How much do you make with doordash reddit

$27 an hour is true but then your math is wrong as you plugged in the wrong multiples. Most people don't work 10 hours a day and most people don't work 7 days a week. It is possible to make that much but then you have to subtract taxes and expenses. If you're driv8ng enough to make $90k per year, you're spending a ton of money on expenses like gas, frequent oil changes, tires, break pads, and repairs. Not to mention you're an independent contractor, so no 401k, vacation time, health insurance, etc. So those things need to be subtracted as well


Posted by4 years ago


Hey, new dasher here. Started last Monday and made $230 working from 10:30am-6:45pm, Tuesday 3pm-4:30pm, Wednesday & Thursday from 11am-3pm, and Friday 11am-4pm. I've had 28 deliveries so far. I'm just trying to see how much the average full-time dasher makes, as I'm trying to leave my current job to do this full time. I feel like if I did it full time last week, I definitely would've made more than $300, which is usually what I make with my regular job. Thanks!

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This could easily be on average in general, best times to go. How long to go? Anything is good!

level 1

Anywhere from $12 to $36 depending on the day

level 1

$20-30 per hour. I do 1-2 hour dashes at lunch and dinner. My average plummets if I stay out longer or try to start earlier. Half the time my zones are grayed out except for that 2 hour window. Get in, get out. Back to running my home business the rest of the day.

level 2

That's not an average. Mine is $22.

level 1

I consider myself a small business owner, so I think that measuring this job based on hourly income is pointless.

It's all about profit/loss.

level 1

Two doll hairs an hour and a bag of peanuts.

level 2

Doll hairs aren't worthless.

level 1

I think there’s some confusion on what an average is. $15-$30 isn’t an average, that’s a range. I’m averaging $23 over the Summer so far. I anticipate that will tick upwards once the students are back.

level 1

15 to 25 per hr. completely depends

level 1

I don't pay attention to that, so long as I'm making enough $per Mile.

level 1

$28 average as much as $40 depending on day ..north San Diego

level 1

$37-$42 depending on how the day is. My market is small so less driving and easy to cherry pick.

level 2

Lmfao, prove it and show us the dash time. Bet you won’t.

level 1

I stop driving myself nuts trying to figure out an hourly when this just is not that kind of job. I make $38-$75 per shift approximately 4- 4 1/2 hours

level 2

Agree. Hourly is not the way it works. $40 one hour, $8 the next. 0 the next cause i fuck off home for awhile. Repeat ad infinitum.

level 1

$25/hr during peak hours during the week in Milwaukee, WI. Doordash + Uber Eats.

+/- $5 during certain hours though.

level 1

$20 on average $30 sometimes and I multiapp and don’t accept orders under $8

level 1

You are a independent contractor, you don't get paid by the hour.

level 1

$19-$25 avg multiapping. $30+ of im lucky

level 1

Peak hrs $22-$25 …off peak hrs $15-18..Durham NC

Hi all, I’m one of the people who worked on this report. Can address some of the topics in the comments so far, happy to answer any other questions you might have.

Using the IRS number for expenses: we wanted to use what we thought would be the least controversial number for this report (clearly it's more controversial than we thought). $.575 is meant to represent the average total cost/mile for operating a vehicle in the U.S. This includes depreciation, which is not something like gasoline that you “pay for” directly on an ongoing basis, but should be included as an expense.

That being said, we recognize that the true cost/mile varies widely person-to-person depending on the car you drive and your location. This is why the distributions of Gross Earnings (for both Active and Online Time) are included in the report alongside the Net Earnings estimates if you think those numbers more accurately reflect reality. Our latest earnings calculator tool uses AAA vehicle type cost averages and local indexes for car ownership costs to get to a more accurate figure. We’re also planning an update where you can specify a specific per/mile expense number yourself if you don’t like our method or prefer to calculate this yourself.

We hope this first report is “interesting” but we recognize it’s probably not very useful when it comes to making day-to-day decisions as a Dasher. Our long-term goal is to produce this sort of analysis at a local level, comparing all active gig apps in major cities on an ongoing basis. This will allow us to answer questions like “which app is paying the most in X city?” or “How are earnings changing over time on Y app?”

The above information only exists in two places: with Doordash and other apps (they won't share it) and with you (each Dasher has a tiny piece). We're working to reassemble this puzzle and make it available to those who choose to anonymously contribute their puzzle piece, if that analogy makes sense.

Can you make 200 a day with DoorDash?

If you plan on working 7 days per week, and assuming an average of 30 days per month, you will need to make $133 per day to reach that goal. If you plan on working just Monday through Friday, that raises your daily number to $200 per day.

Can you make $1000 with DoorDash?

How much can you make with DoorDash a week? Driving a long shift like that over the weekend is a jumpstart toward that $1000 weekly pay. And, if you continue to drive smart and hustle, you might be able to make the grand in a week with just five days of driving.

How much money can you realistically make from DoorDash?

How much do drivers make delivering with DoorDash? Dashers nationally earn $25 per hour they work, including 100% of tips.

How much can you make door dashing Reddit?

$2.50 base pay per order plus ever decreasing tips... Minus gas insurance taxes maintenance and other expenses.


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