How to recover a business page on facebook

Have you lost your Facebook Business Page or Facebook Business Manager to a hacker or a disgruntled employee? Do not worry. It is possible to recover it. Below we have listed a few examples that might be relevant to your issue.

Hacked Facebook Account, where it often starts

Most stolen Facebook Business Pages are stolen when a personal Facebook account is hacked. Suppose the personal Facebook account had admin access to a business page. In that case, the hacker often transfers the admin rights to their own private Facebook account and then removes the hacked Facebook account as an admin from the Facebook Business Page. In most cases, the hacker then posts illegal content on the hacked personal Facebook account to ensure that Facebook disables the account. This makes it much harder for the original user of the Facebook account and the rightful owner of the Facebook Business Page or Facebook Business Manager to recover their account.

A Disgruntled Employee or Marketing Company

We have had multiple cases where the employer forgets to remove, e.g., admin rights of employees that have been fired. If the breakup with the employee was difficult, then in some cases, the fired employee wants to “get revenge.” And if the fired employee has admin access to the company’s business manager or Facebook business page, they could remove all other admins from accessing the page or business manager. This results in an immediate stop of the company’s promotional possibilities on Facebook and could be devastating for the overall revenue.

We have also seen this occur where a marketing company runs its ads and posts stories on its Facebook business page. When the company ended the business relationship with the marketing company, it took over their Facebook business manager and their Facebook business page.

To company owners and leaders: Be very aware of the possibility that your fired employee or marketing company might have company access to your online assets. You should always check their admin privileges and access to your online accounts before firing them.

Don’t Worry; We Can Help.

If you or your company have lost a Facebook Business Page or a Facebook Business Manager, we can help. We have recovered more than 200 Facebook Business accounts in the past year. The usual turnaround time is from 48 hours up to two weeks. Even if the original admin’s own Facebook Account has been permanently disabled, we can recover the business page.

If you want to learn more, please check our offer here.

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Recover a Lost or Hacked Facebook Business PageIf you have lost access to your Facebook Business Page because your account was hacked, or someone stole your page and removed you as an admin, we can help! We have a high success rate with re-installing rightful owners of Facebook Business Pages.

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Author: Jonas Borchgrevink

A true digital entrepreneur worked in multiple organizations, a Global Shapers Alumni by World Economic Forum, founder of,, Tailored Message,, and IAKIP AS. Has extensive knowledge within the cybersecurity field from 14 years of experience. Director of Hawkfish AS and

When you deactivate your Facebook account, Facebook deactivates your business pages immediately. You may not be aware, but your pages are not restored when you reactivate your account. This means that your clients are unable to find your company and products on Facebook. Fortunately, you can manually recover each business page after you activate the Facebook account. The pages are restored immediately after you manually recover them. Of course, the content of the pages is not altered in any way by Facebook.

Reactivate the Business Pages

Click "Pages" in the left navigation pane after you log in to your Facebook account to view your business pages. Click the business page you want to recover to navigate to it. Click the "Edit" button and choose "Edit Settings" from the menu to edit your page's settings. If you see the "Page unpublished" message in the Page Visibility section, your page is not active. To recover it, click the "Edit" link in the Page Visibility section, uncheck the "Unpublish Page" box and click "Save Changes." The "Page published" message appears in the Page Visibility section and your page is published immediately.


  • Facebook: What's the Difference Between Published and Unpublished Pages?

Writer Bio

Nick Peers has been writing technology-related articles since 2003. His articles have appeared in dozens of technical publications, including MSN UK, CNET, BBC Who Do You Think You Are, LifeHacker UK and TechRadar. He holds a Masters in information technology degree from the University of East London.

Why can't I find my business page on Facebook?

If you don't see your business on Facebook, there could be 2 reasons: You don't yet have a page. If you're now sure that you don't already have a Facebook Page, follow our guide to creating a Page. You have another Facebook account that the business page is associated with.

How do I recover a lost Facebook page?

How do I recover an old Facebook account I can't log into?.
Go to the profile of the account you'd like to recover..
Tap More below the cover photo, then select Find support or report profile..
Tap Something Else, then tap Submit..
Tap Recover this account, then tap Submit and follow the steps..


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