Happy birthday to my special needs daughter

Hello everyone,

Today’s post is written by my husband, Al.  He posted this on Facebook a few days ago for our daughter’s birthday.  I made just a few minor edits and added photos.

We received replies that surprised in many ways.  My own reply is at the end of this post.

Thank-you, Al, for your loving words to our precious, funny girl.  – Cathy

Our Mija, expressing herself to her favorite person, her dad.

Today is our daughter’s birthday.  She is 17.  As always, it is just another day for her.  Unlike the rest of us, she has no comprehension of birthdays, Christmas, or any other holiday, but she is very happy today because I let her do our same repetitive game over and over and over again, all morning long.

Our daughter celebrated her birthday as she does any other day. She enjoys looking at her stack of newspaper.

I then took her to Target and let her get whatever she wanted.  She chose a Sesame Street Valentine card from the greeting card section and a Sesame coloring book (she does not get it for coloring).  While waiting in the checkout line she picked up a bag of plain M&M’s (she never wants to eat them, she just likes the sound the bag makes when she shakes it).

On the way home I pick up lunch.  When we got home she did the usual, she threw away the M&M’s, card and book into our garbage can outside.

I gave her half a sandwich. I had to cut it into small pieces since she doesn’t know how to bite, a little bit of fries, and apple slices. I also cut up the apple.

At an occupational therapy appointment for feeding.

She finished eating, put her dish in the sink, came to me and got my hand (that’s how she tells me she wants something) and took me upstairs to her room.  Whenever she wants to go to sleep, one of us has to go with her and put her to bed.  She kissed me and then laughs as she gets under her comforter.

I look at my watch as I walk out of her room (it’s 2:00pm CST).  Greeeat, she’ll probably sleep for 3 hours and be up late tonight, but so what, it’s her birthday.

Cathy’s two favorite people relax at a classroom Thanksgiving luncheon.

We have to deal with a lot of medical and legal issues (TOO MANY TO LIST WITHOUT EXPLANATION) for her this year.  Our daughter will be a legal adult in a year, yet still severely and low functioning autistic, and disabled for speech delay.  She is very much still a child in behavior and she can’t communicate verbally.  The most important issue will be starting the long legal process of gaining Guardianship when she turns 18.  Unless she makes some drastic advancements, our daughter will be living with us the rest of her adult life.

Yes, she is wearing the same hat that is in the birthday picture. It’s now faded and worn, but still her favorite!

Cathy and I give her the gift of love everyday.  So it is important to us to give this gift of Guardianship on her 18th birthday, whether she understands this or not, because to us we are giving her a gift of devotion.

Happy Birthday Mija, we love you, Mom & Dad.

Cathy and Al, just enjoying themselves.

My reply to all the responses Al received:

I was a bit out of commission yesterday but am feeling better today, thus my late response.

Thank-you to all for your comments. Statements like this are often surprising to us because what Al expressed is just a typical day for us.

Al and I are ordinary folks. We have a special daughter.  I call her the pure of heart because she simply is who she it. No pretense. If she’s happy you will know it. If she’s not happy, you will know it.

Riding lesson. She is riding Cowboy, led by his owner, Tricia. Al and Cathy walk behind, while Tricia’s dog Stella keeps a steady pace running alongside Cowboy.

She will teach you to immediately live in the moment.

For many years our daughter would not make eye contact with anyone. As she and her father are close, he is one of the few people with whom she directly interacts.

Al and I believe the most important thing we can do for our daughter is to love her, be her advocate and be her voice.

It’s also important that we support each other in whatever way we can. We always look out for one another. Even though life can be stressful, we try to laugh whenever we can. Those of you who know us know there is much laughter in our home.

While Mija gets ready to enjoy a snack, Cathy starts to arrange flowers from Al.

That being said, we’re also realistic, practical people. Always have been. We chuckle when we see the simplicity of what makes our daughter happy vs. other people her age. i. e. think gadgets, electronics and other trappings.

Swimming is a favoirte activity!

We have other challenges to deal with because of her limitations. That being said, there is no limit to the love that she can express. She is an incredible person and we are grateful she is ours.

…and yes, she is a blessing. We know that. Every day.
Thanks, again.


Getting ready to ride. Mija leads Al and Cowboy.

Peace happens on all scales and in many places…including a happy, laughter-filled home.   

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What can I say to my special daughter on her birthday?

Short and Sweet Birthday Wishes for Your Daughter.
Happy birthday! ... .
I hope your special day is as special as you! ... .
Nothing lights up my world more than you! ... .
Wishing my sweetheart, a very happy birthday. ... .
May all your wishes come true today and every day. ... .
You're the best thing that ever happened to me..

How do you wish a special child?

10 Wishes for My Child with Special Needs.
I wish for you to have a great sense of humor. ... .
I wish for you to embrace your spirituality and faith traditions. ... .
I wish for you to know deeply that everyone is imperfect. ... .
I wish for you to one day succeed without me. ... .
I wish for you to make a positive impact on society..

How do you say happy birthday to a special girl?

Cute Happy Birthday Quotes For Her.
“Wishing you a day filled with happiness and a year filled with joy. ... .
“Sending you smiles for every moment of your special day…Have a wonderful time and a very happy birthday!”.
“Hope your special day brings you all that your heart desires!.

How do you write happy birthday in unique style?

How to Say Happy Birthday 50 Different Ways.
You sustained one more year. Congrats!.
I wish you a happier birthday than anyone else has wished you..
Didn't we just celebrate this like a year ago?.
Happy birthday, champ..
Don't count the candles, enjoy your day..
Happy you day..
Age is just a number..
I'm glad you were born..


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