How can i get a fake phone number

When you’re in a situation when you need to get someone off your back, fake phone numbers are a beautiful thing. Whether you make them up on the spot or give out the number to a service like the Rejection Hotline, giving a fake number can cut an awkward social encounter short. Best of all, though, are the ones you craft yourself, like the one I gave to car dealers that fakes a full voicemail message.

When I was in the market for a new car, I read this Jalopnik piece on dodging calls from thirsty dealers. Get a Google Voice number, it suggested. Well, I already use Google Voice for other purposes, and the service doesn’t give you unlimited numbers. Burner apps are another option, but at that point you might as well just grab a number from Twilio and have some fun with it.

I mainly used my number to access TrueCar price reports. The service requires a phone number and email, and then as soon as you request one price, every car dealer in the area will crawl out of the woodwork to contact you. I didn’t want to constantly block calls, nor did I want to send them to a frenemy’s number. I just wanted their calls to disappear into the ether, never reaching me, never bouncing back, but disappearing like a stone tossed into the fog. Luckily, there is a way.

How to set up your fake number

First, sign up for a Twilio account, which is free. You can reserve your first phone number for free as well, although anybody who calls or texts it will hear a message saying this is a free trial Twilio account. You could stop there, if you want. Fake number achieved.

But here’s the fun part. When you click on your phone number’s settings on the Twilio dashboard, you can tell the service what it should do when somebody calls or texts the number. By default, it reads a little message (saying that you haven’t set up the number, or something). So I copied that message, and altered it so it sounded like a full voicemail box. Here’s my script:

<Response><Say voice="alice">You have reached. 5 5 5. 5 5 5. 1 2 1 2. Please leave a message after the tone.</Say><Pause length="1"/><Say voice="alice"> This mailbox is full. </Say></Response> 

You won’t fool anyone with the free trial message, so I paid $1/month for the number, plus a fraction of a cent per minute ($0.0015). In total, my fake number took 38 calls, meaning I dodged that many car salespeople for a grand total of under two dollars.

Having more fun

You can, of course, write a script that says anything you want. You can set up your own Rejection Hotline, or you can have it read a cheery poem. You can let them actually leave a message, if that’s a thing you want. You can even write a script for the nice robot lady to have a conversation with your caller.

This all works with texts, as well. You can connect people who text your Twilio number with a chatbot, perhaps one written in the easy-to-use Dexter platform. You can have all kinds of fun with your new fake number, from the whimsical to the evil. Choose wisely.

This story was originally published in 2018 and updated with new information on 2/24/2020.

At Burner, we’re in the business of protecting your identity and privacy. We won’t ask what you need a fake phone number generator for (undercover spy calls, hopefully).

Instead of focusing on how cool it is that you’re an international spy (wink wink), we simply focus on creating the types of tools that allow you to communicate effectively while also protecting your identity. Seeing as 1 in 10 people are a victim of identity theft nowadays, privacy is pretty important.

But, enough about stats and figures, you need a phone number, right? Here’s how to use a fake phone number generator to conceal your identity and stay safe online.

What do you need the fake number for?

Again, we’re not in the business of getting into your business. It’s important to determine what you need a fake phone number generator for in the first place. Is it to use in a movie script, as part of a project, or to use in order to prank call a friend or text a Bumble match?

The reason is important as it will help us figure out whether you’re going to need a one-off fake number or a more permanent second number to continue using long-term.

Other reasons why you might want to use a fake phone number include:

  • Online selling: If you’re selling items on platforms such as Craigslist, a fake phone number can keep your identity private. Use the number to communicate with buyers and then burn it once you’re done selling.
  • Online dating: Online dating is pretty safe, but it’s always a good idea to protect your privacy as you’re getting to know someone. Using a second phone number is a great idea; if the person doesn’t stop contacting you, you can burn the number and never speak to them again.
  • Freelance and business calls: Tired of getting texts from a colleague who blurs the lines between appropriate and overstepping boundaries? Using a fake phone number can help you separate work from play.

See? Needing a fake phone number for a one-off event is different from needing a fake (temporary, secondary, etc.) number for long-term use.

Can you choose your fake number?

Uh, yes! That’s the beauty of a fake phone number generator. Whether you’re using it for work or play, you get to choose your number. How?

With Burner, it’s easy. You’ll head over to the Create Your Number page. From there, you’ll be able to enter the area code you’re interested in. Choose wisely; area codes are an important indicator of status. And if you’re using the number to conceal your identity for specific reasons, using the wrong area code can be a dead giveaway that the number is “fake.”

Once you enter the area code, you’ll see a list of available numbers to choose from. See the one you want? Great! Click on it and then select a subscription type (monthly or yearly). Your subscription will renew monthly, and you can change your number once each billing cycle.

If you only need a fake phone number generator to generate a fake number once, we suggest checking our Prepaid Burners.

Is the number really fake?

At Burner, any number you generate is a real, fully-functioning phone number. It shows up on the receiver’s caller ID and phone records, and you can use it to make calls, send texts, and so much more.

When we talk about fake phone number generators, we’re really talking about giving you the ability to create a second phone number. There’s nothing fake about our numbers.

If you’re going to use the number long-term, the number comes with great features that allow you to make the number look and feel even more professional. Color-code your inboxes, create a custom voicemail greeting and connect your number to Google Sheets.

Create a number with Burner

We think of ourselves as much more than a fake phone number generator. We’re an app that allows you to protect your privacy, increase your productivity, and take control of your life by using a safe second phone number.

Whatever you need a second number for, we’re here. Create your second phone number and see just how easy it is.

How can I get a free phone number?

Google Voice..

Can I create my own phone number?

Registering a custom phone number, also referred to as a vanity number, is easy as long as the number you want is available. Businesses frequently use custom phone numbers because they want a catchy number that is easy for potential customers to remember and dial.

How do I disguise my real phone number?

Fortunately, there's a way to disguise your number if you choose to call them back. Dial *67 before you dial the number and the receiver will only see “Private” or “Blocked” when they see your call. This also works on landlines if you dial *67 before dialling the number.

Is there such thing as a fake number?

Fake phone numbers are temporary numbers that can send messages, make calls, and start voice calls. You can also access various online services without jeopardizing your privacy. These numbers make it possible to easily add a second line to your cell phone.


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