How long do you have to renew an expired passport

Renewing a passport is easy! It is a much simpler process than getting your first passport, or replacing your passport if it is lost or damaged.

1 Gather all documents required to renew a US passport.

Did You Know?

You can get your passport renewed in as little as 7 business days with expedited service!

Expedited Renewal

  • Your current US passport
  • Passport Renewal Application Form (DS-82), completed offline or filled out online at // and printed.
  • One passport photo
  • Photocopy of your driver’s license or other state-issued ID (front and back)
  • Flight itinerary or other proof of travel plans (only required if you need an expedited passport renewal)
  • Proof of name change, if you have legally changed your name since your last passport was issued.
  • Passport renewal fee – Check for $130 ($190 if you need expedited passport renewal) made payable to “US Department of State.”

2 Have your passport application processed in one of three ways:

  1. By Mail – You can mail in your US passport renewal to be processed at the National Passport Center.
  2. At a Passport Agency – If you are in a rush, you can visit US Passport Agencies located in major US cities, where your passport renewal will be processed on-site.
  3. By a Passport Expediting Company – If you need an expedited passport renewal, you can send your documents to a reputable passport expediting company, who will hand-carry your application to a Passport Agency to renew your passport fast.

Click Here to Apply For Your Expedited Passport Renewal at

        • Application by Post/Deposit Box

      • Changing Particulars in Passport

      • 10-year Validity Passport

      • Registration for 15-year-olds

        • Re-registration for 30/55-year-olds

        • Optional re-registration for 56-year-olds and above

      • IC Registration e-Service

        • For 30/55-year-olds and above

        • Collection of IC at Post Offices

      • Change of Residential Address

        • Minors below 21 years old

      • Completion of Formalities

      • Renunciation of Singapore Citizenship

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      • Verification of Digital Certificate

    • Pre-Marriage Long-Term Visit Pass Assessment

    • Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP)

      • Completion of Formalities

      • Collection of Long-Term Pass Card

      • Loss of Valid LTVP/STP Card

      • Update Passport Details/Residential Address For LTVP Holder

    • Long-Term Visit Pass - Plus (LTVP+)

      • Letter of Consent (LOC) to work

    • Short-Term Visit Pass (STVP)

    • Report to VSC Appointment

    • Visitor to Deliver a Child In Singapore

      • Completion of Formalities

      • Loss of Valid Student's Pass Card

      • Update Passport Details For STP Holder

      • SGAC with Electronic Health Declaration for COVID-19

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Singapore Passports With Increased Validity Period Of 10 Years From October 2021

            The validity period of the Singapore passport, issued by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA), will be increased from the current five years to 10 years for Singapore Citizens aged 16 and above who submit a passport application on or after 1 October 2021. This will reduce the frequency of passport renewals, and offer greater convenience to Singaporeans. There will be no change to the passport application fee, which will remain at $70. The validity period of the passport issued to children below 16 years old will remain at five years.

Increasing the Singapore Passport Validity Period

2          In April 2005, the validity period of the Singapore passport was reduced from 10 years to five years, in conjunction with the introduction of the biometric passport. The biometric passport incorporated an embedded microchip that contains the passport holder’s biometric information (i.e. facial and fingerprint identifiers). Reducing the validity period in 2005 was to allow ICA to monitor the stability of the technology and incorporate enhancements, as necessary, when Singaporeans renew their passport. This ensured that the Singapore passport remains a highly secure and trusted travel document, which gives Singaporeans access to many countries without the need for a visa.

3          It has been 15 years since the introduction of the biometric passport. There is now widespread use of biometrics screening technology by immigration authorities around the world to validate travellers’ identity and detect stolen and forged passports. This has made it increasingly difficult for criminal syndicates and persons with ill intent to use forged or stolen passports to gain illegal entry. Also, biometric passport technology has stabilised. We now have greater confidence in the durability of the passport microchip. In view of these developments, ICA has assessed that it is now viable to increase the validity of the Singapore passport to 10 years without compromising security or global confidence in the Singapore passport. Many countries that previously issued five-year passports have also moved to a 10-year passport.[1]

4          For citizens aged 16 and above, the passport validity will be capped at 10 years, in compliance with the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s (ICAO) recommendation. Therefore, when a citizen renews the passport, any remaining validity in the old passport cannot be added to the new passport.[2]

5          For citizens aged below 16, the passport validity will remain at five years.[3] As children’s facial features change more rapidly, renewing their passport every five years will allow the photograph in their passport to be updated more frequently, which will minimise identification problems when going through immigration.

6          We will keep the passport application fee at S$70.[4] The application process also remains unchanged. Singapore Citizens who need to apply for a new passport may do so online via our e-Service.[5] Those who are unfamiliar with or have difficulty accessing the e-Service can get their family members or friends to assist with their passport application online, or to apply on their behalf. Applicants with no access to the Internet may visit the Citizen Connect Centres (CCCs) located at Our Tampines Hub and selected Community Centres/Clubs islandwide, where they can have free access to Internet-enabled computing devices.[6] Those who are unable to transact online and do not have someone who can help them, may visit ICA for assistance.

7          Director of Citizen Services Centre, Assistant Commissioner Chui Wai Cheng said, “Biometric passport technology has stabilised since we first introduced it in 2006. In view of this, ICA will increase the validity of the Singapore passport, and will implement this for passport applications on or after 1 October 2021. We are making this announcement now, so that travellers can plan ahead for their passport renewal.”

8         ICA will continue to review our processes and services to provide greater convenience and enhanced experiences for our customers.

7 MAY 2021

[1] These countries include the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, China, Japan, Korea and Australia.

[2] Currently, any remaining validity of an old Singapore passport, up to a maximum of nine months, will be added to the validity period of the new passport, which is currently five years.

[3] The carrying over of any remaining validity of the five-year passport, up to a maximum of nine months, to the new passport, will remain.

[4] An equivalent of S$80 in foreign currency will be charged for applications submitted in person at Singapore’s Overseas Missions.

[5] Access to the e-Service is via ‘Apply for Passport’ ( or MyICA on ICA’s website (

[6] To find out the CCCs locations, please visit // or call 6225 5322 (8am to 6pm daily, except public holidays).


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