How quickly do you feel pregnancy symptoms

You received a positive pregnancy test, and now you're waiting for the telltale signs you're expecting. So when do you start having pregnancy symptoms like nausea, vomiting, bloating, constipation, and fatigue?

As it turns out, every person is different, says Marra Francis, M.D., an OB-GYN in Woodlands, Texas, and an author of the Mommy MD Guides. Some never experience the typical early signs of pregnancy, while others feel immediate changes in their body. And you can't use previous pregnancies as a guide either; symptoms might appear at different points in every gestation, adds Dr. Francis.

To give you a basic guideline, we rounded up nine common early pregnancy symptoms and their typical start time. Remember to take this estimated schedule with a grain of salt, though, and ask your doctor about any concerns.

Breast Tenderness

Thanks to an increase in estrogen and progesterone, your breasts may feel sore, sensitive, and tender in early pregnancy. This symptom usually starts about one or two weeks after conception—even before you miss your period!

Spotting and Cramping

Some people experience twinging cramps when the fertilized egg implants into the lining of the uterus. You might also notice light pink or brown spotting that lasts a day or so. These signs of implantation appear six to 12 days after conception, and many people mistake them for PMS.


Rising levels of the hormone progesterone, as well as your body's effort to support the pregnancy, may result in fatigue. Loss of energy appears as early as one week after conception. It often goes away in the second trimester but rears its head again as you approach delivery.

Mood Swings

Fatigue might partially contribute to another annoying pregnancy symptom: mood swings that start around week five. Unfortunately for many expectant parents, unstable emotions usually last through the first trimester.


Do your pants feel tighter than normal? Blame pregnancy hormones for this abdominal bloating, which often appears soon after conception. Early pregnancy bloating often reminds people of PMS.

Morning Sickness

Up to 85% of pregnant people deal with the nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness. Food aversions and heightened sense of smell may exacerbate symptoms, but eating small meals and other home remedies can help. Morning sickness starts between six and eight weeks into pregnancy. It peaks around week eight or nine, and it usually disappears by week 16.

Frequent Urination

Around four to six weeks after conception, some people feel a strong, frequent urge to urinate. Blame the pregnancy hormone hCG, your growing uterus, and extra blood flow. This symptom often reappears in the third trimester when your baby presses on your uterus.


Increased blood volume might cause crippling tension headaches during pregnancy. Staying hydrated can keep this head-pounding symptom at bay.


Pregnancy hormones slow down your digestive tract, triggering constipation around the second to third month of gestation. Control constipation by staying hydrated, incorporating fiber into your diet, and exercising regularly.

Early signs of pregnancy

If you have a regular monthly menstrual cycle, the earliest and most reliable sign of pregnancy is a missed period.

In the first few weeks of pregnancy you may have a bleed similar to a very light period, with some spotting or only losing a little blood. This is called implantation bleeding.

Every pregnancy is different and not everyone will notice all of these symptoms.

Feeling sick during pregnancy

You may feel sick or be sick. This is commonly known as morning sickness, but it can happen at any time of the day or night.

Morning sickness symptoms usually start when you’re around 4-6 weeks pregnant

If you're being sick all the time and cannot keep anything down, see a GP.

You may have hyperemesis gravidarum, a serious condition in pregnancy that causes severe vomiting and needs treatment.

Feeling tired is common in pregnancy

It's common to feel tired, or even exhausted, during pregnancy, especially during the first 12 weeks or so.

Hormonal changes in your body at this time can make you feel tired, sick, emotional and upset.

Sore breasts in early pregnancy

Your breasts may become larger and feel tender, just as they might do before your period. They may also tingle.

The veins may be more visible, and the nipples may darken and stand out.

Peeing more often suggests pregnancy

You may feel the need to pee more often than usual, including during the night.

Other signs of pregnancy you may notice are:

  • constipation
  • more vaginal discharge (without any soreness or irritation)

Strange tastes, smells and cravings

During early pregnancy, you may find you no longer like some foods or drinks you used to enjoy.

You might notice:

  • a strange taste in your mouth, which some describe as metallic
  • you crave new foods
  • you lose interest in certain foods or drinks you used to enjoy, such as tea, coffee or fatty food
  • you lose interest in smoking
  • you have a more sensitive sense of smell than usual – for example, the smell of food or cooking

If you're worried about any symptoms you're having, talk to a GP or your midwife.

If your pregnancy test is negative

A positive test result is almost certainly correct, as long as you have followed the instructions correctly.

A negative result is less reliable. If you get a negative result and still think you may be pregnant, wait a week and try again.

If you're pregnant, use the pregnancy due date calculator to work out when your baby's due.

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Video: what pregnancy symptoms are normal?

In this video, a midwife describes which symptoms during pregnancy are normal.

Media last reviewed: 20 March 2020
Media review due: 20 March 2023

How can I tell if Im pregnant after 1 week?

Pregnancy symptoms in week 1 According to the Office on Women's Health , the most common first sign of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period. Other early pregnancy symptoms include: nausea with or without vomiting. breast changes including tenderness, swelling, or tingling feeling, or noticeable blue veins.

Can you feel pregnant after 2 days?

It varies. Some people feel pregnant within a few days of conception, while other people don't feel pregnant for weeks after a positive pregnancy test. Pregnancy symptoms vary between people and even between pregnancies.

How early can pregnancy symptoms start?

Some women may begin noticing the first early signs of pregnancy a week or two after conception, while others will start to feel symptoms closer to four or five weeks after conception. Some women may not feel symptoms until their period is noticeably late, or even farther into pregnancy.


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