Anne with an e theme song lyrics

This is a transcript of a film, episode or soundtrack. Please note that not all content in all transcripts may be verbatim from the source material. Also, because filming (and editing) sometimes departs from the written script or lyrics, transcript content may not identically match the actual script used during filming or recording. If you see any errors, please feel free to correct them.

The Ladies:
Anne of Green Gables, never change,
We like you just this way.
Anne of Green Gables, sweet and strange,
stay as you are today.
Though blossoms fade and friends must part,
Old grow the songs we’ve sung.
Anne of Green Gables, in our hearts,
You are forever young.

"Great Workers for the Cause"

Every Tuesday afternoon,
We take up our positions
In the rummage brigade of the Ladies Aid
To the board of foreign missions.
All the ladies of Avonlea
Are glad to help the heathen.

Mrs. Barry:
To improve the lot of the hottentot
Comes as natural to us as breathin'...

As natural to us as breathin'...
We are great workers for the cause,
Willing helpers in the mission field.
We do everything we kin do...

Mrs. Pye:
We send afghans to the Hindu!

We are great workers for the cause.
We're collecting undershirts and drawers
For to keep the naked pagens warm.

When your children get too big we...

Mrs. Sloane:
Send their undies to a pygmy

We are great workers for the cause

"Where is Matthew Going?"

The Ladies:
Where is Matthew going and why is he going there?
Matthew Cuthbert never, never goes anywhere.
He’s wearing his clean white collar.
He’s wearing his store bought suit.
Let’s get us a rig and foller
Don’t be silly
Don’t be sassy
Don’t be cute

Where d’you suppose he’s going?
He’s hitched up his Sunday steed.
He should be home a sowing, sowing turnip seed.
It must be a fearful task then,
It must be something bad.

Why don’t we all go and ask then?
Are you balmy?
Are you batty?
Are you mad?

If it was bad, he’d drive much faster,
if  ‘twas nuthin’ he’d drive slow.
I’d better go ask his sister,
Marilla’d be sure to know.

You’d better go ask Marilla,
You better go pay a call
I’ll borrow a drop of vanilla
and act sort of dumb and all

You can talk about the weather,
then ask her all at once!
Why don’t we all go together?
We’re no snoopers!
We’re no gossips!
Oh you dunce!

Our meeting can continue,
now we’ve found out just where,
where that Matthew’s going
and why he’s going there!

"Gee I'm Glad I'm No One Else but Me

Once I thought I'd like to be
A blossom growing on a tree
White and pink and lazy as can be.
But I'd be king just in the spring
So now I think it over.
Gee! I'm glad I'm no one else but me.

If you sit around and find the world is gloomy
And it isn't just your cup of tea,
It's easy to imagine that it's rose-in-bloomy
You can think the things you want to be.

So when all is said and done
Imagining's a lot of fun
But when there are battles to be won
Be what you are, it's best by far
And soon you'll be in clover,
Gee I'm glad I'm no one else but me!

"We Clearly Requested a Boy"

Marilla: We clearly requested a boy!
Matthew: A boy’s what we wanted, I guess.
Anne: I guess that a girl’s not so bad.
Marilla: So badly we needed a boy.
We clearly requested a boy
Anne: A boy’s what they wanted I guess
Matthew: I guess that a girl’s not so bad
Marilla:  So badly we needed a boy
Anne: A boy could help out on the farm
Matthew: The farm could look after itself.
Anne:  It’s selfish to think o my self!
Marilla: Myself I am partial to boys.
Anne/Matthew:  Boys! Boys!

Matthew: A girl could help Marilla round the house,
A girl could bring alfalfa to the cows.
Marilla: A boy can milk and carry in the pail,
Anne: Boys are made of snails, and puppy dogs’ tails!
Marilla: A boy can plough, a boy can hay or hoe,
a girl can only sit and knit and sew
Matthew: A boy is rough, but girls are still as nice,
Anne: Girls are made of spice, Oh, won’t they think twice?
She hates me because I’m a girl.
Matthew: A girl is alright I declare.

Marilla: I declare that she’ll have to go back, Go Back!
Anne:  Go Back! Go Back!
Marilla: We clearly requested
Anne: Like all of the rest did
Matthew: It can’t be contested.
All: They/We clearly requested a boy.

"The Facts"

I’m the Lady Cordelia de Montmorency,
Abducted by gypsies when I was three.


My name is Anne Shirley. Anne with an "e"

Mrs. Blewitt:
That's better; just the facts
tell her where you were born and who your folks were 

I was born in a palace in Old Vienna,
Danubian Waltzes my lullabies. 
And my father was Johann, with great moustaches,
My mother Maria, with emerald eyes.

That's enough of that, child!

If you’re wondering how I got here,
I was kidnapped by this buccaneer,
who took me to France,
and taught me to dance
in his gypsy hide out in Tangier!

Anne, stop this instant!

Mrs. Spencer:
I never heard such nonsense in all my life

Mrs. Blewitt:
I don't think the girl's all there

Mrs. Spencer:
That's not certainly not what they told me at the orphanage

Anne! Anne Shirley!

Mrs. Blewitt:
We don't want no gypsies around here!

Mrs. Spencer:
What ever possessed that child?

Anne! Anne Shirley!

I’m the Lady Cordelia de Montmorency,
abducted by gypsies when I was three.

The Ladies:
The facts , the facts, the facts,
The plain simple homely, unembroidered facts!

"Where'd Marilla Come From?"

"Humble Pie"

Never mind how folks talk,
let them all strut and squawk,
when they criticize you pass them by.

If they do carp at you, don’t get upset,
fuss fume or fret, and get indigestion.

Critics can’t bother me,
‘cause I tell them I agree,
when they’re finding fault, I don’t deny.
You can do, If you try it.
You won’t rue it, be like I,
I keep happy eating humble pie.

Humble pie, humble pie,
We can eat it, you and I.
Though the world around us may be proud.

Never mind, you will find they have no fight!

If you’re polite and answer their questions.

Anne/Matthew: With a smile all the while,
try to walk that second mile,
turn the other cheek against the crowd.

You can do just you try it,
Why not try my steady diet?

We’ll be happy eating humble pie.

You can do just you try it,
Why not try my steady diet?

We’ll be happy eating humble pie.

"The Apology"

Mrs. Lynde, Oh, Mrs. Lynde
You have been wronged and I have sinned.
My very soul is so chagrined.
I acted so undisciplined!
I should have laughed, I should have grinned,
I should have been more thicker-skinned.
Forgive me please, my hopes are pinned
On Mrs. Lynde.

My punishment was necessary
Upstairs just now in solitary...
I have a temper which is scary...
I know I have and I'll be wary...
You'll find my conduct salutary.

I don't deserve the human race
Just make my headstone common place
And print my name in lower case,
Without an "e", just leave a space.
Please, Mrs. Lynde, I know I've sinned.
Please, Mrs. Lynde, your rage rescind.
Please, Mrs. Lynde, I'm out of wind!
Please... Mrs.... Lynde!

"Back to School Ballet"

"Avonlea We Love Thee"


all at once I'm wondrin'
What it's like to grow up
And have someone show up
Who'll be awful nice
And you'll be
Such a silly fool she'll
Never look your way

Now they'll all be wondrin'
And they'll gab like parrots
'Cause I called her carrots

What it was that hit me
And blundrin'
Like I might be wondrin'
If she might wondrin'
About me this way

"Did You Hear?"

"Ice Cream"

Ice cream
Is anything more delectable
Than ice cream?
Why even the most respectable
Eat ice cream
It's wonderful on a summer's afternoon,
In June.
Ice cream,
The recipe's something serious
But ice cream
Makes everyone so delirious
That ice cream
Is certainly worth the trouble the trouble that it takes.

It takes a tin pail, pack it with some ice.
Rock salt, sprinkle it on twice!
Big spoon to see if it tastes nice.

You've got me aquiver, I'm starting to shiver!

Ice cream,
The mixing is most enjoyable
Of ice cream
And no one is unemployable
In our scheme
You've got to keep on the double till
It's set.
You bet!

Chill mix. Cover it up tight!
Turn crank.

Can't you do it right?

You help!

This is no time to fight!
Keep on with the turning
And soon you'll be churning out
Ice cream
Is out of this world for tastiness
But ice cream
Can never be made with hastiness.
So our dream
Is bound to be just a little overdue
How true!!
Now... it's frozen to the core,
'Bout time, our arms are getting sore.
Here's the moment we've been waiting for...

Ice cream. It's marvelous and mysterious,
Ice cream....

Ice... cream...
It's wnderful on a summer's afternoon
In June,
Ice Cream!
Ice Cream!

"The Picnic"

"Where Did the Summer Go To?"

Why aint' it always summer ?
I could sleep late
And stay up till midnight catching dew worms for bait
Now i'd be combed and curried 
And worry again
Who wants to put their shoes on
Not me my friend!

I grew whole inch bigger!

I lost a wisdom tooth!

I took an umbrella and fell off our roof!

I had a taste of high life
In Charlottetown!
They have electric lights
That never burn down
I saw the lights on Queen Street
A keen street for clothes
And I had a cherry prosphate
Went up my nose!

Tillie, Gilly, Gertie:
We found a forgeous seashell!

Ruby, Moddy: ​​​​​​
​We found some licorice root!    

I found a hired girl swimming in her birthday suit

Where did the summer go to 
We have such fun 
Now we go back to Caesars and Attila the Hun
I'm sure that all this Latin
Will flattin my head
Sic transit gloria mundi
Summertime's ....
Who wants to put their shoes on
not me my friend

"Kindred Spirits"

Kindred Spirits
Just you and me, ever to be.

Kindred Spirits

Sharing our joys

Even the boys!

We must solemnly swear

Swearing's a sin
Shall we begin.

Now we're Kindred Spirits

Loyal and true

Truer than blue

All our life through, we two
Like a fly sticks to glue.

We'll stick together,

Just me and you.

Just you and me

Just you and I

That's how it must be
Now we're Kindred Spirits
Faithful and true

Like an old shoe.

All out life through, we two.

"Open the Window"

"The Words"

"Open the Window" (reprise)

"Nature Hunt Ballet"

"I'll Show Him"

I'll show him
I'll show him that a girl can set her mind
To study hard and work and slave
And when the time has come he'll find
I'll show him

Though other boys are having fun by climbing trees and skipping school
Except for me, the only one!
I'll show her
I know her
I know behind that freckled face
There's just a stuck up snob who always has to win each race

I know him/ I know her

I know that great big show-off boy who thinks he's oh so extra smart
Because he's Josie's pride and joy
I know him

I'll compete with him/ I'll compete with her
Make mincemeat of him/ Make mincemeat of her
And I never will give in
No retreat from him/ No retreat from her
Wipe the street with him/ Wipe the street with her
Yet I know that he will win/ Yet I know that she will win

I know it
I know what Gilbert Blythe will do
He'll close his books right after school
And never fuss or fret or stew

I know it

I know that when it comes the day
I'll lose my nerve and not show up and run away
I'll throw it

Won't compete with him/ Won't compete with her
I'll be beat by him/ I'll be beat by her
Please, just free me from his grip/ Please, just free me from her grip
I'll retreat from him/ I'll retreat from her
Crow! I'll eat with him/ Crow! I'll eat with her
He can keep the schollarship/ She can keep the schollarship
I'll show him/ I'll show her
I'll show that awful schoolroom scab

That stuck-up snob

That freckled grouch

That teacher's pet

That red-haired crab

I'll throw him/ I'll throw her
The day will come
when we will write the big exam

And I'll be calm

The bell will ring and wham

I'll show him/ I'll show her
I'll show him/ I'll show her

"General Store"

"Pageant Song"

"If It Hadn't Been for Me"

"There is a Golden Summer"

"Anne of Green Gables"

"The Words" (reprise)

I can't find the words,
Can't get out the phrases.
When he needed love
Did I sing his praises?

Where did the words go
When I was before him?
Why couldn't I show
All the love that my heart
Felt toward him?
I adored him
God reward him
I can't find the words.

"Wondrin'" (reprise)

Gilbert! we are going to be good friends, aren't we?

I don't see why not. We've been good enemies.

Wondrin', why we can't be sweethearts
And wondrin' why my heart keeps thunderin'
When I hope you're wondrin' about me this way

AdaptationsFilms Radio TV series TV films & miniseries Stage Books Audio Web Notes See also
Anne of Green Gables (1919) (gallery) · Anne of Green Gables (1934) (gallery) · Anne of Windy Poplars (1940) (gallery)
Road to Avonlea: The Movie (1990) · Anne: Journey to Green Gables (2005) (gallery)
Anne of Green Gables: Road to Green Gables (2010) · Anne of Green Gables (upcoming)
Anne of Green Gables (March 1938) · Anne of Green Gables (October 1938) · Anne of Green Gables (1941)
Anne of Green Gables (1944) · Anne of Green Gables (1954) · Anne of Avonlea (1954) · Anne of Green Gables (1966)
Anne of Green Gables (1971) · Anne of Green Gables (1977) · Anne of Green Gables (1979)
Anne of Avonlea (1979) · Anne of the Island (1979) · Anne's House of Dreams (1979) · Rainbow Valley (1979)
Rilla of Ingleside (1991) · Anne of Green Gables (1997) (gallery)
Anne of Green Gables (1952) · Anne of Green Gables (1972) (gallery) · Anne of Avonlea (1975) (episodes · gallery)
Anne of Green Gables (1979) (episodes) · Road to Avonlea (1990–1996) (episodes · gallery)
Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series (2000–2001) (episodes · gallery) · Anne (2007) (episodes · gallery)
Before Green Gables (2009) (episodes) · Anne with an E (2017–2019) (episodes · gallery)
Anne of Green Gables (1956) (gallery) · Anne of Green Gables (1957) · Anne of Green Gables (1958 Polish film) (gallery)
Anne of Green Gables (1958 Canadian film) (gallery) · Anne of Avonlea (1959) · Anne of Green Gables (1985) (gallery)
Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel (1987) (gallery) · Happy Christmas, Miss King (1998) (gallery)
Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story (2000) (gallery · soundtrack)
Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning (2008) (gallery) · L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables (2016) (gallery)
L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables: The Good Stars (2017) (gallery)
L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables: Fire & Dew (2017) (gallery)
Anne of Green Gables: The Musical (1965) (cast · gallery · lyrics) · Rainbow Valley (1999) · Anne & Gilbert (2005) (cast · gallery)
Anne of Green Gables (2006) · The Nine Lives of L.M. Montgomery (2008) (cast · gallery · soundtrack)
Bend in the Road (2012) (cast · lyrics) · Rilla of Green Gables (2015) · Anne of Green Gables: The Ballet (2019) (cast · gallery)
Anne of Green Gables (1984 manga) · Anne of Green Gables (1997 manga) · Anne of Avonlea (1998 manga)
Anne of the Island (1998 manga) · Rainbow Valley (2003 manga) · Ana of California (2015 novel)
Anne of Green Gables (2017 graphic novel) · Marilla of Green Gables (2018 novel)
Anne of Green Gables (2007) · Anne of Green Gables (2008) · Anne of Avonlea (2008)
Anne of the Island (2009) · Anne of Windy Poplars (2009) · Anne's House of Dreams (2010)
Anne of Green Gables (2020) · Anne of Avonlea (2021) · Anne of the Island (2022)
"Inspiration Found" (2008) · Green Gables Fables (2014–2016) (episodes · gallery) · "Anne & Gilbert" (2014) (gallery · transcript)
"Anne of Green Gables" (2014) (gallery · transcript) · Anne of Green Gables (2014)
Project Green Gables (2015–2018) (episodes · gallery) · Anne of Green Gables (2015)
Borrowed stories · Cultural references and allusions
Foreshadowing · Further reading · Glossary · Timelines
"Is This My Anne?"


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