How to make hair black naturally without dye

You have tried all the shampoo that claimed to make your hair black. Hair treatments too expensive and troublesome. No matter what, you want to have young and healthy black hair. Why not change your lifestyle a little?

Eat black food
No, I’m not even kidding. Eat black, believe in black. Black beans, brown rice and black sesame can be good for your hair colour. And it’s not just because they are black. These food items contain natural colour pigments that can be good for your hair. Other dark coloured food include black fungus, mushrooms and dark seafood and meat.


Get rid of your stress
Stress is one of the main reasons why you even have white hair in the first place. Besides, stress makes you age a lot faster. Now, learn to relax a little more and smile more often. Deal with your stress.

Quit smoking right now
That is, if you smoke. Smoking also quickens up the aging process and we all know aging means growing white hair. Quitting smoking can improve your blood circulation, which may help with your white hair woes too.

Keep yourself hydrated
Quit caffeine, alcohol, fried food and spicy food. All these can cause dehydration. Make sure you consume enough water every day. Remember that a lack of water means a lack of nutrients for your hair cells.

Take in more proteins
Protein is crucial to the health of your skin and hair. Eggs and lean meat of simple everyday food that can be added to your meals.

Make sure Vitamin B-12 is in your list
A lack of this vitamin makes you age earlier than others. Eggs, cheese, beef, bananas, fish and mutton are good sources of vitamin B-12.

Improve your blood circulation
Without good blood circulation, all other tips are useless. Go for strolls or do simple exercises. Massage your scalp using your fingertips to help improve your blood circulation in that particular area.

Quality sleep
Good sleeping habits helps you to relax your body and mind. This helps with your stress levels and blood circulation. It also helps with your overall health a little.


To know more about white hair, watch this video to the end:

According to one survey from the U.K., women change their hairstyles about 150 times over the course of a lifetime. However many times you make the change, it’s likely that coloring is a part of the process.

It’s not required, of course. These days, white hair is in vogue, with celebrities like Helen Mirren, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Meryl Streep all embracing their natural silver.

Still, about 65 percent of women alter their natural hair color, about a 7 percent increase from the 1950s. We like playing with color. It makes us feel good…until we open the bottle and smell all the fumes.

Traditional hair dyes are full of potentially harmful chemicals that at high exposures, have been linked with skin and respiratory irritation, a suppressed immune system, and even cancer.

Recommended Reading:

A New Way to Cover Gray — How Hairprint Mimics Biology and Restores Your Hair Color

Is there a natural way to cover the gray—or just enjoy a nice color—without exposing ourselves to these toxic chemicals?

The Concern About Harmful Chemicals in Regular Hair Dyes

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) states that over 5,000 different chemicals are used in hair dye products, some of which are reported to be carcinogenic in animals. Though manufacturers have improved beauty products to eliminate some of the more dangerous chemicals that were used in the 1970s, most still contain less-than-savory ingredients.

Here are some common side effects of chemicals found in hair dye:

  • Quaternium-15, which can release formaldehyde, a known carcinogen
  • Alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEs), which may be hormone disruptors
  • Phenylenediamine (PPD), which is a skin and respiratory irritant and has been classified in the European Union as toxic and dangerous to the environment

The NCI notes that some studies have found that hairdressers and barbers are at an increased risk of bladder cancer, potentially because of coloring chemicals. Other studies have found personal use of chemical dyes could potentially increase the risk of leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, but results have been mixed.

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When we review the research, we can see that we don’t have enough studies yet to know how coloring our hair maybe 6-10 times a year really affects our health. Most likely—unless we’re hairdressers who deal with high exposures or we color more frequently than usual—the effects will be negligible. Still, it’s not comforting to imagine all those chemicals seeping into our scalps from dyed hair (not to mention the toll that the creation and disposal of these chemicals takes on the environment).

Fortunately, there are other natural hair color alternatives.  And there are many ways you can diy hair coloring at home.

Knowing how many chemicals are used in so many hair care products, we knew we also had to develop an effective, wildcrafted hair care line to offer our community. We spent a lot of time formulating our Sweet Sunrise Shampoo and Conditioner to work beautifully for all hair types. Most importantly, it's healthy for you and the environment giving results we're proud of.

Our Sweet Sunrise duo delivers instant sheen and long-term strength with handcrafted extracts of horsetail and nettle—rich in minerals and protective antioxidants. We've also carefully selected essential oils like parsley, basil and more for a bright, herbaceous scent reviving hair to be supple, fortified and enriched.

In addition, our versatile Rosemary Toning Mist and Palo Santo Body Mist are nourishing hydrators you can use throughout your day to give your hair an all-natural, quick refresh and pick-me-up.

Natural Ways to Dye Your Hair

You natural beauty deserves natural products and it turns out we can use a lot of natural ingredients for hair care products—some of which we can find in our kitchens—to create new hair color. It depends on what color you’re looking for, how intense you want it, and how much time you want to spend.

Keep in mind that natural color products are not the same as chemical color products. They don’t usually last as long, you won’t be able to completely change your natural color, and the color may be slightly different than you imagined. (Of course, that often happens in the salon, too!)

It may take some time and experimentation to get the color you’re looking for, but meanwhile you’ll actually be doing something good for your hair.

A Few Helpful Self Hair Dye Tips

First, if you’re not sure you’re brave enough to try the following home remedies on your entire head of hair, save some from your next trim or cut off a few locks and test a small amount of natural dye first.

Next, always rinse out your color with apple cider vinegar to help the color last longer. Try rinsing with a vinegar/water solution, or mix one-tablespoon apple cider vinegar with about a cup of water in a spray bottle and apply after coloring hair—don’t rinse.

If you’re not into making your own, we highly recommend using Hairprint, an incredible, all natural color-restoring product. This safe, hair-healing product is essentially a scientific breakthrough that uses a non-toxic method to restore grey hair to its natural color. Check it out here.

7 Ingredients to Color Your Hair Naturally

Coffee is a good and natural way to darken your hair.

1. Using Coffee to Color and Cover Gray Hairs

Coffee works great if you’re looking to go darker, cover gray hairs, or add dimension to dark tresses. Simply brew a strong coffee (espresso works well), let it cool, and then mix one cup with a couple cups of leave-in conditioner and 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds.

Apply on clean hair and allow to sit for about an hour. If you use apple cider vinegar to rinse, it will help the color last longer. You may need to repeat the process a couple times to see noticeable results.

2. Darker Hair Color with Black Tea

Like coffee, black tea can help you go darker, and can also help cover gray hairs. If you have lighter hair, though, there are other types of tea you can use. Chamomile, for example, is recommended for blondes, while rooibos may work for redheads.

Do keep in mind that tea works best with your natural color. You won’t be able to turn blonde hair to brunette or black hair. But black tea can darken blonde hair and chamomile can lighten it—especially if you sit in the sun while you have it in.

The longer you leave the tea on the hair, the more noticeable the color will be. You can also try repeated applications.

The key is to make the tea highly concentrated. Use 3-5 teabags (or about the same amount in loose-leaf tea) for two cups of water. You can apply the cooled tea to hair alone, or mix with an herbal conditioner (as noted in the coffee recipe). If you’re seeking to cover grays, mix with some fresh or dried sage, which helps open up the hair follicles.

Leave on hair for at least an hour—more if you want more color. Some even put on a cap and wear the tea overnight, then rinse the following morning. Check your color to determine what intensity you need.

3. Herbal Hair Dye Ingredients

Depending on what color you’re going for, you can use a variety of herbs to achieve it. Here are some suggestions, depending on what your natural hair color is:

  • For red hair: Try calendula, marigold, rosehips, and hibiscus to deepen the red shade or add a few red highlights. The effects are cumulative—if you keep using the dye regularly, you will notice more color. Simmer the flowers in water for about 30 minutes, strain, cool, and then spray or pour on hair and allow it to dry in the sun if possible.
  • For brunette/dark hair: Rosemary, nettle, and sage are all great herbs for dark hair. Simmer all three with water for 30 minutes, cool, strain, and spray or brush through hair. Allow to sit about an hour. You can also use the rinse daily after your shower. Be patient—it may take several days to notice a difference.
  • For blonde hair: As mentioned above, chamomile tea works, but you can also try calendula, marigold, saffron, and sunflower petals. To hide grays, try rhubarb root in two cups of water, simmer, strain, and pour over hair.

Add black tea to the darker colors above to help the color last longer. Catnip works for lighter colors.

Fresh lemon juice is one of the best natural ways to lighten your hair color.

6. Lighten Hair Color with Lemon Juice

Looking for a few highlights? Try fresh-squeezed lemon juice sprayed and brushed through hair. Leave on for several hours. If you sit in the sun, you’ll notice more lightening. Blondes can enjoy even more lightening by mixing with chamomile tea.

Lemon juice works slowly, so expect to repeat applications several times before seeing results.

7. How to Use Walnut Shells for Hair Dye

If you want to secure a dark brown color, this is the natural way to go for dyeing. Crush the walnut shells and boil for about half an hour. Cool, strain, and apply to hair. If you’re wanting to cover grays, you can use a cotton ball to apply only to those areas where it’s needed. Again, be careful as this dye will stain everything, so take precautions.

To create a more intense dye, return the strained juice to the heat and boil until it’s simmered down to about a quarter of the original volume. Allow to cool in the refrigerator, strain if needed, and pour through hair.

To save time, use walnut powder instead of the shells.

Let sit for at least an hour (more if you want more color), and rinse. Try to avoid really hot water as it can take the color away. Wash in lukewarm to make the color last longer.

How can I make my hair black without color?

You can darken your hair using henna and indigo powder or use organic coffee. However, be aware that using coffee may not dye red or blonde hair completely black. These natural products can not only darken your hair, but they can also strengthen it, add shine, and stimulate hair growth.

How can I black my hair naturally at home?

8 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Grey Hair Naturally.
Amla and methi seeds..
Black tea rinse..
Almond oil and lemon juice..
Henna and coffee..
Curry leaves and oil..
Ridge-gourd oil..
Onion juice..
Shikakai powder..

How can I make my black hair black naturally?

Washing hair with dried Amla powder and then oiling it with Amla-enriched oil is known to preserve the blackness of hair. If you have a tendency to develop dandruff, use a mixture of Amla powder and lemon juice. This can be applied to the scalp around two hours before shampooing.

What food make hair black?

Foods rich in antioxidants.
dark chocolate..
leafy greens..


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