How hard is it to get an internship at johnson and johnson

Submitted Pre-recorded interview on Feb 26th, took them 22 days to send me the email saying i was going to be moving on with the next step (pre rec interview), looked around and did some digging, apparently the usual time frame to hear back after submitting videos is 3-4 weeks. Goodluck people, also don't trust shine with updating itself cause it takes a while for things to show on shine, either that or your progress doesnt show at all.

Updated Oct 19, 2022

Job Function

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  • - Ouargla
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  • - Tucumán
  • - Trabajo desde casa
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  • - Rangpur Division
  • - Remote
  • Belarus - All Cities
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  • - Remote
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  • - Remote
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  • - Pando
  • - Potosí
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  • - Tarija
  • - Trabajo desde casa
  • Brazil - All Cities
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  • - Trabalho remoto
  • Bulgaria - All Cities
  • - Blagoevgrad
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  • - Dobrich
  • - Gabrovo
  • - Sofia (city)
  • - Haskovo
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  • - Sofia (province)
  • - Stara Zagora
  • - Turgovishte
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  • - Vratsa
  • - Yambol
  • - Remote
  • Burma - All Cities
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  • - Ayeyarwady
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  • - Kayah
  • - Mandalay
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  • - Remote
  • Canada - All Cities
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  • - Remote
  • Chile - All Cities
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  • - Tarapacá
  • - Trabajo desde casa
  • China - All Cities
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  • - Chongqing
  • - Remote
  • Colombia - All Cities
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  • - Bolívar
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  • - Caquetá
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  • - Guaviare
  • - Guainía
  • - Huila
  • - La Guajira
  • - Magdalena
  • - Meta
  • - Nariño
  • - North Santander
  • - Putumayo
  • - Quindío
  • - Risaralda
  • - San Andrés and Providence and
  • - Santander
  • - Sucre
  • - Tolima
  • - Valle del Cauca
  • - Vaupés
  • - Vichada
  • - Casanare
  • - Cundinamarca
  • - Bogota
  • - Trabajo desde casa
  • Costa Rica - All Cities
  • - Alajuela
  • - Cartago
  • - Guanacaste
  • - Heredia
  • - Limon
  • - Puntarenas
  • - San Jose
  • - Trabajo desde casa
  • Cote d'Ivoire - All Cities
  • - Agnéby
  • - Bafing
  • - Bas-Sassandra
  • - Denguélé
  • - Dix-Huit Montagnes
  • - Fromager
  • - Haut-Sassandra
  • - Lacs
  • - Lagunes
  • - Marahoué
  • - Moyen-Cavally
  • - Moyen-Comoé
  • - N'zi-Comoé
  • - Savanes
  • - Sud-Bandama
  • - Sud-Comoé
  • - Vallée du Bandama
  • - Worodougou
  • - Zanzan
  • - Remote
  • Croatia - All Cities
  • - Bjelovarsko-Bilogorska Zupanij
  • - Brodsko-Posavska Zupanija
  • - Dubrovacko-Neretvanska Zupanij
  • - Istarska Zupanija
  • - Karlovacka Zupanija
  • - Koprivnicko-Krizevacka Zupanij
  • - Krapinsko-Zagorska Zupanija
  • - Licko-Senjska Zupanija
  • - Medimurska Zupanija
  • - Osjecko-Baranjska Zupanija
  • - Pozesko-Slavonska Zupanija
  • - Primorsko-Goranska Zupanija
  • - Sibensko-Kninska Zupanija
  • - Sisacko-Moslavacka Zupanija
  • - Splitsko-Dalmatinska Zupanija
  • - Varazdinska Zupanija
  • - Viroviticko-Podravska Zupanija
  • - Vukovarsko-Srijemska Zupanija
  • - Zadarska Zupanija
  • - Zagrebacka Zupanija
  • - Grad Zagreb
  • - Remote
  • Czech Republic - All Cities
  • - Prague
  • - South Moravian
  • - South Bohemian Region
  • - Vysocina
  • - Karlovy Vary
  • - Hradec Králové
  • - Liberec
  • - Olomouc
  • - Moravian and Silesian
  • - Pardubice
  • - Plzen
  • - Central Bohemian
  • - Ústí nad Labem
  • - Zlín
  • - Remote
  • Democratic Republic of Congo - All Cities
  • - Bandundu
  • - Équateur
  • - Kasaï-Occidental
  • - Kasaï-Oriental
  • - Katanga
  • - Kinshasa
  • - Bas-Congo
  • - Orientale
  • - Maniema
  • - Nord-Kivu
  • - Sud-Kivu
  • - Remote
  • Denmark - All Cities
  • - Capital Region
  • - Central Jutland
  • - Northern Jutland
  • - Zealand
  • - South Denmark
  • - Remote
  • Dominican Republic - All Cities
  • - Azua
  • - Baoruco
  • - Barahona
  • - Dajabón
  • - Duarte
  • - Espaillat
  • - Independencia
  • - La Altagracia
  • - Elías Piña
  • - La Romana
  • - María Trinidad Sánchez
  • - Monte Cristi
  • - Pedernales
  • - Puerto Plata
  • - Salcedo
  • - Samaná
  • - Sánchez Ramírez
  • - San Juan
  • - San Pedro de Macorís
  • - Santiago
  • - Santiago Rodríguez
  • - Valverde
  • - El Seíbo
  • - Hato Mayor
  • - La Vega
  • - Monseñor Nouel
  • - Monte Plata
  • - San Cristóbal
  • - National District
  • - Peravia
  • - San José de Ocoa
  • - Santo Domingo
  • - Trabajo desde casa
  • Ecuador - All Cities
  • - Galapagos
  • - Azuay
  • - Bolívar
  • - Cañar
  • - Carchi
  • - Chimborazo
  • - Cotopaxi
  • - El Oro
  • - Esmeraldas
  • - Guayas
  • - Imbabura
  • - Loja
  • - Los Ríos
  • - Manabi
  • - Morona-Santiago
  • - Pastaza
  • - Pichincha
  • - Tungurahua
  • - Zamora-Chinchipe
  • - Sucumbíos
  • - Napo
  • - Orellana
  • - Santa Elena
  • - Trabajo desde casa
  • Egypt - All Cities
  • - Dakahlia Governorate
  • - Red Sea Governorate
  • - Beheira Governorate
  • - Faiyum Governorate
  • - Gharbia Governorate
  • - Alexandria Governorate
  • - Ismailia Governorate
  • - Giza Governorate
  • - Monufia Governorate
  • - Minya Governorate
  • - Cairo Governorate
  • - Qalyubia Governorate
  • - New Valley Governorate
  • - Sharqia Governorate
  • - Suez Governorate
  • - Aswan Governorate
  • - Asyut Governorate
  • - Beni Suef Governorate
  • - Port Said Governorate
  • - Damietta Governorate
  • - Kafr el-Sheikh Governorate
  • - Matruh Governorate
  • - Qena Governorate
  • - Sohag Governorate
  • - South Sinai Governorate
  • - North Sinai Governorate
  • - Muḩāfaz̧at al Uqşur
  • - Remote
  • Ethiopia - All Cities
  • - Adis Abeba
  • - Afar
  • - Amara
  • - Binshangul Gumuz
  • - Dire Dawa
  • - Gambela Hizboch
  • - Hareri Hizb
  • - Oromiya
  • - Sumale
  • - Tigray
  • - YeDebub Biheroch Bihereseboch
  • - Remote
  • Finland - All Cities
  • - Åland
  • - Lapland
  • - Oulu
  • - Southern Finland
  • - Eastern Finland
  • - Western Finland
  • - Remote
  • France - All Cities
  • - Nouvelle-Aquitaine
  • - Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes
  • - Normandy
  • - Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
  • - Brittany
  • - Centre
  • - Corsica
  • - Ile-de-France
  • - Occitanie
  • - Hauts-de-France
  • - Pays de la Loire
  • - Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur
  • - Grand Est
  • - Télétravail
  • Gambia - All Cities
  • - Banjul
  • - Lower River
  • - Central River
  • - Upper River
  • - Western
  • - North Bank
  • - Remote
  • Germany - All Cities
  • - Baden-Wurttemberg
  • - Bavaria
  • - Bremen
  • - Hamburg
  • - Hesse
  • - Lower Saxony
  • - North Rhine-Westphalia
  • - Rhineland-Palatinate
  • - Saarland
  • - Schleswig-Holstein
  • - Brandenburg
  • - Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
  • - Saxony
  • - Saxony-Anhalt
  • - Thuringia
  • - Berlin
  • - Heimarbeit
  • Ghana - All Cities
  • - Greater Accra
  • - Ashanti
  • - Brong-Ahafo
  • - Central
  • - Eastern
  • - Northern
  • - Volta
  • - Western
  • - Upper East
  • - Upper West
  • - Remote
  • Greece - All Cities
  • - Attica
  • - Central Greece
  • - Central Macedonia
  • - Crete
  • - Eastern Macedonia and Thrace
  • - Epirus
  • - Ionian Islands
  • - North Aegean
  • - Peloponnese
  • - South Aegean
  • - Thessaly
  • - Western Greece
  • - Western Macedonia
  • - Mount Athos
  • - Remote
  • Guatemala - All Cities
  • - Alta Verapaz
  • - Baja Verapaz
  • - Chimaltenango
  • - Chiquimula
  • - El Progreso
  • - Escuintla
  • - Guatemala
  • - Huehuetenango
  • - Izabal
  • - Jalapa
  • - Jutiapa
  • - Petén
  • - Quetzaltenango
  • - Quiché
  • - Retalhuleu
  • - Sacatepéquez
  • - San Marcos
  • - Santa Rosa
  • - Sololá
  • - Suchitepéquez
  • - Totonicapán
  • - Zacapa
  • - Trabajo desde casa
  • Honduras - All Cities
  • - Atlántida
  • - Choluteca
  • - Colón
  • - Comayagua
  • - Copán
  • - Cortés
  • - El Paraíso
  • - Francisco Morazán
  • - Gracias a Dios
  • - Intibucá
  • - Islas de la Bahía
  • - La Paz
  • - Lempira
  • - Ocotepeque
  • - Olancho
  • - Santa Bárbara
  • - Valle
  • - Yoro
  • - Trabajo desde casa
  • Hong Kong - All Cities
  • - Kowloon City
  • - Hong Kong Island
  • - New Territories
  • - Remote
  • Hungary - All Cities
  • - Bács-Kiskun
  • - Baranya
  • - Békés
  • - Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén
  • - Budapest
  • - Csongrád
  • - Debrecen
  • - Fejér
  • - Gyor-Moson-Sopron
  • - Hajdú-Bihar
  • - Heves
  • - Komárom-Esztergom
  • - Miskolc
  • - Nógrád
  • - Pecs
  • - Pest
  • - Somogy
  • - Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg
  • - Szeged
  • - Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok
  • - Tolna
  • - Vas
  • - Veszprém
  • - Zala
  • - Gyor
  • - Bekescsaba
  • - Dunaujvaros
  • - Eger
  • - Hodmezovasarhely
  • - Kaposvar
  • - Kecskemet
  • - Nagykanizsa
  • - Nyiregyhaza
  • - Sopron
  • - Szekesfehervar
  • - Szolnok
  • - Szombathely
  • - Tatabanya
  • - Veszprem
  • - Zalaegerszeg
  • - Remote
  • Iceland - All Cities
  • - East
  • - Capital Region
  • - Northeast
  • - Northwest
  • - South
  • - Southern Peninsula
  • - Westfjords
  • - West
  • - Remote
  • India - All Cities
  • - Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  • - Andhra Pradesh
  • - Assam
  • - Chandigarh
  • - Dadra and Nagar Haveli
  • - Delhi
  • - Gujarat
  • - Haryana
  • - Himachal Pradesh
  • - Jammu and Kashmir
  • - Kerala
  • - Lakshadweep
  • - Maharashtra
  • - Manipur
  • - Meghalaya
  • - Karnataka
  • - Nagaland
  • - Orissa
  • - Pondicherry
  • - Punjab
  • - Rajasthan
  • - Tamil Nadu
  • - Tripura
  • - West Bengal
  • - Sikkim
  • - Arunachal Pradesh
  • - Mizoram
  • - Daman and Diu
  • - Goa
  • - Bihar
  • - Madhya Pradesh
  • - Uttar Pradesh
  • - Chhattisgarh
  • - Jharkhand
  • - Uttaranchal
  • - Telangana
  • - Remote
  • Indonesia - All Cities
  • - Aceh
  • - Bali
  • - Bengkulu
  • - Jakarta
  • - Jambi
  • - Central Java
  • - East Java
  • - Yogyakarta
  • - West Kalimantan
  • - South Kalimantan
  • - Central Kalimantan
  • - East Kalimantan
  • - Lampung
  • - West Nusa Tenggara
  • - East Nusa Tenggara
  • - Central Sulawesi
  • - South East Sulawesi
  • - West Sumatra
  • - North Sumatra
  • - Maluku
  • - Maluku Utara
  • - West Java
  • - North Sulawesi
  • - South Sumatra
  • - Banten
  • - Gorontalo
  • - Bangka-Belitung
  • - Papua
  • - Riau
  • - South Sulawesi
  • - Irian Jaya Barat
  • - Kepulauan Riau
  • - Sulawesi Barat
  • - Remote
  • Iran - All Cities
  • - West Azarbaijan
  • - Chahar Mahaal and Bakhtiari
  • - Sistan and Baluchistan
  • - Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad
  • - Fars
  • - Gilan
  • - Hamadan
  • - Ilam
  • - Hormozgan
  • - Kermanshah
  • - Khuzestan
  • - Kurdistan
  • - Bushehr
  • - Lorestan
  • - Semnan
  • - Tehran
  • - Isfahan
  • - Kerman
  • - Ardabil
  • - East Azarbaijan
  • - Markazi
  • - Mazandaran
  • - Zanjan
  • - Golestan
  • - Qazvin
  • - Ostan-e Qom
  • - Yazd
  • - Khorasan-e Jonubi
  • - Khorāsān-e Raẕavī
  • - Khorasan-e Shomali
  • - Ostan-e Alborz
  • - Remote
  • Iraq - All Cities
  • - Al Anbar Governorate
  • - Basra Governorate
  • - Al Muthanna Governorate
  • - Al-Qadisiyyah Governorate
  • - As Sulaymaniyah Governorate
  • - Babil Governorate
  • - Baghdad Governorate
  • - Dahuk Governorate
  • - Dhi Qar Governorate
  • - Diyala Governorate
  • - Arbil Governorate
  • - Karbala Governorate
  • - Kirkuk Governorate
  • - Maysan Governorate
  • - Ninawa Governorate
  • - Wasit Governorate
  • - Najaf Governorate
  • - Salah ad Din Governorate
  • - Remote
  • Ireland - All Cities
  • - Carlow
  • - Cavan
  • - Clare
  • - Cork
  • - Donegal
  • - Dublin
  • - Galway
  • - Kerry
  • - Kildare
  • - Kilkenny
  • - Leitrim
  • - Laois
  • - Limerick
  • - Longford
  • - Louth
  • - Mayo
  • - Meath
  • - Monaghan
  • - Offaly
  • - Roscommon
  • - Sligo
  • - Tipperary
  • - Waterford
  • - Westmeath
  • - Wexford
  • - Wicklow
  • - Connaught
  • - Munster
  • - Leinster
  • - Remote
  • Israel - All Cities
  • - Southern
  • - Central
  • - Northern
  • - Haifa
  • - Tel Aviv
  • - Jerusalem
  • - Remote
  • Italy - All Cities
  • - Abruzzo
  • - Basilicata
  • - Calabria
  • - Campania
  • - Emilia-Romagna
  • - Friuli-Venezia Giulia
  • - Lazio
  • - Liguria
  • - Lombardy
  • - Marche
  • - Molise
  • - Piedmont
  • - Apulia
  • - Sardinia
  • - Sicily
  • - Tuscany
  • - Trentino-South Tyrol
  • - Umbria
  • - Aosta Valley
  • - Veneto
  • - Telelavoro
  • Jamaica - All Cities
  • - Clarendon
  • - Hanover
  • - Manchester
  • - Portland
  • - Saint Andrew
  • - Saint Ann
  • - Saint Catherine
  • - Saint Elizabeth
  • - Saint James
  • - Saint Mary
  • - Saint Thomas
  • - Trelawny
  • - Westmoreland
  • - Kingston
  • - Remote
  • Japan - All Cities
  • - Aichi
  • - Akita
  • - Aomori
  • - Chiba
  • - Ehime
  • - Fukui
  • - Fukuoka
  • - Fukushima
  • - Gifu
  • - Gumma
  • - Hiroshima
  • - Hokkaido
  • - Hyogo
  • - Ibaraki
  • - Ishikawa
  • - Iwate
  • - Kagawa
  • - Kagoshima
  • - Kanagawa
  • - Kochi
  • - Kumamoto
  • - Kyoto
  • - Mie
  • - Miyagi
  • - Miyazaki
  • - Nagano
  • - Nagasaki
  • - Nara
  • - Niigata
  • - Oita
  • - Okayama
  • - Osaka
  • - Saga
  • - Saitama
  • - Shiga
  • - Shimane
  • - Shizuoka
  • - Tochigi
  • - Tokushima
  • - Tokyo
  • - Tottori
  • - Toyama
  • - Wakayama
  • - Yamagata
  • - Yamaguchi
  • - Yamanashi
  • - Okinawa
  • - Remote
  • Kazakhstan - All Cities
  • - Almaty Province
  • - Almaty
  • - Akmola
  • - Aktobe
  • - Astana
  • - Atyrau
  • - West Kazakhstan
  • - Baikonur
  • - Mangystau
  • - North Kazakhstan
  • - Pavlodar
  • - Karagandy
  • - Kostanay
  • - Kyzylorda
  • - East Kazakhstan
  • - South Kazakhstan
  • - Zhambyl
  • - Remote
  • Kenya - All Cities
  • - Central
  • - Coast
  • - Eastern
  • - Nairobi
  • - North Eastern
  • - Nyanza
  • - Rift Valley
  • - Western
  • - Remote
  • Kuwait - All Cities
  • - Al Asimah
  • - Hawalli
  • - Al Ahmadi
  • - Al Jahra
  • - Al Farwaniyah
  • - Remote
  • Laos - All Cities
  • - Attapeu
  • - Champasak
  • - Houaphan
  • - Oudomxai
  • - Xaignabouli
  • - Xiangkhoang
  • - Khammouan
  • - Louang Namtha
  • - Louangphrabang
  • - Phongsali
  • - Salavan
  • - Savannakhet
  • - Bokeo
  • - Bolikhamxai
  • - Vientiane Prefecture
  • - Xaisomboun
  • - Xekong
  • - Vientiane Province
  • - Remote
  • Latvia - All Cities
  • - Aizkraukle
  • - Aluksne
  • - Balvi
  • - Bauska
  • - Cesis
  • - Daugavpils
  • - Daugavpils District
  • - Dobele
  • - Gulbene
  • - Jekabpils
  • - Jelgava
  • - Kraslava
  • - Kuldiga
  • - Liepaja
  • - Liepaja District
  • - Limbaži
  • - Ludza
  • - Madona
  • - Ogre
  • - Preili
  • - Rezekne
  • - Rezekne District
  • - Riga
  • - Riga District
  • - Saldus
  • - Talsi
  • - Tukums
  • - Valka
  • - Valmiera
  • - Ventspils
  • - Ventspils District
  • - Remote
  • Liberia - All Cities
  • - Bong
  • - Nimba
  • - Sinoe
  • - Grand Bassa
  • - Grand Cape Mount
  • - Maryland
  • - Montserrado
  • - Bomi
  • - Grand Kru
  • - Margibi
  • - River Cess
  • - Grand Gedeh
  • - Lofa
  • - Gbarpolu
  • - River Gee
  • - Remote
  • Malaysia - All Cities
  • - Johor
  • - Kedah
  • - Kelantan
  • - Malacca
  • - Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus
  • - Pahang Darul Makmur
  • - Perak Darul Ridzuan
  • - Perlis Indera Kayangan
  • - Pulau Pinang
  • - Sarawak
  • - Selangor Darul Ehsan
  • - Terengganu Darul Iman
  • - Kuala Lumpur
  • - Labuan
  • - Sabah
  • - Putrajaya
  • - Remote
  • Martinique - All Cities
  • Mexico - All Cities
  • - Aguascalientes
  • - Baja California
  • - Baja California Sur
  • - Campeche
  • - Chiapas
  • - Chihuahua
  • - Coahuila
  • - Colima
  • - Distrito Federal
  • - Durango
  • - Guanajuato
  • - Guerrero
  • - Hidalgo
  • - Jalisco
  • - México
  • - Michoacán
  • - Morelos
  • - Nayarit
  • - Nuevo León
  • - Oaxaca
  • - Puebla
  • - Querétaro
  • - Quintana Roo
  • - San Luis Potosí
  • - Sinaloa
  • - Sonora
  • - Tabasco
  • - Tamaulipas
  • - Tlaxcala
  • - Veracruz
  • - Yucatán
  • - Zacatecas
  • - Trabajo desde casa
  • Mongolia - All Cities
  • - Arkhangai
  • - Bayankhongor
  • - Bayan-Ölgii
  • - Dornod
  • - Dornogovi
  • - Dundgovi Aymag
  • - Dundgovi
  • - Govi-Altai
  • - Khentii
  • - Khovd
  • - Khövsgöl
  • - Ömnögovi
  • - Övörkhangai
  • - Selenge
  • - Sükhbaatar
  • - Töv
  • - Uvs
  • - Ulan Bator
  • - Bulgan
  • - Darkhan-Uul
  • - Govisümber
  • - Orkhon
  • - Remote
  • Mozambique - All Cities
  • - Cabo Delgado
  • - Gaza
  • - Inhambane
  • - Maputo Province
  • - Sofala
  • - Nampula
  • - Niassa
  • - Tete
  • - Zambezia
  • - Manica
  • - Maputo City
  • - Remote
  • Netherlands - All Cities
  • - Drenthe
  • - Friesland
  • - Gelderland
  • - Groningen
  • - Limburg
  • - North Brabant
  • - North Holland
  • - Utrecht
  • - Zeeland
  • - South Holland
  • - Overijssel
  • - Flevoland
  • - Thuiswerken
  • New Zealand - All Cities
  • - Chatham Islands
  • - Auckland
  • - Bay of Plenty
  • - Canterbury
  • - Gisborne
  • - Hawke's Bay
  • - Manawatu-Wanganui
  • - Marlborough
  • - Nelson
  • - Northland
  • - Otago
  • - Southland
  • - Taranaki
  • - Waikato
  • - Wellington
  • - West Coast
  • - Tasman
  • - Remote
  • Nigeria - All Cities
  • - Lagos
  • - Federal Capital Territory
  • - Ogun
  • - Akwa Ibom
  • - Cross River
  • - Kaduna
  • - Katsina
  • - Anambra
  • - Benue
  • - Borno
  • - Imo
  • - Kano
  • - Kwara
  • - Niger
  • - Oyo
  • - Adamawa
  • - Delta
  • - Edo
  • - Jigawa
  • - Kebbi
  • - Kogi
  • - Osun
  • - Taraba
  • - Yobe
  • - Abia
  • - Bauchi
  • - Enugu
  • - Ondo
  • - Plateau
  • - Rivers
  • - Sokoto
  • - Bayelsa
  • - Ebonyi
  • - Ekiti
  • - Gombe
  • - Nassarawa
  • - Zamfara
  • - Remote
  • Norway - All Cities
  • - Akershus
  • - Aust-Agder
  • - Buskerud
  • - Finnmark
  • - Hedmark
  • - Hordaland
  • - More og Romsdal
  • - Nordland
  • - Nord-Trondelag
  • - Oppland
  • - Oslo
  • - Ostfold
  • - Rogaland
  • - Sogn og Fjordane
  • - Sor-Trondelag
  • - Telemark
  • - Troms
  • - Vest-Agder
  • - Vestfold
  • - Remote
  • Oman - All Cities
  • - Ad Dakhiliyah Region
  • - Al Batinah Region
  • - Al Wusta Region
  • - Ash Sharqiyah Region
  • - Ad Dhahirah Region
  • - Muscat Governorate
  • - Musandam Governorate
  • - Dhofar Governorate
  • - Remote
  • Pakistan - All Cities
  • - Federally Administered Tribal
  • - Balochistan
  • - North-West Frontier
  • - Punjab
  • - Sind
  • - Azad Kashmir
  • - Northern Areas
  • - Islamabad
  • - Remote
  • Panama - All Cities
  • - Bocas del Toro
  • - Chiriquí
  • - Coclé
  • - Colón
  • - Darién
  • - Herrera
  • - Los Santos
  • - Panamá
  • - Kuna Yala
  • - Veraguas
  • - Emberá
  • - Ngöbe-Buglé
  • - Trabajo desde casa
  • Paraguay - All Cities
  • - Alto Parana
  • - Amambay
  • - Caaguazu
  • - Caazapa
  • - Central
  • - Concepción
  • - Cordillera
  • - Guairá
  • - Itapúa
  • - Misiones
  • - Neembucu
  • - Paraguari
  • - Presidente Hayes
  • - San Pedro
  • - Canindeyu
  • - Asuncion
  • - Alto Paraguay
  • - Boqueron
  • - Trabajo desde casa
  • Peru - All Cities
  • - Amazonas
  • - Ancash
  • - Apurímac
  • - Arequipa
  • - Ayacucho
  • - Cajamarca
  • - Callao
  • - Cusco
  • - Huancavelica
  • - Huánuco
  • - Ica
  • - Junín
  • - La Libertad
  • - Lambayeque
  • - Lima Region
  • - Loreto
  • - Madre de Dios
  • - Moquegua
  • - Pasco
  • - Piura
  • - Puno
  • - San Martín
  • - Tacna
  • - Tumbes
  • - Ucayali
  • - Lima Province
  • - Trabajo desde casa
  • Philippines - All Cities
  • - Abra
  • - Agusan del Norte
  • - Agusan del Sur
  • - Aklan
  • - Albay
  • - Antique
  • - Bataan
  • - Batanes
  • - Province of Batangas
  • - Benguet
  • - Bohol
  • - Bukidnon
  • - Bulacan
  • - Cagayan
  • - Camarines Norte
  • - Camarines Sur
  • - Camiguin
  • - Capiz
  • - Catanduanes
  • - Province of Cavite
  • - Province of Cebu
  • - Basilan
  • - Eastern Samar
  • - Davao del Norte
  • - Davao del Sur
  • - Davao Oriental
  • - Ifugao
  • - Ilocos Norte
  • - Ilocos Sur
  • - Province of Iloilo
  • - Isabela
  • - Kalinga-Apayao
  • - Laguna
  • - Lanao del Norte
  • - Lanao del Sur
  • - La Union
  • - Leyte
  • - Marinduque
  • - Masbate
  • - Mindoro Occidental
  • - Mindoro Oriental
  • - Misamis Occidental
  • - Misamis Oriental
  • - Mountain
  • - Negros Oriental
  • - Nueva Ecija
  • - Nueva Vizcaya
  • - Palawan
  • - Pampanga
  • - Pangasinan
  • - Rizal
  • - Romblon
  • - Samar
  • - Maguindanao
  • - North Cotabato
  • - Sorsogon
  • - Southern Leyte
  • - Sulu
  • - Surigao del Norte
  • - Surigao del Sur
  • - Tarlac
  • - Zambales
  • - Zamboanga del Norte
  • - Zamboanga del Sur
  • - Northern Samar
  • - Quirino
  • - Siquijor
  • - South Cotabato
  • - Sultan Kudarat
  • - Tawi-Tawi
  • - Angeles
  • - Bacolod
  • - Bago
  • - Baguio
  • - Bais
  • - Batangas City
  • - Butuan
  • - Cabanatuan
  • - Cadiz
  • - Cagayan de Oro
  • - Calbayog
  • - Caloocan
  • - Canlaon
  • - Cavite City
  • - Cebu City
  • - Cotabato
  • - Dagupan
  • - Danao
  • - Dapitan
  • - Davao
  • - Dipolog
  • - Dumaguete
  • - General Santos
  • - Gingoog
  • - Iligan
  • - Iloilo City
  • - Iriga
  • - La Carlota
  • - Laoag
  • - Lapu-Lapu
  • - Legaspi
  • - Lipa
  • - Lucena
  • - Mandaue
  • - Manila
  • - Marawi
  • - Naga
  • - Olongapo
  • - Ormoc
  • - Oroquieta
  • - Ozamis
  • - Pagadian
  • - Palayan
  • - Pasay
  • - Puerto Princesa
  • - Quezon City
  • - Roxas
  • - San Carlos City
  • - San Jose
  • - San Pablo
  • - Silay
  • - Surigao
  • - Tacloban
  • - Tagaytay
  • - Tagbilaran
  • - Tangub
  • - Toledo
  • - Trece Martires
  • - Zamboanga
  • - Aurora
  • - Province of Quezon
  • - Negros Occidental
  • - National Capital Region
  • - Remote
  • Poland - All Cities
  • - Lower Silesia
  • - Kuyavia-Pomerania
  • - Lódz
  • - Lublin
  • - Lubusz
  • - Lesser Poland
  • - Masovia
  • - Opole
  • - Subcarpathia
  • - Podlasie
  • - Pomerania
  • - Silesia
  • - Swietokrzyskie
  • - Warmia-Masuria
  • - Greater Poland
  • - West Pomerania
  • - Remote
  • Portugal - All Cities
  • - Aveiro
  • - Beja
  • - Braga
  • - Bragança
  • - Castelo Branco
  • - Coimbra
  • - Évora
  • - Faro
  • - Madeira
  • - Guarda
  • - Leiria
  • - Lisbon
  • - Portalegre
  • - Oporto
  • - Santarém
  • - Setúbal
  • - Viana do Castelo
  • - Vila Real
  • - Viseu
  • - Azores
  • - Home office
  • Republic of Congo - All Cities
  • - Bouenza
  • - Kouilou
  • - Lékoumou
  • - Likouala
  • - Niari
  • - Plateaux
  • - Sangha
  • - Pool
  • - Brazzaville
  • - Cuvette
  • - Cuvette-Ouest
  • - Remote
  • Romania - All Cities
  • - Alba
  • - Arad
  • - Arges
  • - Bacau
  • - Bihor
  • - Bistrita-Nasaud
  • - Botosani
  • - Braila
  • - Brasov
  • - Bucuresti
  • - Buzau
  • - Caras-Severin
  • - Cluj
  • - Constanta
  • - Covasna
  • - Dâmbovita
  • - Dolj
  • - Galati
  • - Gorj
  • - Harghita
  • - Hunedoara
  • - Ialomita
  • - Iasi
  • - Maramures
  • - Mehedinti
  • - Mures
  • - Neamt
  • - Olt
  • - Prahova
  • - Salaj
  • - Satu Mare
  • - Sibiu
  • - Suceava
  • - Teleorman
  • - Timis
  • - Tulcea
  • - Vaslui
  • - Vâlcea
  • - Vrancea
  • - Calarasi
  • - Giurgiu
  • - Ilfov
  • - Remote
  • Russia - All Cities
  • - Adygeya
  • - Aginskiy Buryatskiy Avtonomnyy
  • - Altay
  • - Altayskiy Kray
  • - Amurskaya Oblast'
  • - Arkhangel'skaya Oblast'
  • - Astrakhanskaya Oblast'
  • - Bashkortostan
  • - Belgorodskaya Oblast'
  • - Bryanskaya Oblast'
  • - Buryatiya
  • - Chelyabinskaya Oblast'
  • - Chitinskaya Oblast'
  • - Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug
  • - Chuvashiya
  • - Dagestan
  • - Evenkiyskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug
  • - Irkutskaya Oblast'
  • - Ivanovskaya Oblast'
  • - Kabardino-Balkariya
  • - Kaliningradskaya Oblast'
  • - Kalmykiya
  • - Kaluzhskaya Oblast'
  • - Kamchatskaya Oblast'
  • - Karachayevo-Cherkesiya
  • - Kareliya
  • - Kemerovskaya Oblast'
  • - Khabarovskiy Kray
  • - Khakasiya
  • - Khanty-Mansiyskiy Avtonomnyy O
  • - Kirovskaya Oblast'
  • - Komi
  • - Komi-Permyatskiy Avtonomnyy Ok
  • - Koryakskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug
  • - Kostromskaya Oblast'
  • - Krasnodarskiy Kray
  • - Krasnoyarskiy Kray
  • - Kurganskaya Oblast'
  • - Kurskaya Oblast'
  • - Leningradskaya Oblast'
  • - Lipetskaya Oblast'
  • - Magadanskaya Oblast'
  • - Mariy-El
  • - Mordoviya
  • - Moskovskaya Oblast'
  • - Moskva
  • - Murmanskaya Oblast'
  • - Nenetskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug
  • - Nizhegorodskaya Oblast'
  • - Novgorodskaya Oblast'
  • - Novosibirskaya Oblast'
  • - Omskaya Oblast'
  • - Orenburgskaya Oblast'
  • - Orlovskaya Oblast'
  • - Penzenskaya Oblast'
  • - Permskaya Oblast'
  • - Primorskiy Kray
  • - Pskovskaya Oblast'
  • - Rostovskaya Oblast'
  • - Ryazanskaya Oblast'
  • - Sakha (Yakutiya)
  • - Sakhalinskaya Oblast'
  • - Samarskaya Oblast'
  • - Sankt-Peterburg
  • - Saratovskaya Oblast'
  • - Severnaya Osetiya-Alaniya
  • - Smolenskaya Oblast'
  • - Stavropol'skiy Kray
  • - Sverdlovskaya Oblast'
  • - Tambovskaya Oblast'
  • - Tatarstan
  • - Taymyrskiy (Dolgano-Nenetskiy)
  • - Tomskaya Oblast'
  • - Tul'skaya Oblast'
  • - Tverskaya Oblast'
  • - Tyumenskaya Oblast'
  • - Tyva
  • - Udmurtiya
  • - Ul'yanovskaya Oblast'
  • - Ust'-Ordynskiy Buryatskiy Avto
  • - Vladimirskaya Oblast'
  • - Volgogradskaya Oblast'
  • - Vologodskaya Oblast'
  • - Voronezhskaya Oblast'
  • - Yamalo-Nenetskiy Avtonomnyy Ok
  • - Yaroslavskaya Oblast'
  • - Yevreyskaya Avtonomnaya Oblast
  • - Checheno-Ingushetia
  • - RSJA
  • - Perm
  • - Ingushetiya
  • - Zabaykal’skiy Kray
  • - Chechnya
  • - Kamtsjatka
  • - Remote
  • Saudi Arabia - All Cities
  • - Al Bahah Province
  • - Al Madinah Province
  • - Eastern Province
  • - Al-Qassim Province
  • - Riyadh Province
  • - Asir
  • - Ha'il Province
  • - Makkah Province
  • - Northern Border Region
  • - Najran Province
  • - Jizan Province
  • - Tabuk Province
  • - Al Jawf Province
  • - Remote
  • Serbia - All Cities
  • - Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
  • - Central Serbia
  • - Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija
  • - Remote
  • Sierra Leone - All Cities
  • - Eastern
  • - Northern
  • - Southern
  • - Western
  • - Remote
  • Singapore - All Cities
  • - Central
  • - East
  • - North
  • - North-East
  • - West
  • - Remote
  • Slovakia - All Cities
  • - Banskobystrický
  • - Bratislavský
  • - Košický
  • - Nitriansky
  • - Prešovský
  • - Trenciansky
  • - Trnavský
  • - Zilina
  • - Remote
  • Slovenia - All Cities
  • - Ajdovšcina
  • - Beltinci
  • - Bled
  • - Bohinj
  • - Borovnica
  • - Bovec
  • - Brda
  • - Brežice
  • - Brezovica
  • - Celje
  • - Cerklje na Gorenjskem
  • - Cerknica
  • - Cerkno
  • - Crenšovci
  • - Crna na Koroškem
  • - Crnomelj
  • - Divaca
  • - Dobrepolje
  • - Dol pri Ljubljani
  • - Dornava
  • - Dravograd
  • - Duplek
  • - Gorenja Vas-Poljane
  • - Gorišnica
  • - Gornja Radgona
  • - Gornji Grad
  • - Gornji Petrovci
  • - Grosuplje
  • - Hrastnik
  • - Hrpelje-Kozina
  • - Idrija
  • - Ig
  • - Ilirska Bistrica
  • - Ivancna Gorica
  • - Izola-Isola
  • - Juršinci
  • - Kanal
  • - Kidricevo
  • - Kobarid
  • - Kobilje
  • - Komen
  • - Koper-Capodistria
  • - Kozje
  • - Mestna Obcina
  • - Kranjska Gora
  • - Krško
  • - Kungota
  • - Laško
  • - Ljubljana
  • - Ljubno
  • - Logatec
  • - Loški Potok
  • - Lukovica
  • - Medvode
  • - Mengeš
  • - Metlika
  • - Mežica
  • - Mislinja
  • - Moravce
  • - MoravskeToplice
  • - Mozirje
  • - Murska Sobota
  • - Muta
  • - Naklo
  • - Nazarje
  • - Nova Gorica
  • - Odranci
  • - Ormož
  • - Osilnica
  • - Pesnica
  • - Pivka
  • - Podcetrtek
  • - Postojna
  • - Puconci
  • - Race-Fram
  • - Radece
  • - Radenci
  • - Radlje ob Dravi
  • - Radovljica
  • - Rogašovci
  • - Rogaška Slatina
  • - Rogatec
  • - Semic
  • - Šencur
  • - Šentilj
  • - Šentjernej
  • - Sevnica
  • - Sežana
  • - Škocjan
  • - Škofja Loka
  • - Škofljica
  • - Slovenj Gradec
  • - Slovenske Konjice
  • - Šmarje pri Jelšah
  • - Šmartno ob Paki
  • - Šoštanj
  • - Starše
  • - Štore
  • - Sveti Jurij
  • - Tolmin
  • - Trbovlje
  • - Trebnje
  • - Tržic
  • - Turnišce
  • - Velenje
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Interviews at Johnson & Johnson





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Applied online48%

Campus Recruiting33%

Employee Referral6%

Interviews for Top Jobs at Johnson & Johnson

  • Intern (128)
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Oct 7, 2022

Intern Interview

Anonymous Employee


I interviewed at Johnson & Johnson


first round call interview (HR); second round business unit interview (asking about work content and actual past experiences); final slides making test, the content is related to the business unit.

Interview Questions

  • past project experience; test slides making; school courses

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Aug 24, 2022

Intern Interview

Anonymous Employee in Bourg-en-Bresse


I applied online. The process took 4 months. I interviewed at Johnson & Johnson (Bourg-en-Bresse)


La entrevista comienza primero con un programa que te envían, si pasas esa ronda ya tendrás una con una persona de RH junto con otras personas. Si pasas esa etapa te entrevistará directamente tu futuro jefe. Yo no quedé con el primer jefe entonces me marcó mi segundo jefe por teléfono y conseguí el puesto.

Interview Questions

  • ¿Por qué quieres trabajar en Johnson & Johnson? ¿Mayor logro?

2 people found this interview helpful

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Jul 16, 2022

Intern Interview

Anonymous Employee


I applied through an employee referral. The process took 3 days. I interviewed at Johnson & Johnson in Jul 2022


Nice, stable and with a very accommodating and precise interpretation of interview questions. It was a very good experience and it really gave me a brief background on how interviews in the real world will be like

Interview Questions

  • What were your past experiences

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Jun 21, 2022

Intern Interview

Anonymous Interview Candidate


I applied online. I interviewed at Johnson & Johnson


It was a nice interview process, the interviewer was calm and patient with me. Mainly asking a lot of questions regarding to my intern position to see if my passion and capabilities fit the position that they are offering

Interview Questions

  • What would you like to do in the future?

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May 17, 2022

Intern Interview

Anonymous Employee


I interviewed at Johnson & Johnson


Interview was simple and straightforward. Interviewed by two people who were very nice. Asked simple general questions. Answered my questions and shared interesting facts about the company that made me excited for role.

Interview Questions

  • Asked about my past experience

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May 9, 2022

Intern Interview

Anonymous Interview Candidate


I interviewed at Johnson & Johnson


Online interview that asked about three questions. You were prompted and given 30 seconds to answer each question then given time to review your response. Overall was a quick interview.

Interview Questions

  • Why do you want to work here

2 people found this interview helpful

May 7, 2022

Intern Interview

Anonymous Interview Candidate


I interviewed at Johnson & Johnson


Hard, lots of questions, I thought it would be super easy but there were a lot of technical questions but the people were very nice and I got a tour of the office.

Interview Questions

  • How are you doing today

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Apr 15, 2022

Intern Interview

Anonymous Interview Candidate


I applied online. The process took 4 months. I interviewed at Johnson & Johnson


Takes months to hear back, I submitted the video questions 3 months ago and the portal still says its been received. Have to submit your resume, go through a speed-interview video process, then see if you qualify for a Zoom interview before they might make an offer.

Interview Questions

  • Why do you want to work at J&J?

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Mar 29, 2022

Intern Interview

Anonymous Interview Candidate


I applied online. The process took 1+ week. I interviewed at Johnson & Johnson


The first stage is digital interview with 3 questions where you record yourself answering + personality test. They don't tell you if you are rejected/not moving on to the next stage, which is pretty annoying , but not surprising considering a first stage impersonal interview .

Interview Questions

  • 1.) Why do you want to work for J&J? 2.) Education/school experience that will help you in this position? 3.) Professional experiences that will help?

2 people found this interview helpful

Apr 29, 2022

Intern Interview

Anonymous Interview Candidate


I applied through college or university. The process took 3 weeks. I interviewed at Johnson & Johnson in Apr 2022


is the average process for an internship in Colombia, submission of cv, evaluation through games to measure skills and video interviews and one on one interviews, and then the selection of the candidate is carried out

Interview Questions

  • how would you improve diversity in your work environment?

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Is it hard to get a job at J&J?

Glassdoor polls people on corporate interviews. It ranks J&J's interview process as being average in difficulty and about 65 percent of those pooled had a positive experience. One poll participant who accepted an offer as a Platform Director, said the interview process took over four months.

Do Johnson and Johnson interns get paid?

How much does an Intern make at Johnson & Johnson in the United States? Average Johnson & Johnson Intern hourly pay in the United States is approximately $18.17, which is 30% above the national average.

How likely are interns to get hired?

56% of all interns in the United States have accepted job offers from the company they interned for. An additional 14% of all interns in the U.S. are given a part-time job offer after completing their internship. 80% of interns who are extended job offers at the company where they interned accept them.

How do you increase your chances of getting an internship?

How to Increase Your Chances of Getting a College Internship.
Leverage Your Existing Network. One of the most effective ways to get any position is to have a personal referral. ... .
Don't Be Afraid to Cold Call. ... .
Set Up Informational Interviews. ... .
Don't Give Up..


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