Have a lovely day in spanish

Perhaps you want to start a conversation with your neighbor by wishing him a good day, or maybe you just want to be kind to Spanish speakers, and you want to say “have a good” day in Spanish, how can you say that as they do it?

It’s not the same if you translate “have a good day” on Google Translator than if you use the same phrases that Spanish native speakers use in their everyday life.

If you talk like them and use the language and they use, it’s more likely to start nice and friendly conversations.

In this article, I’m going to share with you 8 different ways to say “have a good day” in Spanish, so you can be kind to people on your next trip to Latin America, or when you visit your Spanish-speaking family.

Now, before we go on with these phrases, there’s something we need to clarify about pronouns and how people use them.

Pick your pronoun carefully

I am married; me and my wife are Colombians, and it’s funny how a single pronoun can make the difference in a conversation between her and me. Let me explain myself…

If my wife says to me: “Qué tenga un buen día”, which is a translation for “have a good day” in Spanish, my immediate thought would be that something’s up like she’s mad at me.

Depending on how you use the pronoun “usted” it may sound aggressive among couples in Spanish, and the reason is that it may sound a little too formal; something you would use with people you are just meeting or with strangers. 

If you are married to a Spanish native speaker take my advice and don’t use “usted”; go with “tú” instead when you’re talking to him or her. 

“Tú” sounds more familiar, and it makes you sound a little more accessible, friendly, and even lovely (with your significant other).

However, if you want to talk to your neighbor, it would be okay if you go with “usted”. On the other hand, if you are friends with someone and you want to make this person feel like this friendship is well-established then you should use “tú”.

Now in the following phrases, you won’t see any of these two pronouns. We’re going to use them implicitly, which means that we’re not pronouncing them, but because of the way we’re conjugating the verbs we know they’re there, influencing sentences. 

I’ll let you know which pronoun we’re using though. 

So, without further a do, here’s how to say “have a good day” in Spanish:

#1 Qué tengas un buen día

As I said before, this is the exact translation for saying “have a good day” in Spanish. This one is perfect if you want to wish your wife or your husband a good day in Spanish.

  • (tú) Qué tengas un buen día: Have a good day.

Here’s how we would use this phrase in a regular conversation:


–Sí, muchas gracias amor, estaba muy bueno el café. Nos vemos en la noche.

–Bueno, cuidate. Qué tengas un buen día. 

Now imagine that the person who just had this conversation with his wife is now taking the elevator and runs into his neighbor there, this is how the phrase might show up in a quick chat:

–Buenos días, ¿cómo está?

–Bien ¿y usted?

–Bien gracias. Voy algo tarde para el trabajo.

–Mejor se apura, vecino. Qué tenga un buen día.

Notice that among Neighbors, the characters are using “usted” just to show some formality, but they’re saying the same thing: “have a good day” in Spanish.

  • (Usted) Qué tenga un buen día: Have a good day.

#2 Qué estés bien

This is one of the phrases that I use the most when I want to wish a good day to someone, and I like to use it because it sounds informal and friendly.

  • (tú) Qué estés bien: Hope you do well. 

If you translate this phrase to English, you’ll notice that you’re not wishing the other person a good day, but for Spanish speakers is the same idea, you’re just wishing him or her well-being during the day.

Here’s a shot script of how my last phone conversation with my dad went, and how I said goodbye to him:

–Bueno pa, entonces hablamos más tarde.

–Listo hijo, cuidate mucho.

–Claro, hablamos después, qué estés bien, chao.

Of course, we can also change the pronoun to make it a little more formal:

  • (Usted) Qué esté bien: Hope you do well.

Like when you’re saying bye to your doctor after an appointment and you want to wish him a good day: 

–Bueno doctor, muchas gracias por todo.

–Recuerde tomar el antibiótico por 7 días.

–Listo, sí señor. Muchas gracias. Qué esté bien, hasta luego.

Also, if you’re talking to a group of people you may use this phrase using the conjugation that corresponds to “ustedes”, which is the plural “you” in Spanish.

  • Qué estén bien: Hope you guys do well.

Like when you’re wishing a good day to your work mates who leave early: 

–Diego, hasta luego. Nos vamos temprano hoy.

–Ahh, excelente, cuidense, qué estén bien.

#3 Qué te vaya bien

If you are going to use this phrase, then what you’re saying exactly is:  I hope it goes well.

“Qué te vaya bien” is using the pronoun “tú” implicitly, but if you’d like it to sound formal, then you may say: 

  • Qué le vaya bien (usted).

Of course, this is another way to say goodbye, a very particular way to fare well in Spanish.

It’s also very common to say this when you just want to wish someone a good day. 

Like when you go to a store, you buy something, and then the cashier wishes you a good day like this:

–¿Cuánto es?

–Son 24.000 pesos.

–Tome, muchas gracias. 

–Gracias a usted. Hasta luego. Qué le vaya bien.

Related: 55 Different words and phrases to say goodbye in Spanish + 17 unique Colombian ways to say bye.

Now for talking to a group of people, you would need to use the pronoun “ustedes”, and if we say that implicitly, then we’d get:

  • Qué les vaya bien.

#4 Qué tengas un bonito día 

The translation for this one would be “I hope you have a beautiful day”.

I think this is a very poetic way to wish a good day in Spanish. Some people even replace the word “bonito”, with “hermoso”, like this:

  • Qué tengas un bonito día.
  • Qué tengas un hermoso día.

If you use the pronoun “usted”, and if you’re telling this to someone you have a close relationship with, then you’ll probably sound like you are mad or like if you were being sarcastic.

Now, if you use it under a formal context, like when you wish a good day to your customers, then it’ll sound very appropriate and educated.

  • Qué tenga un bonito día.
  • Qué tenga un hermoso día.

That’s weird, right? It’s as if being formal was offensive in close and intimate relationships. Here’s an example of how a conversation like that would sound:

–¿Por qué estás tan seria hoy?

–Piense a ver qué fue lo que usted hizo.

–¿Qué? No te entiendo. 

–Cómo sea, me tengo que ir. Qué tenga un bonito día.

Man, if you’re wife talks like that to you, she’s mad… really mad!

#5 Buen día

This is an abbreviated way to say the previous sentence.

It means: “good day”, and people might say it just as when you say “have a good day” in English. Like in the following example:

–Muchas gracias por todo. Nos vemos la próxima semana.

–Listo, gracias por venir. Buen día.

Interestingly, this phrase also works for saying good morning in Spanish, like this: 

–Hola buen día, ¿sabe donde puedo encontrar el hospital?

–Buen día, voltee en la próxima esquina. Ahí lo encuentra.

I have to add that this short phrase sounds formal, and it’s not being affected by any pronoun. 

#6 Feliz día

The translation for this is “happy day”.

It’s funny, it’s not very common to wish another person a good day using this phrase in Spanish, but recently, a friend responded to a message I sent her like this:

Me: Hola, Jenny. ¿Cómo les fue en el viaje? ¿Cómo está la carretera? Mi esposa y yo vamos a viajar hoy por ese mismo camino.

Friend: Feliz día, Diego. La carretera está muy mala, nos tomó casí 11 horas llegar a Medellín.

You need to be prepared to hear or see messages like this in conversations. 

In my opinion, “Feliz día” sounds more like to use it at the end of a letter, like this:

Apreciado Diego:

Muchas gracias por el artículo que escribiste en tu blog esta mañana. Aprendí muchas maneras de decir “have a good day” in Spanish. 

Feliz día,


#7 Te deseo el mejor de los días.

If we translate this sentence into English, then we’ll get:

I wish you the best of the days

This is a kind way to tell someone that your desire is for him or her to have a nice day in Spanish.

Does that sound poetic to you? Then it’s good to use on your significant other or even with your customers if you want to treat them as special people, like in the following example: 

–Muchas gracias por su compra.

–A usted por su amabilidad.

–Le deseo el mejor de los días.



And there you go, these are seven different ways to tell someone to have a good day in Spanish.

As a quick summary, here’s the list of the different phrases and sentences we had today: 

  1. Qué tengas un buen día
  2. Qué estés bien
  3. Qué te vaya bien
  4. Qué tengas un bonito día
  5. Buen día
  6. Feliz día
  7. Te deseo el mejor de los días. 

If you know another way to express this idea in Spanish, then don’t hesitate to share it with me in the comments below: 


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