How long after brushing teeth can i use white strips

You brush twice—sometimes three—times a day, you've slapped on a few Crest Whitestrips, and you opt for white wine instead of red at parties. And yet, your teeth are still not nearly as white and bright as they could be. That's probably because you're making one of these three common mistakes. Don't worry, though, we got you covered. Here's how to fix them.

1. You rely on a whitening toothpaste. Toothpastes can claim to be whitening without actually containing any bleaching ingredients. That's because they often just contain silica, a scrubby ingredient that removes the stains on the surface of your teeth but not the ones in the enamel. Meaning you won't do any damage to those decade-old coffee stains. One exception? The new Luster Premium Power White Deep Stain Eraser Toothpaste, which contains 2 percent stabilized hydrogen peroxide. "It should work better than other whitening toothpastes," says cosmetic chemist Ni'Kita Wilson.

2. You always brush your teeth with toothpaste before using whitening strips. We get it: Bleach strips don't exactly taste good, and you don't want to walk around with an unbrushed mouth. But brushing your teeth before you whiten can do more harm than good (heck, they even tell you not to on the box). If you insist: "Don't use fluoride toothpaste, since it sticks to teeth and blocks peroxide from getting in," says Michael Apa, a dentist in New York City. Instead, get that minty freshness with an all-natural, fluoride-free toothpaste. You should, however, floss before whitening. It dislodges plaque, which also prevents bleach from penetrating.

3. You bleach right before a boozy party. You've got some downtime before a boozy wine-and-grub party, so it's the perfect time to slap on a whitening strip, right? Wrong: "Be careful with wine, coffee, tea, and berries while you're whitening, since peroxide makes teeth more porous and prone to stains for 72 hours," says Kevin B. Sands, a dentist in Los Angeles. And while we're at it, you're not entirely in the clear drinking white wine, either. It's super-acidic and removes a microlayer of your teeth, making them more susceptible to staining. The best move? Chase each glass of wine with a glass of water, and only whiten when you know you can avoid potential stains for a few days.

Find more teeth-whitening tricks in our September issue, on newsstands August 26.


• 3 Easy Ways to Get Whiter Teeth

• Insiders' Guide: How to Get Really Clean Teeth

• [The Truth About Teeth: How to Get a Brighter, Whiter Smile


Nowadays, it seems like everyone is interested in teeth whitening.  The common question is which type of teeth whitening product is ideal.  Many turn to teeth whitening strips as they seem harmless. These strips are also appealing as they can be applied with ease.

Here is a look at the top tips for using teeth whitening strips.

Consistency Matters

Teeth whitening strips should be applied to the teeth on a daily basis.  Do not skip a day! Continue to apply your teeth whitening strips across the entire period of time noted in the instructions.  In most cases, teeth whitening strips are meant to be applied every day for at least two full weeks.

Brush Your Teeth Prior to Application

Use a wet toothbrush to brush your teeth before placing the whitening strips in place.  Toothpaste is acceptable for use prior to the placement of teeth whitening strips yet it is not absolutely necessary.  Refrain from using a toothpaste with fluoride prior to the application of the whitening strips as it can cause the whitening agent to prove ineffective.  The whitening agent is essential to beautifying your teeth. Once you brush your teeth, be sure to rinse out your mouth with water. Such brushing and rinsing help open pores in the teeth that must prove accessible in order for whitening to occur.

Avoid Uneven Whitening

Teeth whitening strips must be placed on the teeth with precision.  However, it is important to not lose sight of the fact that teeth are hard to fully cover with two-dimensional teeth whitening strips.  No matter how careful you are when applying these strips, there will always be teeth that are not fully covered. The portions of the teeth that are not covered will not be as white as other areas.  So do not rush through the application process. Take your time and do your best to adequately cover the teeth to produce even whitening.

Use Teeth Whitening Strips in Moderation

These strips are certainly safe to use in moderation.  However, overdoing it will cause the teeth to be sensitive.  If the strips are applied at an especially high frequency, they might cause permanent damage.  It is possible for the strips to erode the protective enamel layer due to overexposure to the whitening agent. The end result could be tooth loss.

Avoid Contact With the Gums

Teeth whitening strips have a bleaching agent that is not as powerful as the variety used by dentists yet this agent still has the potential to damage the gums' soft tissue.  It is imperative the whitening strip does not contact the gums. If necessary, cut the strips with scissors so they serve as an aesthetic match with the shape of your teeth.

Do Not Consume Dark Food or Beverages After Whitening

Give your teeth some time after the teeth whitening strips are applied to close their pores.  These pores will be open for a couple hours after the strips are applied, making the teeth that much more likely to stain if contacted with foods and beverages of dark hues.  Do not consume any dark-colored food or beverages such as chocolate, coffee, soda, berries and wine until later in the day or evening.

Please call Advanced Family Dentistry today at (520) 353-3002!

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How long should you wait between brushing teeth and whitening strips?

Additionally, the strips should fully adhere to your clean teeth, which should improve your teeth whitening efforts. If you want to brush your teeth first, wait at least 30 minutes before applying the strips. Using whitening strips right after brushing might cause gum irritation.

Is it better to brush teeth before or after whitening strips?

We recommend that with any form of whitening that teeth are brushed beforehand. This is to ensure that any plaque (this sticky surface layer on your teeth) is removed and that any whitening agent present in the strips or gel gets the closest contact with the teeth.

Can I put on white strips after brushing teeth?

Before you apply white strips, it is critical that you brush your teeth with a wet toothbrush (without fluoridated toothpaste, or without toothpaste at all). This will allow the pores in your teeth to open, thereby making them more receptive to the whitening agent in the whitening strips.

Do you rinse your teeth after using Crest White Strips?

It's OK to rinse with an over the counter mouthwash after using Crest 3D White Whitestrips.


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