How long does it take to rehydrate after drinking alcohol

What is a hangover and what are the symptoms?

Hangovers vary from person to person, but usually involve a headache, nausea, tiredness and dehydration. Dehydration is one of the main causes of your hangover symptoms.

A hangover can leave you struggling to concentrate, feeling irritable and sensitive to light – not a good combination if you were planning to make the most of the day and not spend it in bed.

The main cause of a hangover is the effect of ethanol – the alcohol in your drinks.

It's a toxic chemical that works in the body as a diuretic, which means it makes you pee more and you can become dehydrated as a result. 

How to prevent a hangover

  • To avoid recurrence of hangovers, keep track of what you're drinking and stay within the low risk drinking guidelines by not regularly drink more than 14 units of alcohol per week. If you do choose to drink as much as this, spread your drinking evenly over three or more days and take several drink-free days during the week. The Drinkaware app can help you keep track how much you're drinking in terms of units and provide support to help you cut down.

  • Avoid alcohol on an empty stomach as it increases the risk of experiencing hangover symptoms. Food helps slow down the rate your body absorbs alcohol.

  • Try not to get into rounds. They make it harder to control how much you drink.

  • Drink plenty of water or soft drinks in between alcoholic drinks to avoid dehydration, one of the main causes of a hangover.

  • Depending on your weight and other factors, it takes about one hour for a healthy liver to process a unit of alcohol. Consider stopping drinking well before the end of the evening, so the process can begin before you go to bed.

  • Drink plenty of water before going to sleep and keep a glass by the bed.

Tips to cut down how much you drink

How can you cure a hangover?

  • The only hangover cure is prevention, either through drinking moderately, or not at all.
  • Drink plenty of water and if you really need it, take a painkiller and an antacid to settle your stomach. You could also try a rehydration treatment sachet – they replace lost minerals and salt.
  • Avoid hair of the dog – it only delays the problem. And routine ‘hair of the dog’ drinking can lead to increased tolerance of alcohol and this could lead to alcohol dependence. 

Further advice and information

Arming yourself with strategies and tips can help you or a loved one take small steps towards big results.

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Tips to change your relationship with alcohol

Hydration is an essential part of life. Dehydration occurs when the body loses fluids faster than it takes them in. This can occur through sweating, vomiting, or diarrhea. Dehydration can be a serious medical concern that can lead to hospitalization or be life-threatening. Learn more about the proper hydration tips with AFC Urgent Care Burlington. Our providers can recommend proper tips, help recommend treatment to avoid dehydration in the future, and treat dehydration before it becomes life-threatening.

How Long it Takes to Rehydrate

There is no right answer to how long it takes to rehydrate your body. If your stomach is empty, it is not working to digest any food, so it can easily digest water. It can take just 5 minutes to begin rehydrating your body. On the other hand, if you drink water while eating, your body will prioritize digesting food before water. This often takes up to 120 minutes to digest water and rehydrate your body.

Symptoms of Dehydration

Dehydration symptoms are similar for both adults and children, but some groups are at higher risk than others. Babies, the elderly, and those with chronic health concerns are more likely to become dehydrated easier. Symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Feeling thirsty
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or tired
  • Having a dry mouth
  • Peeing fewer than four times per day

Drinking alcohol, exercising, and spending time in the sun can dehydrate your body faster. It’s important to watch for warning signs, such as inability to keep fluids down, diarrhea for more than 24 hours, or sleepiness.

Rehydrating Your Body

In general, it is easy to keep your body hydrated as long as you maintain it throughout the day. Water is the best source of hydration. It’s recommended to drink at least 64 ounces of water every day. You can also receive the water you need from other beverages, fruits, and vegetables.

Drinking coffee and tea in moderation can help contribute to hydration. Caffeine, however, can be extremely dehydrating. It’s important to consume these options in moderation, as well as incorporate additional beverages. Sports drinks contain electrolytes that can hydrate your faster.

Fruits and vegetables can be a tasty way to add hydration to your routine. Fruits such as berries, melon, oranges, and grapes are all sources of water. Vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, cabbage, and spinach are the same. Studies have found that frozen fruits and vegetables may be even better at helping keep you hydrated. Oxidation can cause them to lose valuable nutrients, whereas being frozen keeps them preserved.

How much water does it take to rehydrate after drinking alcohol?

Have at least one 16-ounce glass of water with every 12-ounce beer or 4 to 6 ounces of liquor, for example. Water can replenish your fluids and help you stay hydrated.

How long does dehydration from drinking last?

How long it takes to recover from dehydration depends on how dehydrated you are. Research shows that you can relieve mild dehydration in about 45 minutes. However, for moderate to severe dehydration, you'll take longer to recover, but this depends on the type and amount of fluids and electrolytes you take.

How do you rehydrate quickly after drinking?

Guzzle Sports Drinks to Rehydrate Even Faster Consider reaching for Gatorade, Pedialyte, Powerade, or a similar nonfizzy sports drink. These drinks are packed with certain minerals called electrolytes — such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium — which help regulate fluid levels in the body.

What are the symptoms of dehydration from alcohol?

Alcohol causes your body to produce more urine. In turn, urinating more than usual can lead to dehydration — often indicated by thirst, dizziness and lightheadedness.


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