How do i find unclaimed money in pa

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Bureau of Unclaimed Property

Director: Brian Munley, Esq., CPA, CGAP, Director

Office phone: (717) 783-3632

P.O. Box 1837 Harrisburg, PA 17105-1837

Dormancy Periods

The following dormancy periods are listed in years, unless otherwise noted.

Certificates of Deposit: 3

Official Bank Checks/MO: 3

Life Insurance Matured: 3* Demutualization 2

Dissolution/Liquidation: 2

Federal Courts/Agencies: 3

Vendor-Vendor Payments: 3

Reporting and Payment Due Dates

The following indicates the report and payment due dates for the various property types.

Report Due—Life Insurance: April 15* All insurance corporations

Report Due—All Others: April 15

Payment Due—Life Insurance: April 15* All insurance corporations

Payment Due—All Others: April 15

Exceptions: Refer to State law for specific information

Negative Report Required: No

Electronic Reporting Capability Schedule

The following indicates which types of reporting formats are accepted by this state.

Information contained in the NAUPA QRP States Unclaimed Property Monitoring Service is for informational and reference purposes only. This information may not be copied or reproduced in any capacity without the express written consent of the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators®. Liability arising from the reliance on any information contained in the material presented, which may prove to be inaccurate or incomplete, is specifically disclaimed. Contact each state unclaimed property agency for verification should a question or concern arise.

Money and Taxes

  • Benefits, Grants, Loans
  • Consumer Issues
  • Credit and Debt
  • Currency
  • Housing
  • Retirement
  • Spending, Saving and Investing
  • Taxes
  • Unclaimed Money from the Government

Find unclaimed funds held by the government that might be owed to you.

How to Find Unclaimed Money

If a business, government office, or other source owes you money that you don’t collect, it's considered unclaimed. Unclaimed property can include many things, including cash, checks, money orders, security deposits, or the contents of safe deposit boxes.

The federal government doesn’t have a central website for finding unclaimed money. But you don’t need to hire a company to find unclaimed money for you. You can find it on your own for free, using official databases.

Search For Unclaimed Money in Your State

Businesses send money to state-run unclaimed property offices when they can’t locate the owner. The unclaimed funds held by the state are often from bank accounts, insurance policies, or your state government.

  • Start your search for unclaimed money with your state’s unclaimed property office.
  • Search for unclaimed money using a multi-state database. Perform your search using your name, especially if you’ve moved to another state.
  • Verify how to claim your money. Each state has its own rules about how you prove that you’re the owner and claim the money.

Search for Money From Employers

  • Unpaid Wages – The Department of Labor (DOL) may recover back wages for you if your employer broke labor laws. If you think you may be owed back wages from your employer:
    • Search DOL’s database of workers who have money waiting to be claimed. DOL holds unpaid wages for up to three years.  
  • Pensions from Former Employers – Search for unclaimed pensions from companies that either:
    • Went out of business or
    • Ended a defined pension plan

Search for Money From Insurance

  • VA Life Insurance Funds – Search the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) database for unclaimed insurance funds.
    • The VA may owe money to current or former policyholders or their beneficiaries.
    • This database doesn’t include funds from:
      • Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI)
      • Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI) policies from 1965 to the present  
  • FHA-Insurance Refunds – If you had an FHA-insured mortgage, you may be eligible for a refund. FHA insurance refunds are issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
    • Search the HUD database with your FHA case number. Case numbers have three digits, a dash, and the next six digits—for example, 051-456789.

Search for Money From Tax Refunds

  • Tax Refunds – The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may owe you money if your refund was unclaimed or undelivered.

Search for Money From Banking and Investments

  • Bank Failures – Search for unclaimed funds from failed financial institutions. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) lists them.
  • Credit Union Failures – Find unclaimed deposits from credit unions.
  • SEC Claims Funds – The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) lists enforcement cases in which a company or person owes investors money.
  • Savings Bonds – Use to find matured savings bonds that have stopped earning interest. You can also learn how to replace a lost or destroyed savings bond.

Search for Unclaimed Money From a Bankruptcy

A bankruptcy creditor is someone who is owed money by a person or business which declares bankruptcy. Sometimes, the money owed to creditors remains undistributed by the bankruptcy court for a variety of reasons.

  • Learn more about unclaimed bankruptcy funds.
  • Check to see if you may be owed money using the U.S. Courts Unclaimed Funds Locator.

International Unclaimed Money

Foreign Claims – U.S. nationals can find money owed to them from foreign governments after the loss of property.

Undelivered and Unclaimed Federal Tax Refund Checks

Every year, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has millions of dollars in tax refunds that go undelivered or unclaimed. 

Undelivered Federal Tax Refund Checks

Refund checks are mailed to your last known address. If you move without notifying the IRS or the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), your refund check may be returned to the IRS.

If you were expecting a federal tax refund and did not receive it, check the IRS' Where’s My Refund page. You'll need to enter your Social Security number, filing status, and the exact whole dollar amount of your refund. You may be prompted to change your address online. 

You can also call the IRS to check on the status of your refund. Wait times to speak with a representative can be long. But you can avoid waiting by using the automated phone system. Follow the message prompts when you call.

If you move, submit a Change of Address - Form 8822 to the IRS; you should also submit a Change of Address to the USPS.

Unclaimed Federal Tax Refunds 

If you are eligible for a federal tax refund and don’t file a return, then your refund will go unclaimed. Even if you aren't required to file a return, it might benefit you to file if:

  • Federal taxes were withheld from your pay


  • You qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

You may not have filed a tax return because your wages were below the filing requirement. But you can still file a return within three years of the filing deadline to get your refund.

State Refund Checks

For information about your state tax refund check, contact your state revenue department.

Last Updated: November 15, 2022


What is the best website to find unclaimed money? is the website of the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators. This is a legitimate site created by state officials to help people search for funds that may belong to you or your relatives. Searches are free.

How do I check my unclaimed money in PA?

Please contact the Bureau of Unclaimed Property by calling 1.800.222.2046 from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday, or e-mail to obtain information specific to the deceased owner.

How long does Pennsylvania hold unclaimed property?

The dormancy periods vary depending on the type of property, but for most types, the dormancy period is three (3) years. There are some exceptions, the most notable is payroll and commissions, which is two years. The property dormancy matrix can be found on Treasury's website.

How do I get ahold of PA treasury?

Executive Office. (717) 787 2465..
Communications Office. (717) 787 2991.
Check Verification Service. (717) 783 8798..


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