Diet for skinny guys to gain weight

Sick of being the skinny guy in the gym?   If you want to learn how to gain weight fast you need a skinny guy meal plan that will help you build serious muscle size. Every muscle meal for skinny guys should be packed with protein, quality carbs and good fats to help you gain weight fast.

To gain weight fast a skinny guy’s calorie intake should be greater than the energy used. Skinny guys or hardgainers with fast metabolisms need to be over-feeding your muscles and consuming more calories in your diet than the average guy if you want muscle mass and weight gains.

This 5 day meal plan for skinny guys will help you gain weight and muscle size while also giving skinny guys the nutrition and energy needed to train hard and get big muscle mass gains.

This 5 day meal plan for skinny guys and hardgainers contains around 3500 Calories per day. As a guide we advise that skinny guys wanting to gain weight fast should eat between 40-50Cal/kg per day.  Using this calorie counter, if you are a skinny guy and weigh 75kg, your caloric intake will be 3000-3750Cal per day (i.e 75kg x 50Cal).

Skinny Guys wanting to gain weight fast need to be eating 6 meals per day + and eating at least every 2-3hrs (if not more). The best meal plan for gaining weight will include 3 solid main meals along with 3-4 macronutrient rich snack meals throughout the day.   In order to gain weight and muscle size fast we also recommend consuming a protein shake like Vitalstrength Rapid post-workout to ensure your hard work in the gym is maximised.  Use this  5 day meal plan for skinny guys as a guide for best weight gain results.


5 Day Meal Plan for How To Gain Weight for Skinny Guys


Gain Weight Skinny Guy Meal PlanBREAKFASTLUNCHDINNERSNACKS/SUPPER4 large eggs with
1/4 cup grated cheese,
3 scoops (60g) of Vitalstrength Rapid mixed with
400ml milk.1 large baked potato,
½ avocado diced,
1 tomato diced,
1 tin (95g) tuna (drained),
1 tbsp sour cream.1 cup cooked brown rice,
300g cooked chicken breast,
1 cup green vegiesVitalstrength Rapid mixed with 400ml milk.
1 large banana
100g low fat cottage cheese.
100g whole almonds
Gain Weight Skinny Guy Meal PlanBREAKFASTLUNCHDINNERSNACKS/SUPPER2 poached eggs,
3 slices multigrain toast,
3 scoops (60g) of Vitalstrength Rapid mixed with
400ml milk.2 cups whole wheat pasta,
½ cup grated cheese,
125g tomato pasta sauce, 200g chopped chicken breast.300g tuna steak,
2 cups cooked soba noodles,
1 cup stir fried vegetables.1 tub greek yoghurt
1 large apple
2 Tbsp peanut butter
3 scoops (60g) of Vitalstrength Rapid mixed with 400ml milk.
Gain Weight Skinny Guy Meal PlanBREAKFASTLUNCHDINNERSNACK/SUPPERSkinny Guy Smoothie:
1 banana,
1 cup oats,
1 tbsp flaxseed oil,
1 cup of milk,
3 scoops (60g) of Vitalstrength RapidSteak sandwich
2 slices multigrain bread,
200g grilled steak,
½ cup grated cheese,
1 tomato sliced,
1 Tbsp mayo,
¼ shredded lettuce½ Roast chicken,
1 cup cooked couscous,
1 cup broccoli,
1 corn cob
with 1 Tbs butter.Vitalstrength Rapid mixed with 400ml milk.
2 hardboiled egg
50g Fruit & Nut Mix
Gain Weight Skinny Guy Meal PlanBREAKFASTLUNCHDINNERSNACKS/SUPPER2 fried eggs,
2 slices multigrain toast, 100g bacon,
3 scoops (60g) of Vitalstrength Rapid mixed with
400ml milk.2 wholemeal tortillas,
¾ cup refried beans,
½ cup cooked rice,
1 tin (185g) tuna,
1 sliced tomato,
1 cup shredded lettuce,
½ avocado.Grilled white fish (250g),
1 cup sweet potato,
1 cup beans,
mixed green vegies
or salad.Vitalstrength Rapid mixed with 400ml milk.
100g low fat cottage cheese.
2 pieces fruit.
Gain Weight Skinny Guy Meal PlanBREAKFASTLUNCHDINNERSNACKS/SUPPER80g cooked oats with,
3 scoops (60g) of Vitalstrength Rapid
1/2 cups milk,
1 sliced banana,
1 Tbs honey.Fish or chicken (200g),
1 large cooked sweet potato,
1 cup green veggies.
1 piece of fruit.2 cups wholemeal pasta,
shredded chicken breast (200g),
5 cherry tomatoes, basil, mushroom, fetaVitalstrength Rapid mixed with 400m milk.
100g whole almonds.
Chicken/turkey sandwich
with 1 slice cheese.

To gain weight fast, a skinny guy’s first meal should come as soon as you wake up in the morning and your last meal should be just before you go to bed.  If you are a skinny guy that trains in the morning an easy option is to consume a protein shake like Vitalstrength Rapid to get you going.

For best results from this skinny guy meal plan for gaining weight fast make sure you drink at least 2 litres of water per day. This is skinny guy meal plan for gaining weight fast is designed to be used in junction with a skinny guy muscle mass workout plan and can be adjusted to fit in with your training program.

What should a skinny guy eat to gain weight?

Eat five to six smaller meals during the day rather than two or three large meals. Choose nutrient-rich foods. As part of an overall healthy diet, choose whole-grain breads, pastas and cereals; fruits and vegetables; dairy products; lean protein sources; and nuts and seeds. Try smoothies and shakes.

What food is good for skinny guys?

11 Foods Skinny Guys Should Eat To Get Bigger.
Avocado. One of the best ways to increase the calorie density of each meal is to increase the amount of high quality fat in each meal. ... .
Sweet Potato. ... .
Ground Beef. ... .
Nut Butters. ... .
Pasta. ... .
Bacon. ... .
Grass-Fed Butter. ... .

Is weight gain possible for skinny guys?

Eating plenty of protein. For this your protein intake has to be high. Also for skinny men who want to gain muscle mass, protein intake is very important. For weight gain you have to consume 1.5 grams to 2.2 grams of protein per Kg of your weight. People with higher calorie intake may plan more intake of protein.

Why is it hard for a skinny person to gain weight?

Trying to eat enough to gain weight is a lot harder for ectomorphs than most people realize. Not only is eating more incredibly difficult, but our metabolisms can readily adapt to higher calorie intakes. A hardgainer's stomach can be up to six times smaller than an obese person's.


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