How do you remove old urine stains from vinyl flooring

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  • How To Clean Stained Linoleum

Modified on 7/9/2019

  • General Overview
  • Steps To Clean The Stained Linoleum Floors

General Overview

The Linoleum is the most widely used flooring option due to its high durability and countless styles and patterns. The flooring offers ultra-comfort and is featured with the cushioning effect. Since the flooring is made up of the natural material it is an environmentally friendly option too. Although the flooring comes with good endurance but needs to be properly maintained and taken care of.

Steps To Clean The Stained Linoleum Floors

The steps to clean stained linoleum floors are mentioned below:
1.Vinegar And Baking Soda: The vinegar needs to be poured on the clean cloth and rub the stains with the same. Follow up by sprinkle the baking soda over the surface and allow it to sit there for approximately five minutes.
2.Scrubbing: The stain needs to be scrubbed using a sponge either with a scrub brush.
3.Wipe: Use a wet cloth to wipe the vinegar and baking soda residue and follow it by drying using a dry towel.
4.Dish Soap: Pour the few drops of liquid dish soap into the warm water and wet the clean cloth or sponge with the same.
5.Blotting: Use this soap dipped sponge to blot the stain by keeping it over the stain affected floor area for nearly ten minutes.
6.Wipe Off: Once the blotting is done the area needs to be wiped off using a clean wet cloth and use a dry cloth to dry the floor.

Steps To Remove Yellow/Urine Stains From Linoleum White Floor

Here are the easy steps to remove the yellow/urine stains from the white Linoleum floor:
1.Clean And Remove Furnishing: Remove furnishing like rugs from the floor and clean it by sweeping the dirt and dust.
2.Plain Water: Use plain water in order to wet the entire area.
3.Baking Soda: Sprinkle a good amount of the baking soda to the yellow stained area and wait for ten to fifteen minutes. Repeat the process until the yellow/ urine stains are gone.

Note: It is recommended to clean the flooring after every week using baking soda to keep it protected from the future yellow stains.

Many seem to confuse linoleum flooring with vinyl, so let us first get that out of the way. Linoleum is mainly seen in houses built in the earlier days since vinyl came out much after linoleum. Found in the sheet form, linoleum lasts for years but must be sealed annually. Although cheap, linoleum has excellent properties such as being eco-friendly, antistatic, and antimicrobic. With proper care, linoleum floors can last for many years. The mix-up mainly occurs since vinyl also comes in sheet form.

Unlike vinyl, linoleum requires a professional to install, but we can still find it in many homes, such as our grandparents. So, what do they do to make their house look neat, or what do we do to help? Mishaps happen all the time; things fall on the floor, break and create stains. A dreadful misfortune is when urine stains the aged linoleum floor. Now to the central issue that leads you to read this written piece; urine stains on your linoleum for bathroom floors. How to get rid of it, you ask? Well, we got you covered.

While there are numerous techniques to get yellow stains off your linoleum floors, a handy way would be to mix dishwashing soap with water and vinegar and scrub the stain away. If you have white linoleum, you can also let a cloth soaked in bleach rest on the stain and wipe it off.


  • 1 Causes of Urine Stains on Linoleum
  • 2 5 Ways to Remove Urine Stains
    • 2.1 1. Dishwashing Soap and Vinegar
    • 2.2 2. Baking Soda
    • 2.3 3. Baking Soda and Vinegar
    • 2.4 4. Rubbing Alcohol
    • 2.5 5. Bleach
  • 3 Regular Cleaning Routine to Minimize the Risk of Stains
  • 4 FAQs
  • 5 Final Words

Causes of Urine Stains on Linoleum

Whatever the situation it is at home, this is no place to judge. It is easy to have urine stains around the toilet. Depending on the age and situation, there can be various causes of urine stains.

It is usual for a child at home who is being potty trained not to make it every time to the toilet. Another helpless situation is when an elderly is having trouble controlling their bladder. Such circumstances require utmost patience and care, as both fall in the sensitive age brackets. You might also have pets that are yet to be trained or accidentally peed on your linoleum floor. On the other hand, an annoying scenario is when some people miss the toilet bowl or are too intoxicated to remember such basic training.

“Let bygones be bygones,” some will say, but what do we do afterward? What do we use as a urine stain remover? When the liquid first comes in contact with the linoleum sheet, it must immediately be removed. After staying for a long duration, the urine dries down and leaves a yellow stain along with a stench, damaging your linoleum sheet.

Our first instinct is obviously getting rid of the urine when we initially see it. You can take a bucket and sponge to wipe away the liquid and eliminate the top layer of grime laying. You can even spray the area with disinfectant and give it a mop for good measure. But what if the urine has already caused a stain?

5 Ways to Remove Urine Stains

The urine stain can be removed in the following ways.

1. Dishwashing Soap and Vinegar

To take immediate action, the stain removal process must include items easily found in a household. What gets more accessible than liquid dishwashing soap and vinegar? Mix a generous amount of warm water and dishwashing soap in a bucket and add a cup of vinegar. You can pour this in a spray bottle to spray on the area or dip the scrub brush directly and then scrub away at the stain.

2. Baking Soda

An alternative method is to mix baking soda and water in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture will form into a paste which you need to leave on the stain and let it do its thing. A good waiting time would be fifteen to twenty minutes. You can then either use the scrub brush mentioned before or a sponge to scrub the stain off.

3. Baking Soda and Vinegar

The baking soda and vinegar duo is an ultimate go-to for anyone looking for a safe and homemade cleaning solution. This step is almost the same as the previous one, but instead of water, you add vinegar. Using the same ratio, mixing the two will create a paste that you can apply to the stained area. If you feel that an extra measure needs to be taken, you can put a cling film on top of the paste and let it stay for the night. The next day you need to use a bristle brush and scrub the patch in a circular motion. Once done, you can spray a water and vinegar mixture in the ratio of 1:2, respectively, and get rid of any remaining paste.

4. Rubbing Alcohol

Moving onto less of a homemade option. This step involves rubbing alcohol. You can do this two ways. The first involves wetting a cloth in rubbing alcohol and scrubbing the stained area. The fabric can either be changed or washed to go for more rounds until the stain is unnoticeable. The other way is to pour some rubbing alcohol onto a cotton pad and let it rest over the stain for approximately five minutes, then wipe away with a damp cloth.

5. Bleach

Bleach is the last resort if everything else fails. It is also a step that you need to avoid if you have anything other than white linoleum. Be careful not to spill bleach onto your linoleum floor. Wear protective gloves and pour some bleach on a cloth; you can do this step outside to minimize the risk of spillage and odor. Take the fabric back inside and put it on the stained area. Let the cloth sit for five to ten minutes but do not go over thirty and keep checking up on the stain. When you do not see a stain anymore, take the fabric off and wipe the area down.

Regular Cleaning Routine to Minimize the Risk of Stains

When you do your regular house cleaning tasks, it becomes easy to spot a urine stain or any stain for that matter. The scheduled cleaning allows you to take immediate action rather than deep clean every time you discover urine stains. After successfully taking out the urine stains, these regular steps will prevent urine from drying up without you noticing first.

A daily routine of vacuuming and mopping will prevent your linoleum floored house from a build-up of dirt that can eventually cause blotches. You can even add some dishwashing liquid or floor cleaner frequently to get any minor stains off without you even noticing. It might look like tedious work at first, but when your house looks clean and fresh, the joy will encourage you to keep going.

Testing a small part of your linoleum floor after buying a new cleaner is a great idea to avoid sudden damage or discoloration to the sheets. Additionally, you can follow old methods of cleaning linoleum floors, such as mopping with borax or Castile soap. Be careful to sweep again with clean water as each of the mentioned leaves a residue.

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Can urine soak into linoleum?

Yes, components of urine can soak into linoleum. That is why the odor is so challenging to remove.

Will the urine stain come off?

It is not easy to give a definite answer, but many have found positive results after using the methods mentioned above. Safe to say, they are worth giving a shot.

Final Words

We know it is hard to maintain the look of house floors and how energy-consuming it can be to get rid of stains. That is why this piece lists a few easy but reliable methods to help you along the way. Linoleum may be hard to maintain with the annual sealing, but all your hard work is sure to pay off and make your floors look stunning.

How do you remove yellow urine stains from vinyl flooring?

Cover with an absorbent pad soaked in rubbing alcohol. Let it remain in place for 5 minutes, then wipe the area with a cloth dampened with ammonia. (Do not use ammonia on linoleum or vinyl floor tile.) Rinse well with water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

How do you clean badly stained vinyl flooring?

TOPICAL SOLUTIONS FOR REMOVING STAINS FROM VINYL FLOORING: Bleach - For liquid stains such as fruit juice, tomato juice or wine, household bleach may do the trick. Mix one part bleach and two parts water. Soak a rag in the solution and lay the rag over the stain, letting it soak for however long is necessary.

How do you remove old urine stains from floor?

Mix one cup of vinegar into a warm water-filled bucket and the add some drops of grapefruit oil to the solution to get rid of the odor. Scrub the floor with this safe cleaning solution, concentrating on the most prominent spots. As you scrub, the odor and stains should be disappearing.

Can you get yellow stains out of vinyl flooring?

For yellowing vinyl, a solution of bleach and water can work wonders. Mix three parts of water and one part of bleach in a bucket and use it for rubbing the stained areas. The stains may not completely get removed in the first attempt.


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