Can you apply for social security disability while still working

Yes, you can work while receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, but only within strict limits. Payments will stop if you are engaged in what Social Security calls “substantial gainful activity.” SGA, as it’s known, is defined in 2022 as earning more than $1,350 a month (or $2,260 if you are blind). 

If your income exceeds those caps, you cannot collect disability benefits, unless you are taking part in one of Social Security’s "work incentives" — programs and trial periods aimed at helping SSDI recipients transition back into the workforce without sacrificing their benefits. Some work incentives are also available to recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which is administered by Social Security and also provides benefits to people with disabilities.

The major such program is Ticket to Work, which offers people on SSDI and SSI job training, work experiences and other services to help them become self-supporting. As do other work incentives, Ticket to Work temporarily waives the SGA earnings limits, so you continue collecting your disability benefits while you engage in trial work with employers who have signed up to participate. If you get a job through the program, you go off disability benefits. The payments will resume if you have to stop working because your medical condition worsens.

SSDI beneficiaries are also allowed a trial period of up to nine months to test their ability to work. The trial months can be spread out over five years, and during these months you can get your full benefit regardless of your earnings. You’ll find more information on these and other work incentives in the Social Security publication "Working While Disabled — How We Can Help."

Keep in mind

  • The SGA limits are adjusted annually based on national changes in average wages. 
  • Some work incentives are specific either to SSDI or SSI, while others, like Ticket to Work, are available to both types of beneficiary.

Updated December 23, 2021

If you are disabled to the point that you can no longer support yourself and have applied for Social Security disability benefits, you may be wondering if you can work at all and still hope for approval of your disability claim. Since this can be a complicated area, it is a good idea to assemble the following information regarding your income sources. Then spend a couple of hours conferring with a Social Security disability attorney or other professional advocate to see how this financial information may affect your application for benefits and follow his or her advice.

Here are some things to take into consideration:

  • Know what the current income limits are. The Social Security Administration (SSA) bases its approval of disability claims on several factors. One of those factors is whether or not the applicant is able to make a living. To make this determination, the Social Security Administration sets a maximum monthly income you may earn, called the SGA amount and still be eligible for disability benefits. SGA stands for “sustainable gainful activity”. The SSA takes the position that if you make more than this amount, you can support yourself. If you can support yourself, you are not eligible for disability benefits. In 2021, the SGA is a gross income of $1,350 per month. If you are blind, the SGA amount is $2,260 per month. This amount changes from year to year, so be sure to look up the current SGA online.
  • Know what is counted as income. Now that you know what the limit is, you need to know what else SSA includes in income. Certainly it includes income from the work you do, but did you know that it includes other passive incomes such as rent you receive, dividends and interest from stocks and bonds you own and gifts from relatives.

When you go to your meeting with the advocate of your choice, be sure to have this information ready. List every source of income you have and the amount you receive each month from each source. Make a list of all expenses that relate to your disability. These include everything from assistance devices to cab fare (if you are unable to drive).

While the SSA does allow a disability applicant to work if his or her income is below the SGA amount, it is a good idea to consult with your chosen attorney or advocate to determine whether working will be a hindrance or a help in your particular situation.

Remember that Social Security Disability officers are responsible for weeding out applicants who are able to earn a living, however modest, despite their disabling conditions. If the SSA finds that you can support yourself without the help of Social Security disability benefits, your application will be denied.

Should I quit my job before applying for disability?

Work & Disability Benefits When many people begin researching whether they qualify for Social Security disability benefits, one of the first questions that will arise is: do I need to quit my current job in order to obtain benefits? The short answer is no!

What is the most approved disability?

What Is the Most Approved Disability? Arthritis and other musculoskeletal system disabilities make up the most commonly approved conditions for social security disability benefits. This is because arthritis is so common. In the United States, over 58 million people suffer from arthritis.

How do you survive while waiting for disability approval?

While you wait for disability benefits to be approved, consider seeking assistance through other local, state, and federal support programs. These may include: Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

How hard is it to get Social Security disability?

In fact, it's rather difficult. Approximately 70% of initial SSDI claims are denied every year. In other words, less than one-third of initial claims are approved.

Does disability pay more than Social Security?

However, if you're wondering if disability would pay more, just ask yourself where you are relative to your full retirement age. If you're under it, disability will be higher. If you're above it, Social Security will be higher.

How much can I earn in 2022 and still collect Social Security disability?

For 2022, the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) FBR is $841 per month for an eligible individual and $1,261 per month for an eligible couple. For 2022, the amount of earnings that will have no effect on eligibility or benefits for SSI beneficiaries who are students under age 22 is $8,230 a year.


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