How long after abortion does pregnancy test stay positive

After the medical termination of pregnancy

After a medical abortion, precautions are taken to protect against infection. A follow-up check is also necessary.

After the heavy bleeding has subsided, a 7-14 day (rarely longer) period of heavy menstrual bleeding is to be expected.
After treatment with the abortion pill, there is a risk of inflammation. You should not insert anything into the vagina until after the end of the bleeding and for another 3 days, as the cervix may still be a little open:
– Use tampons instead of bandages.
– Take a shower and / or wash yourself externally. No full bath. No swimming pool visits. No sauna sessions.
– Avoid sexual intercourse with penetration of the male penis into your vagina.

With the One Stop MToP method you carry out the post-abortion check after the abortion exactly 2 weeks after the application of Cytotec®. You will receive a special urine test (CheckToP®). This test shows a positive result if the pregnancy hormone (=Beta-HCG) is higher than 1000 units. If the CheckToP® test is positive, you must come back to us again, as this indicates an incomplete, unsuccessful abortion. This occurs in 2-4% of all treatments.

My menstruation has not yet come four weeks after the abortion. When is the next period? How long should I wait after the abortion? When can I become pregnant again?

Normally, the 1st menstruation after the medical abortion can be expected after 4-6 weeks. If 6 weeks after the abortion no menstruation has started, you should contact our medical office.

How long does the pregnancy test remain positive after a medical abortion?

A pregnancy test from a pharmacy already shows very low values of 25-50 IE. Despite successful treatment, such a test shows a positive result up to 6 weeks after an abortion with medication. A conventional pregnancy test is therefore not suitable for follow-up check after a medical abortion. If a pregnancy test from the pharmacy is positive after 6 weeks, you should contact our medical office to exclude residual material or a new pregnancy.

Related information about the subject

Continuing pregnancy is a pregnancy that continues to develop even after the use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol. In this case, the abortion has failed completely, and the woman remains pregnant. Even if you bleed, you can still have a continuing pregnancy.

Bleeding does not mean that you have had a successful abortion. If you still have symptoms of pregnancy such as sore breasts or nausea, you may be experiencing a continuing pregnancy.

You should have an ultrasound within a week or do a pregnancy test 3 weeks later to confirm that the pregnancy has ended. Most pregnancy tests that are done 3 weeks after the abortion are reliable. It is necessary to wait 3 weeks after the abortion because the pregnancy hormones can remain in the body and can make the pregnancy test falsely positive. If you have an ongoing pregnancy after you did a medical abortion, you can try to do a medical abortion again or have a surgical abortion.

Although the risk is very low (less than 10/1000), Misoprostol can increase the risk of fetal malformations, when used during the first trimester of the pregnancy. If possible, we advise women with continuing pregnancies to undergo surgical or medical abortion to terminate the pregnancy.

Research shows that the risk of continuing pregnancies change as per the length of pregnancy during medical abortion.

Length of Pregnancy

% of continuing pregnancies

1-49 days

0.1 %

50-77 days

0.5 %

78-83 days

3.1 %

84-91 days

5.1 %

There are two types of pregnancy tests. One is a urine test; the other is a blood test. Both measure the hormones of pregnancy, hCG.

Early in a pregnancy, the hormones of pregnancy hCG double every 48 hours. This allows your doctor to determine very early on if you have these hormones in your blood or urine.

Blood tests can be done at your doctor’s office. Blood test measure the specific amount of pregnancy hormones present on a woman’s body. There are two different blood tests that can be done.

A qualitative hCG determines the level of pregnancy hormones in the blood. This gives a measure of how pregnant a woman is. The result, much like an EPT provides positive or negative results only. Blood testing is usually more accurate than urine pregnancy tests.

A quantitative hCG determines the level of pregnancy hormones in the blood. These are sometimes used to measure the success of the termination. These tests are very sensitive and accurate. They can measure the hCG within several days after ovulation.

EPT (Early Pregnancy Tests) can be purchased over the counter. These tests determine if there is hCG in a woman’s urine. These tests vary in accuracy and sensitivity. Most tests come with specific instructions as to how to do the test, and how to read the response. Generally a woman collects her urine in a cup and adds a few drops to a testing device. Some other tests require that the test strip be dipped into the cup of urine. If you purchase an over the counter test in your drug store or discount store, check the expiration date before you buy. These tests are generally fairly accurate and detect hCG within 2 weeks after ovulation.

The EPT tests done in your doctor’s office are usually more sensitive and accurate. These tests provide a clinical measure of accuracy. They are usually no more expensive than an over the counter test, but provide greater accuracy.

After an abortion, a woman may still see positive results in an EPT for several weeks. This is because the hormones of pregnancy leave the body slowly over several weeks at a time. A positive pregnancy test a week or two after an abortion does not mean that you are still pregnant. It is probably reflecting this slow decline in hormone levels and is to be expected.


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