Commercial real estate interview questions and answers pdf

Commercial real estate agents can close deals worth millions of dollars. Since they get paid a percentage of each transaction in commissions, this can amount to a lot of money and a very lucrative career. A career in commercial real estate is an ideal fit if you are sales-oriented, a great networker, and you know your local market.

The first step to landing a commercial real estate job is securing an interview and performing well. Arrive early and dress well. When you greet your interviewer, offer a firm, confident handshake, and look him in the eye.

Next comes the question and answer segment of the interview. The better prepared you are, the better you perform. There is no better way to get prepared than to anticipate likely questions and have winning responses ready.

Key Takeaways

  • Commercial real estate agents often make more than residential real estate agents. 
  • Securing a face-to-face interview is key to landing a commercial real estate job.
  • Understanding how the commercial real estate industry in your area works will help you during a job interview. 
  • Interviewers may expect you to understand outdated terms specific to the commercial real estate industry.

"Tell Me About Your Professional Network"

Real estate is as much about who you know as what you know. Unlike corporate law and public accounting, the technical learning curve for real estate is pretty mild. Particularly on the residential side, stay-at-home parents with limited higher education and work experience have been known to build lucrative real estate careers.

The ones able to turn their side career into a strong income tend to share a common trait: They know a lot of people. Career changers coming from other fields should use this question as an opportunity to highlight the connections they have made and detail a plan to leverage these connections for real estate leads.

If you are a recent graduate, a young professional with limited work experience, or you don't have a long list of professional contacts, tell your interviewer how you plan to make connections once you are hired, such as joining networking groups or the chamber of commerce.

"What Is the Biggest Deal You Have Conducted?"

The scope of the deal is the biggest differentiator between residential and commercial real estate. A $1 million transaction is considered a whale for a residential agent.

Commercial real estate agents, by contrast, regularly broker transactions in the tens of millions. Presiding over deals this large requires almost a preternatural level of confidence and calm under pressure. Anyone can claim to possess these traits, but a proven track record of closing big deals provides proof you have what it takes to get it done.

While commercial real estate tends to require more of a full-time focus, networking matters just as much or more as having specific industry knowledge.

Experienced agents should have no problem with this question. If you are newly trying to break into the business, you can still create a positive impression with your answer. Rather than evading the question, acknowledge that you are new to the field and have yet to close a big real estate deal.

Next, highlight a big transaction you closed at a previous sales job or a major project you oversaw to completion that required a cool head under pressure.

"Tell Me What You Know About (Esoteric Industry Term)"

Interviewers love to test interviewees' knowledge by pulling out an arcane term that is specific to the industry and testing what you know about it.

For example, do you know the difference between a triple net lease and a gross lease? (For reference, a triple net lease requires the tenant to pay taxes, insurance, and building maintenance along with his rent, while a tenant with a gross lease pays only rent with the landlord covering the other expenses.)

Companies expect a learning curve for new hires; they do not expect you to know every intricate detail about the industry on your first day. These questions serve more as a gauge of your preparation and how serious you are about the job. Study as much as you can about the industry before you start interviewing, and prepare to put your knowledge on display.

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Commercial Real Estate interview questions shared by candidates

Top Interview Questions

What are your strengths/weaknesses?

4 Answers

I tried rooftop slushie mentioned above and it was pretty helpful. I recommend it. Less

This is an interesting read:

Customer service / tend to work too much.

Show More Responses

nothing to difficult just the usual - when did you lead the team. how to deal with bad team members etc

3 Answers

I coached each employee on each call they made until they were comfortable enough to do it on their own. Plus if they got stuck, they could ring there bell for help and I came running to help. My team always hit their numbers. We helped and encouraged each other. Less

Interviewed 6 FAANG employees and got this:

talked about myself and explained entire resume

If you could graduate no, what would you do?

3 Answers

This question doesn’t make sense. Try reposting the question with the word “now”. Less

Freek out, cause I'm 52, and I should have graduated over 30 years

If you could create an app for people who don't know anything about real estate, what would it be?

3 Answers

First come first, we acquire selective marketing strategy by identifying the promising customers and provide information that can meet the needs of the customers in the best possible way. Less

This looks so good:

The app will guide the user to follow from the beginning the first steps they need to see before previously to make one of the most important decision of your life to get a home. the app help to simulated the budget according with your incomes and other obligations before to apply to a credit mortgage and find the perfect place according with the family growth and their needes and oriented the best areas and let to conect with the real state agent specialist in the area and the most important 5 priorities that the user is looking for. Less

What is your motivation to work in Real Estate.

2 Answers

Real estate is an exciting and daring field. I love the idea of stretching my capabilities, and being challenged for my own development, as well as betterment. This market can reward but also can be difficult which is the best environment for development. I’m a person who loves versatility and I appreciate that aspect of always having different plan and approach. This creativity that I look for is in Abundance In the Real Estate market. Less

I want to make as much money as I possibly can.

do you know the three appraisal methods

2 Answers

Sales comparison, Cost Approach and Income approach

What future do you see in commercial real estate and what is your dream job?

1 Answers

I said that I wanted to be an analyst and elaborated on why I like the job

How do you expect to handle the pressure of making a lot of cold calls if you don't have much experience at it?

1 Answers

Why would I choose to work with someone as young as yourself, when I can work with someone who has been in the business 20 years and has sold several buildings already?

1 Answers

Someone who brings a lot of experience also brings alot of baggage. They know what they know and how they oprate may not be how you operate. You would also have to compensate them for that experience. I'm young but i'm energetic, passionate, humble and ready to learn. I've always been the person to roll up my sleaves and do the jobs no one else wants to do. Every team needs someone like me. I could be that person for you so that I can contributee while I learn. Less

Why you decided to do the master?

1 Answers

Because I want to understand the real estate finance world.

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And with that, an effective way to answer this is to break down how you got interested in the commercial real estate industry, how you were involved in real estate in college or graduate school, any internships or full-time job opportunities you've had in the industry, and why that path has drawn you to the role (and ...

Why are you interested in commercial real estate?

There's money, time, and personal freedom with commercial real estate careers. These three alone make it an exciting and rewarding field to be in. Nevertheless, the only way for you to make the most out of them is to create a team so you can multiply yourself and available resources many times.

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How do I pass a real estate interview?

Be prepared to answer real estate interview questions about your history with solid statistics and numbers. Include the number of homes you've sold on your resume. Talk about the types of homes, neighborhoods, buyers, etc. that are relevant to that agency's market.


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