How long do migrating monarch butterflies live

Journey to Mexico’s butterfly sanctuaries and stand among hundreds of millions of monarchs as they complete their remarkable migration.

Each winter, millions of monarch butterflies migrate from southeastern Canada and the northeastern United States to the fir forests of Mexico’s Central Highlands. This migration is considered as one of the most incredible phenomena in the animal kingdom.

Witnessing Mexico’s monarchs in their remote winter roosting sites is a rare opportunity that few travelers have access to. Nat Hab’s all-encompassing Mexico monarch butterfly tour gives you extensive time to walk among the monarchs, take photos, and listen to the air hum with the vibration of their wings.  Here are 13 monarch butterfly facts to know before you go!

1. How far is the monarch butterfly migration?

Monarchs are the only butterflies that make a long migration: the last generation born in late summer and early fall flies up to 3,000 miles from the northeastern U.S. and southern Canada to its wintering grounds in the forested highlands of central Mexico never having been there before!

2. How far can monarch butterflies fly?

Migrating monarchs travel about 50 miles per day‚ though some have been known to fly as far as 80 miles in a day.

3. When do monarch butterflies return to Mexico each year?

Like clockwork, monarchs return to Mexico each year around the first of November, the Day of the Dead, leading local people to believe that they are the spirits of their deceased ancestors, come back to visit.

4. What do monarch butterflies eat?

Monarchs are dependent for survival on the milkweed plant, which the newly hatched larvae eat almost exclusively.

5. What color is a monarch caterpillar?

A monarch caterpillar is striped in orange, black and white, the same colors displayed by the adult butterfly when it emerges from its chrysalis.

6. How long do monarch butterflies live?

Most monarchs live for just 5 weeks, except for the migrating “Methuselah” generation, which lives for 7 or 8 months. Scientists are still trying to understand the phenomenon fully.

7. How big are monarch butterflies?

Monarchs are large butterflies, with a wingspan averaging about four inches.

8. Where do monarchs live?

In addition to North America, monarchs are also found in Australia and New Zealand.

9. What do monarch butterflies sound like?

Though an individual monarch weighs only half an ounce, the collective wing movements of hundreds of thousands of them massed together in their wintering grounds sounds like a distinct hum.

10. Autumn leaves? Look again!

When monarchs huddle together for warmth in the fir groves of Mexico’s central highlands, they look like a thick cloak of autumn leaves on the trees.

11. What are the greatest threats to monarch butterflies?

The monarch migration is considered an endangered biological phenomenon. The greatest threat to the butterflies‚ survival is the destruction of the oyamel forests in which they winter, though milkweed habitat loss in the U.S. is having an impact, too.

12. Are monarch butterflies poisonous?

Monarchs are poisonous to predators such as frogs, birds, mice and lizards because of chemicals that build up inside them from the milkweed plant that monarchs eat when they are larvae.

13. World Wildlife Fund’s work with monarchs

As autumn approaches each year, a special migratory generation of monarch butterflies is born, which flies from the US & Canada to the forests of central Mexico to spend the winter, breed and fly north again in spring. Logging has fragmented this crucial habitat, threatening their migration. Working with the Mexican government, WWF helped to create the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve to protect this fragile ecosystem.

Dependent on habitats in Canada, the United States, and Mexico, the monarch butterfly illustrates the need for international ecological cooperation and conservation.

The monarchs' migration spans generations. During the summer breeding season, monarchs live only 2-5 weeks. Each successive generation—and there may be as many as four within the breeding season—continues the northward journey. The last generation of the year migrates south to the oyamel fir forests of Mexico.

On their northward journey, the monarchs feed on the nectar of many flowers, but lay their eggs only on certain varieties of milkweed plants. Designated as noxious weeds in some areas, however, milkweeds are often eradicated.

The monarch's winter habitat in Mexico's fir forests is shrinking. Because all monarchs gather in only a few locations during the winter, the overall population is especially vulnerable to disruptions, deforestation, or harsh weather.

Traveling between 50–100 miles a day, the monarch's migratory journey may be 3,000 miles long and take two months to complete. The last generation of a breeding season must attempt the entire reverse journey back to Mexico. These tiny travelers weigh less than a gram and may live as long as nine months.

Monarch Butterfly Fall Migration Patterns. Credit: Base Map, USGS National Atlas, USFWS.

The Effect of Climate Change on the Migration of Monarch Butterflies

In the late part of the winter and early part of the spring, millions of beautiful Monarch butterflies make their way from Mexico into the United States. However, scientists are concerned that the change in global weather patterns may change this migration pattern.

How Do Monarch Butterflies Migrate Every Year?

Scientists know this much about how these butterflies navigate:
  • They have an internal sun-compass in their mid-brain.
  • Their antennae function as a sort of clock.

However, these butterflies head south each fall and north each spring. Scientists believe that they respond to the change in temperature and that is what prompts them to change their direction. Warming temperatures may not give the butterflies the prompt, so they may not change directions at some point.

This theory was actually tested with an experiment conducted at the University of Massachusetts. The scientists used captured migrants from the fall migration. When they changed the temperatures, this changed the direction that the butterflies wanted to fly from south to north. These scientists admit that they still do not know a lot about butterfly migration. However, the results of this experiment seem to suggest that temperature is key to which direction the butterflies decide to travel.

Other Threats To The Monarch Butterfly

In the fall, these butterflies travel to an area of Mexico that has been heavily deforested lately. Since the creatures rely upon a delicate balance in their ecosystem, this has resulted in the populations of these butterflies decreasing as the number of their habitats have been reduced.

Why Do Monarch Butterflies Matter?

Of course, these butterflies are beautiful and majestic. But does their survival in nature actually matter to people and the environment? Like bees, butterflies can also serve as natural pollinators along the paths that they travel. For example, Monarch butterflies rely upon milkweed for food and as a place to lay their clutch of eggs. In turn, the butterflies serve to pollinate these plants. However, Monarchs would be missed in other parts of the food chain, as well. During the annual migration, the butterflies serve as a food source for some birds and animals. Small lizards and black-headed grosbeaks are a couple of prime examples. Without this food source, the populations of these animals would struggle. In turn, declining populations of these species would impact other plants and animals. Indeed, the loss of the annual Monarch might seem like a little thing, but it would be felt in major ways.

Is There A Solution To Preserving Monarch Migration?

There is little doubt that the Earth is warming and has been for about a century. The issue is that this change has increased faster than animals can adapt to it. If people do not act to preserve flora and fauna, it may become difficult for even humans to adapt. NASA recently released a report that 97 percent of scientists in the world agree that the planet is getting warmer and that people have to take action. In order to preserve this historical migration, habitats have to be preserved. It is possible that a corridor or natural habitat could be maintained to keep these butterflies navigating between Mexico and the United States each year. Although there are butterfly habitats that may help to keep the species thriving, the only butterflies that future generations may see will be in these artificial environments and not in nature.

Monarch Butterfly Migration Google Earth Tour

This beautiful video fully describes the migration these winged beauties, produced by Eduardo Garcia Milagros, Ari Daniel Shapiro, Jay Allison and Atlantic Public Media.

How long do monarch butterflies live after migration?

Most monarch butterflies live for 5 weeks, except for the generation born at the end of summer. These butterflies will live up to 8 months as they fly back to their wintering grounds in Central and South America, where they stay until the following spring.

How many generations of monarchs does it take to migrate?

Multiple Generations Each successive generation travels farther north. It will take 3-4 generations to reach the northern United States and Canada.

How long is the life cycle of a monarch butterfly?

The monarch butterfly will emerge from the pupa and fly away, feeding on flowers and just enjoying the short life it has left, which is only about two to six weeks. This first generation monarch butterfly will then die after laying eggs for generation number two.

What are the 4 life stages of a monarch butterflies life?

Monarchs, like other butterflies and moths, undergo complete metamorphosis, meaning that they have an egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and adult stage. The egg and caterpillar stages occur only on species of milkweed (genus Asclepias) whereas adults survive by nectaring on a variety of flowering plants.


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