How do you see someone’s activity on Instagram 2021?

It’s hard to say exactly what Instagram will look like in 2021, but it’s likely that the platform will continue to be used for sharing photos and videos. It’s also likely that there will be even more ways to use Instagram, such as for online shopping or connecting with businesses.

Why does Instagram not show followers in chronological order

Instagram decided to stop showing followers in chronological order because it found that people were missing posts from their friends. In order to show users the posts they care about most, Instagram switched to a new algorithm that shows users posts based on how interested Instagram thinks they will be in them.

Is there a way to change the order of your followers on Instagram?

Yes, there is a way to change the order of your followers on Instagram. To rearrange your followers, go to your profile and click on the three lines in the top left corner. Then select “Settings.” Scroll down and select “Account.” Under “Followers,” you’ll be able to reorder your followers by tapping and holding on the three lines to the right of their name.

How do you see who someone interacts with the most on Instagram 2021?

There are a few ways to see who someone interacts with the most on Instagram. One way is to look at their followers and see who they follow back the most. Another way is to look at their likes and see who they like the most.

How can I see what pictures My boyfriend likes on Instagram 2021?

To see what pictures your boyfriend likes on Instagram in 2021, you can either ask him directly or use a third-party app. If you ask him directly, he may be more likely to share his private account with you. If you use a third-party app, it will give you a list of all the accounts your boyfriend has liked within the last 21 days.

How do you stalk someones Instagram activity?

There are a few ways to stalk someone’s Instagram activity. One way is to look at their profile and see what posts they have liked and commented on. Another way is to use an app like “InstaFollow” that will show you who has followed or unfollowed you, as well as who your most popular followers are.

How can I see what my boyfriend likes on Instagram?

To see what your boyfriend likes on Instagram, you can either ask him to show you or look at his profile. If you look at his profile, you can see the posts that he has liked.

How can I see who interacts with my Instagram stories?

To see who interacts with your Instagram stories, first open your story. Then, click on the three dots in the bottom right corner of the screen. Next, select “view insights.” Finally, under the “Stories” section, you’ll be able to see how many people have viewed your story and who has interacted with it.

What does sticker taps mean on Instagram?

Sticker taps is a term used on Instagram to describe when someone taps on a sticker that has been placed on a photo or video. This action will add the sticker to their own story.

How can you tell who looks at your Instagram the most?

There is no surefire way to tell who looks at your Instagram the most, but there are a few things you can do to get a better idea. For example, you can check your account’s “Insights” to see which of your posts have had the most engagement (likes, comments, and views). You can also look at your ” followers ” tab to see who has been following you the longest and who has been liking and commenting on your posts the most.

How do you see chronological followers on Instagram 2021?

Visit someone's profile and tap on the Followers list from your mobile. There you will see their followers displayed in chronological order. This means the recent followers will be displayed at the very top.

What is the order of someone's following list on Instagram?

Simply put, Instagram's algorithm lists accounts at the top of the followers list that you're most likely to interact with, based on profiles you most commonly view, message, or DM. If you haven't necessarily interacted with any of them, Instagram may base the order on shared interests.

Is Instagram Followers 2022 chronological order?

Previously, Instagram sorted your Followers and Following list by who you followed most recently (chronologically). Now, you might be surprised to discover that Instagram has changed that up a bit. By default, Instagram now sorts your Followers and Following list based on some factors.

How do you see who they recently followed on Instagram?

With Instagram's current app update, there's no way for you to know who someone recently followed as the list's categorized based on who that person knows the most. But, you can use third-party sites like Snoopreport and IG Export to keep track of who an Instagram user follows.


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