Bipolar disorder current episode depressed severe with psychotic features

What is bipolar with psychotic features?

Bipolar psychosis happens when a person experiences an episode of severe mania or depression, along with psychotic symptoms and hallucinations. The symptoms tend to match a person's mood. During a manic phase, they may believe they have special powers. This type of psychosis can lead to reckless or dangerous behavior.

What is bipolar disorder current episode depressed?

Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). When you become depressed, you may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities.

What is the ICD

5 Bipolar affective disorder, current episode severe depression with psychotic symptoms.

What triggers psychosis in bipolar?

The exact cause of psychosis in bipolar disorder isn't well understood. But we do know some factors that may play a role in developing psychosis: Sleep deprivation. Sleep disturbances have been associated with lower quality of life in general for people with bipolar disorder and may trigger worse symptoms.


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