Can you drink milk if you have acid reflux

Home »  Living Healthy »  Can I Have Milk And Dairy Products If I Have Acid Reflux?

Even though dairy products like milk and yogurt are considered a part of a balanced diet, their tolerance is highly subjective and they may or may not worsen acid reflux.

  By: DoctorNDTV  Updated: Feb 24, 2018 11:21 IST

2-Min Read

High-fat dairy may trigger acid reflux


  1. No particular food can be highlighted as acid reflux triggers
  2. Food restrictions are based on individual tolerance and symptoms
  3. If acid reflux symptoms are frequent, consult a doctor

Acid reflux is a condition where stomach acid or bile causes irritation in the food pipelining because of digestion problems. Usually, people who regularly face acid reflux are skeptical if consuming milk and dairy products can make the conditions worse. While there are certain foods that are considered to worsen acid reflux, there hasn't been any strong evidence against any particular kind of foods that can be highlighted as acid reflux triggers. So, even though dairy products like milk and yogurt are considered a part of a balanced diet, their tolerance is highly subjective and they may or may not worsen acid reflux.

Reasons for worsening of acid reflux

Food restrictions should be based on individual tolerance and symptoms. For instance, since high-fat foods are digested slowly and spend more time in the stomach, worsening of acid reflux could be because of drinking whole milk or milkshakes. Also, chocolate is known to relax the muscle between the esophagus and stomach, and thus, chocolate milk or hot cocoa are also potential acid reflux trigger.

Milk and acid reflux

So if you're lactose intolerant, or if high-fat foods worsen acid reflux, you can avoid milk or have low-fat milk instead of full-cream or toned milk. Good substitutes for milk can be plant-based beverages such as soy, cashew, and almond milk. Also, many children are allergic to cow milk. Some recent studies have revealed that cow's milk allergy can aggravate the signs and symptoms of severe acid reflux in infants.

Yogurt and acid reflux

Similar is the case with yogurt, where one should be careful in making the choice for the right brand. If high-fat foods worsen your symptoms, choose wisely since different types and brands of yogurt vary in fat content.

Hence, while dairy products like milk and yogurt are not declared to be acid reflux triggers, the full-fat versions might make the conditions worse in some people. If your reflux symptoms are frequent or severe, it is important to consult a doctor. If left untreated for too long, acid reflux can lead to serious health complications such as damage to the esophagus, breathing difficulties and sleep disruptions.

Also read: Bronchitis may trigger acid reflux

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If you occasionally deal with acid reflux, then you’re probably aware of the lengthy list of foods that may potentially act as triggers: citrus fruits, spicy sauces, tomato dishes, and fried snacks can all trigger acid reflux symptoms, including an uncomfortable, burning sensation in the chest known as heartburn1.

Thankfully, for every possible trigger food, there’s a substitute that may actually lessen your chances of experiencing acid reflux. If you’re tired of hearing, “Here’s what you can’t eat,” and want to start hearing, “Here’s all the food you can enjoy,” take a look at these seven foods that can help reduce acid reflux. (And to help assure mealtimes are pain free, keep a bottle of TUMS Chewy Bites Cooling Sensation handy for fast relief from heartburn and acid indigestion when it occurs.)

Foods That Can Reduce Acid Reflux

Fat-Free Cow’s Milk

High-fat dairy items, such as full-fat milk, can induce heartburn and acid reflux. By cutting out whole milk, you can help avoid any associated discomfort that it may cause.

Fat-Free Yogurt

If you enjoy yogurt in the mornings or for a mid-afternoon snack, then you’re in luck. Yogurt, as long as it is fat-free, may not cause any discomfort in those who occasionally deal with acid reflux. For an even tastier early morning treat, stir in some frozen berries, which are another safe option when dealing with acid reflux 1.


Citrus fruits and citrus juices should generally be avoided if you’re someone who experiences acid reflux. A good fruit to eat instead is apples, which are not only one of the most portable fruits, but can be enjoyed a number of delicious ways. Slice it into pieces and dip it in fat-free yogurt or cottage cheese, or even saute those pieces in a little bit of maple syrup (another food that shouldn’t trigger heartburn)2.

Skinless Chicken Breast

Lean cuts of poultry, such as chicken breast, are a great option for those who may occasionally experience acid reflux. However, be sure to prepare it sans skin, since that’s where a lot of fat hangs out. Marinating chicken breasts a few hours before cooking really helps to infuse the meat with flavor without adding additional fat or spicy seasonings!3

Whole-Grain Bread

Swap out white bread for its healthier substitute, whole-grain bread. Whole-grain bread provides many vitamins and minerals4 and has a healthy amount of fiber, which can keep your digestive tract working properly. It will also keep you feeling fuller longer, which means less snacking between meals!


Potatoes — either boiled or baked and prepared without high-fat toppings — are a good option to help you prevent acid reflux. Try to stay away from french-fries and potato chips though. As good as they taste, their high fat content can cause stomach discomfort.6


Fish, whether fresh or water-packed, can be enjoyed without causing acid reflux as long it’s not fried. For a tasty meal, grill some salmon (salmon is low in fat7 compared to other fish options) and serve over a bed of leafy greens and whole-grain rice.

However, even when you’re careful, it can still sometimes be hard to completely avoid acid reflux. For those moments when heartburn hits, be sure to have TUMS, the No. 1 doctor recommended brand, on hand for fast-acting relief.


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What drink is good for acid reflux?

Drinks you can try at home to improve acid reflux include alkaline water and herbal tea, specifically licorice, ginger, or chamomile tea. Does drinking water help acid reflux? Drinking water can help to balance the pH of a particularly acidic meal (which can trigger acid reflux in some people).

Can I drink cold milk if I have acid reflux?

Cold milk: Milk has a high amount of calcium, which helps to prevent acid build-up by absorbing the excess acid produced. Also with if the milk is cold it sure does provides instant relief from the burning sensation that one feels during reflux.


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